I don’t get much exercise. By that, I mean I don’t participate in any regular, repetitive actions where the primary purpose is to move muscles and blood. My physical activity tends to come from whatever project has caught my attention, whether from necessity or for amusement, usually the latter. Being the kind of obsessive personality I am, I tend to go at things all or nothing, so when I’m active, I tend to be very active. Of course, when I’m not active, I sit a lot. So, I figure if I physically work hard two months and sit around the next two months, I’m doing all right on average. Right?

Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

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Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

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I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

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203 responses to “Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)”
Shucks, and I apologize.
I wrote those lines about six months ago, and I meant to change one slightly offensive word to “behind.”
I clicked “Submit Comment” and remembered a split second later that I forgot to make the revision.
Trucker Ron:
You were definitely right about the pendulum.
This is a fascinating show.
Mark, the way you phrased that immediately created a fiction in my mind:
Another macaw, this one blue, shaking out his feathers in a display of disgust as he picks up a bit of chalk in his beak and scratches a tally mark diagonal, making a five, on a board split in two columns like a dart score, headed ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’, the go-ahead point, as Blue only has four. Rules declare either contestant ‘scoring’ a hit to the upturned face of a gawking tourist wins the day, regardless of previous scores. Loser buys the first round from the toucan tending bar.
They’ve been playing this every day for the last 12 years. Red’s up by a large margin. but his liver is starting to fail, and his landings are getting a wobbly as an albatross.
as wobbly as an
I like it, Morphy. Well-played!
Finally, another clear night in the valley. I’m getting better at aiming the cute little ‘scope. Tonight I got another good look at Jupiter and its largest 4 moons, but this time at 40x. The moons were all on one side, and the planet’s disk was clearly just that… the manual claims that if I were outside my town (of course we have light pollution) I’ll be able to make out more details. Some day I’ll move up in the world to a more powerful ‘scope with a motorized mount… after the house is completely paid off, I suppose…
On a related note, have any of you looked into reverse mortgages? I’ve read both horror stories and great experiences… but I don’t know anything about those people. They might not even like A&J!
The shortest division of time is between when you hit send
and when you realize you screwed up. It is called the
“Ah S**t”
Old Bear:
Good one!
And extremely true.
Now, an even more worthless thought for the day:
I am sure that you are aware that some dogs are trained to help people.
I am sure that you are aware that most dogs tend to slobber a great deal.
I am sure that you are aware that a group of dogs is called a pack.
However, has it ever occurred to you that a pack of slobbering helper dogs should actually be called….
The Salivation Army.
House sparrow male, probably from the apt. downstairs, was on one of branches R and below nest. Comes and goes. Has the best security guards in the neighborhood. Peace,
TIP BlogSpot:
Melcher’s quip today is funnier than some of his, but the serious question is, how do guys like this mesmerize their followers. There are many answers, some more believable than others, and I decline to advocate or defend any of them. A difficulty is, we still do it, and still accuse our political opponents of doing it, often w/o adequate justification.
The previous statement contains no specific political references. It is nonetheless political as can be, which some of you have advocated recently should be encouraged here. Of course, it is well suited for pointing at the other guy. Best leave my usual greeting off, though I may be accused of hypocrisy because of that. One cannot win for losing.
Once bitten, twice shy.
‘. . . followers?’ My commonest punctuation error, often caught in time, but not that time. Peace,
Sorry to have been silent lately. I really like the story line in the new A&J’s. It would not fit me but it really would fit my wife. She loves the beach and goes whenever she can. I prefer cruises.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
We’ve taken a bird apart.
Feathers look too big for European Starling. Most likely ‘Rock Pigeon’ [common park pigeon, another European invader that we brought here, and that costs billions]. Plumage, of course, varies widely / different domestic varieties that gave rise to our healthy feral population.
TruckerRon, your posts about your telescope prompt me to encourage my husband to get one. He has talked about wanting one for years. Gosh darn it, he would enjoy it so much!
They were working on the roof of our office while I was gone Monday and Tuesday. I don’t think that they are done, but it has really been raining hard yesterday and today. No leaks!
Smigz, do be sure to read online articles about good telescopes for beginners. I’m taking it slow and easy, having started with a tabletop telescope (ok, I use a kitchen stool!) with a 100 mm mirror and lenses giving it either 20x or 40x capability. It’s good for looking at our neighboring planets and the moon and cost just under $100. It can even be used for that purpose in a light-polluted area like I live in.
For more powerful (and more expensive!) telescopes you’ll want to read even more articles… and he’ll be wanting an automated system for finding and viewing things you can’t spot first with the naked eye. If you have a local college with an astronomy department that offers classes for interested non-students you’ll have access to local experts who can advise you on which models best meet your needs.
What does one call an extremely short person who has a finely tuned sense of modern sartorial styles, especially in regard to time pieces?
A metrognome. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
…it’s just not about ‘stop, drop and roll’ any more…just where did this child learn this??? I’d want this child in my ballpark 🙂
…and this one was titled “I need a ride to get my wisdom teeth out” 🙂
Sir, as you are dangling the hook, against my better judgement, but in a sincere effort to move the conversation forward rather than to allow it to stagnate yet again, I will make another imperfect attempt. I read many of your posts as presenting opinion as fact, without admitting you lack the omniscience to know the difference. In itself, not a horrible mistake, as many do it every day around the world in many languages.
The next step is whether you entertain dissent respectfully, as with a peer, or if you force every contrary opinion to either agree or crumble before your mastery, and remain below your level of contempt. There are more steps, but I run the hazard of piling on where I do not wish to, and coming across as judgmental as you. I will however address the last item that you seem to just not get, by trying to demonstrate it. [three parts to preemptively avoid moderation]
two of three: I recognize that this message might not be received kindly. So I do not append some salutation implying that my motive is untainted and should not be questioned, leaving the impression that to challenge it is somehow not peaceful. I am not a masochist who likes to be spoken to softly before receiving a forceful slap. Nor am I the sadist who hunts for willing masochists to exchange alternating cooing and conflict. In addition, I generally prefer that those groupings have their back and forth in a private arrangement rather than adding exhibitionism to the list. Mind you, I am discussing just the use of words here, but words are symbols that carry many levels of symbolism.
I leave it to any one who reads my messages to decide for themselves whether the content is peaceful or problematic. And expect them to feel the freedom to react in whatever manner they chose, including to not react at all. I expect the recognition of the same freedom in return. My estimation of you, unnamed sir, actually rose when you carried on with your day without responding. Then fell again slightly with this last, where the slaps are not very firm, but are repetitive enough to forget which side is coming next.
Last of group: Because this may be interpreted as some all encompassing law if nature which I personally should never deviate from, or be judged as having been hoisted upon my personal petard, let me add the exception: if the message ITSELF is a simple one of peaceful intent, rather than a secondary nature to give cover, then a closing should be as floral or as simple as the author deems appropriate.
I am awkward at explaining this, because I have never had too. I thought it was just generally recognized. Indeed, unnamed sir, I thought you did all along, and so wrote with intent of purpose. I have learned otherwise. If you desire a better example of sincerity of message in a shorter form, I refer you to any of domaucan1’s posts. Therein is demonstrated a unified message throughout. And I do not recall him ever seeming troubled by feeling restricted. I really hope we, together, each and both, can get past this; as it is a serious interruption to other conversation. There endeth mine humble opinion… for now.