I don’t get much exercise. By that, I mean I don’t participate in any regular, repetitive actions where the primary purpose is to move muscles and blood. My physical activity tends to come from whatever project has caught my attention, whether from necessity or for amusement, usually the latter. Being the kind of obsessive personality I am, I tend to go at things all or nothing, so when I’m active, I tend to be very active. Of course, when I’m not active, I sit a lot. So, I figure if I physically work hard two months and sit around the next two months, I’m doing all right on average. Right?

Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)
By Jimmy Johnson
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203 responses to “Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)”
TIP BlogSpot: http://thatispriceless.blogspot.com/
My main exercise is twice a day walking the dog around the block (1/3 mile). On days when I work in yard is also counted as exercise, as well as several trips up and down stairs a day, (this will be the last two story house I will ever have).
Get your fix here:
Sort of fits with Jimmy’s topic today.
JJ: Your exercise comment reminded me of this…
Say you were standing with one foot in the oven and one foot in an ice bucket. According to the percentage people, you should be perfectly comfortable. ~Bobby Bragan, 1963
If you can walk 20-30 minutes every day, you will become healthier. You might want to ask Janis about this as she seems to walk every day. If you want to walk twice a day, then you can go on shorter walks. Living where you do, you probably will want to get up early to avoid the heat and humidity.
I do Zumba couple times per week. Full all out. Big sweat. But everyone controls their own intensity of this dance aerobics fitness class. Lots of fun. Very few guys, unfortunately.
Today’s live strip very provocative. I hope Arlo and Janis take the bait. I’d like to see more storylines that feature all 3 generations. A new direction, and change of scenery, too. I guess we will have to stay ‘tooned.
I can see Arlo working in the kitchen, since he likes to cook. And Janis would enjoy being around the kids. But who would their neighbors gossip about it they move?
Bonnie: Yes, and don’t forget “More Gus”, too. He is a personal favorite, and I think some of the funnest A&J cartoons have been ones featuring him. (Every Greek restaurateur I’ve ever known has been a very funny person.)
Few males in Zumba classes, huh? Thanks for the heads-up. 🙂
Actually, that takes me back to my aerobics classes of 20 or so years ago when I was the only man enrolled. It was helpful that my male ego made me work harder than any of the ladies there (which, believe me, was not easy) and also did not allow me to appear the least bit tired at the end of class.
The scenery wasn’t bad either. 😉
In reference to today’s strip I can’t but help to feel this a arc telling why the boat is no more.
Provocative is a good word for today’s strip, Bonnie. No matter how JJ works it out it will be fun but I also think up and moving the folks could offer him a lot of new material and it would be a great ride for us readers.
And now, speaking of exercise, time to go take a quick mile walk.
Debbe, I couldn’t get on GoComics earlier, either…thought it was just me. Fortunately, I have my trusty newspaper for A&J!
Jimmy, your titles are always the best! And the current story arc confirms just how Gene has matured.
I got on Go Comics this morning, but they were still showing yesterday’s strips for both A&J and Dick Tracy.
Mark: They’re up to date now.
I must admit that I didn’t quite expect the strip to go in that direction, but I knew that it had to have something to do with the farm because of the boots. And, that land’s not unusable if the kids are willing to put in some work. After all, the Romans knew how to drain marshes and make productive farmland out of it.
Jimmy, I’ve always enjoyed the larger cast of characters, no matter how many feet they have. At odds with that, I enjoy the gag-a-day format most. Maybe spending my childhood with Schulz’s and Hart’s work trained me for a pattern. Your comic does do a good job at the extended set-up, big pay-off. This current arc is truly stellar. Full of feelings. For you, it may be enough to express your craft, and be satisfied. I believe you have given us award worthy work. Not for the accolades so much as announcing to anyone not already familiar, that this segment stands above the normally great work you provide every day. Thank you.
I did not, or have not yet, accomplished this particular dream portrayed. But that does not reduce the enjoyment. Strangely, I even felt pride in a line-drawn, fictional son of another man. It is your craftsmanship, J.J., that made that possible. Suspension of disbelief can be difficult on the stage, or in motion pictures, where many artists simply dazzle the audience into submission. You achieve it by scratching lines on vellum. Very subtle art, that. Well done sir.
There was a time in my third attempt at a career, when I felt ‘less than I should have been’. My not yet retired parents were still of an age to enjoy adventurous travel like the younger set. I felt misplaced guilt over not being able to send them on a cruise or some other grand gesture for a major anniversary. Things got better of course. But a young family, and life’s bumps, have made the Grand Gesture a vague dream. It is wonderful to see it play out in the world you show us.
Fluffy youngster and at least one egg under adult. Believe there were originally 4 eggs, but an adult has blocked view every visit for a couple of weeks. Peace,
cx-p, The Alarming Bird. A title and story board that made me feel I was living in a Walter Lantz or Looney Toons film short. The humor was not lost on me. But being the straight man in the farce made for more wry smiles and sighs of resignation than belly laughs. Time and distance… comedy. It is fun to tell the tale. Glad it struck you right.
Two Turkey Vultures over 15th St. W., about 1620, seen from Prius en route home from BUMC. First this season. Overcast but no precip all day. Actually a trace of snow on roofs at 0630, soon sublimed. Got the rain we badly needed [/ potential grass fires] M night.
OMC…stumbled across Gary Larson….
…what?? sorry about ebay….when I posted the link, ‘eblob’ came up….been going through some links of his and I miss “The Far Side” links…let’s try this one 🙂
Dang, I think I won again with the longest link 🙂
Morphy, another short one about birds. When I went to the Tulsa Zoo this weekend I had a great time. There were several exhibits that had free-flight areas that you walked through. In the rain forest building, I stepped through the doors separating one exhibit from another and something white passed in front of me. I looked down and there was a large bird **** on my shoe. Stepping forward and looking up, there was a large scarlet macaw perched in the middle of the doorway with his tail feathers hanging down. Score one for the bird.
Here’s one for you Debbe, to go with my story above.
Evening Thrice:
Bill Gates is the Duke of URL.
For me, the true test of the worth of a religion is whether it shows you how to live your life or it teaches you to tell others how to live theirs.
Behind every successful person is someone waiting to sue his ass off.