Today’s oldie is from September, 2003. The road show continues. I’m somewhere in the Maine woods right now, but I’ll be in Burlington, Vermont, Saturday and Sunday for the Vermont Comic Con. The way it actually happened a few months back, I first signed up for the VCC. I read some nice things about it online, and Vermont in August sounded a lot more appealing than home in August. Then, I happened to discover that the Boston Comic Con would be two weeks earlier, so I figured I would do them both, as an experiment. As I’ve discussed briefly with you already, Boston was a qualified success. Vermont will be a different sort of venue, and I’ll give you a longer run down about it all after this weekend. Meanwhile, on with the show!

The Green Mountain State
By Jimmy Johnson
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107 responses to “The Green Mountain State”
A Roman walks into (in?)a bar,motions with two fingers and says “Give me five beers!”
Good one, Steve!
Steve, best beer joke of the day.
Smigz, you’re welcome.
Sidebar, we are going back out on the circuit for the next three weeks. See you in mid-September.
True experience: Pulling up to the California Agricultural Inspection Station on I-15 with a load of Coors, I showed my bill of lading to the official and shouted, “Beer for California!” He waved me on, laughed, and replied, “Keep it coming!”
We had one driver who claimed because he was Navajo he was forbidden to pull any beer loads. I have no idea whether that was true.
That was me with the cartoon.
Obviously, that was before Fibonacci’s time.
Busy week. Thunder is at cousin’s homestead, outside. Only supposed to have one kitty per lease, working on adding her. Did not go well Monday, today seems better for her. Blacklight is gloating and reveling in being the only kitty again.
One of my favorite customers at my old store worked for funeral home down the street. Loved his ties. When a popular, local gentleman passes whose signature color had been been pink for decades, staff made sure they all wore pink.
Hugs and positivity for those who need it.
Grandma’s party is Saturday.
I’ve been outside more in the past few weeks than I have in years. Even the quality bug spray fails me – biting inscets love me. 🙁
I’d think the first cat might have been “Wolfgang”!
Riding down the interstates in the dark listening to Willie’s Roadhouse. George Jones singing White Lightning seems about right. Went from Oklahoma to Columbus, Ohio tonight with a stop for lunch with grandson and a tour from him of house and yard, Lego and train express that has taken over the historic mansion. He is four going on forty.
Boat trailer is to be repaired tomorrow and first thing to do is find what it weighs. Boat needs to be in Port Townsend, WA Wooden Boat Show in two weeks. Still going through Golden, Colorado and across some pretty country.
Morning Villagers….
It was a ten hour day at the hen house, with the afternoon spent inside…inspecting and Ian repairing cages.
Not only is the FDA coming, but the United Egg Producers decided to get their nose in on it after an inspection at The Corp’s hen house they found a wild bird INSIDE the hen house. That sent everyone scrambling.
Going to be another long day. Don’t know if UEP will show up tomorrow, Friday or Monday…I pray it’s Monday. We need the weekend. I’ve been hollering for months now about getting crap done at my hen house….but who am I? Now it’s pay up time.
Oh, I still have my Eastland penny loafers my husband bought me 17 years ago, and yes, they do have a penny in them. Lots of 2 1/4 inch heels (from the bridal shop) that were dyed to match dresses I would wear to weddings and such. Four pair of black heels, and a pair of black boots with a 2 1/4 heel. Haven’t had on a pair of heels for a long time though, now its teenies and the work boots I keep at the hen house.
Going to be 89 degrees today…not looking forward to another afternoon inside the hen house.
gotta go……
….and that’s with every political commercial they show too 🙂
Jerry and Steve, those are both terrific!
Happy trails, sand.
Mindy, I’m a skeeter magnet. I seem to get fewer bites when I use as few scented products as possible. They seem to go for my head a lot. Shampoo? Carbon dioxide? So sometimes I even spritz my hair with an herbal-based repellent.
Debbe: When everyone is scrabbling in a hen house is that the hens or the eggs 🙂
Bought 3 pairs of shoes yesterday – still in the trunk of my car! Got them ready for next summer!
Enjoy Vermont Jimmy – It’s a great state
FWIW, I drove my truck through most of the contiguous states, plus British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Albert provinces. I never made it into Michigan (though I could see into it from I-80), Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Most of our loads bound for NYC and the New England states were dropped at our terminal in New Jersey for local drivers to handle. I think the prettiest state in the eastern US that I drove through was West Virginia.
OTOH, in my personal travels I made it to Michigan and Massachusetts.
When I worked in a department store I had several pairs of pumps of various height heels in black, white, and beige, and my favorite pair of spectator pumps in royal blue. Once I left that job and went to work in the shipping department of a company that made circuit boards the pumps went away and I bought an extra pair of running shoes. Now I have a pair of flats for when I need to look anywhere close to “dressy” and the rest of the time it’s Keds.
Prayers for you, Debbe.
Just took it easy yesterday. Why is it – waiting for a plane, sitting in a plane, sitting in a car when someone else is driving – one gets so tired? But we are planning to go to Homosassa Springs today.
Hugs and prayers for all.
On our last leg of rescue run, Columbus, Ohio to Cicero, NY to get Stella Maris, my Welsford wooden sailboat in time to take her to the Port Townsend, WA Wooden Boat Show.We will get there tonight and hook her up to leave in morning.
Believe me, she is insured better this time! But we don’t plan on losing her off the trailer or burning her up. I am going home to Oklahoma and from there getting next trip underway. Still need traveling companion to far Pacific Northwest
Report of a strong tornado having just passed over Mindy in Indy’s city.
Oh my gosh, we went through Indianapolis late last night and thought of Mindy. Just went through Cleveland a few minutes ago. This is fast working trip for boat
Good afternoon all – just popped in while company is out visiting.
Just to catch up on stuff from days past.
A grasshopper and a zombie walk into a bar-
Bartender says:” We have got drinks named for you guys.”
Grasshopper says: “You got drinks named Tom Collins & Harvey Wall-banger?”
Jerry – I too read World Book from end to end. I think it was 7th grade.
Emb: What is your feeling of premarital interdigitation?
Tr: Heard about that study or other before that linked Diet Soda with higher
blood sugar – also corn sweeteners.
See if you can find a regional/local bottler that uses cane sugar – there are some arround
I know of at least one in MN and also CT.
A crop duster gave us (a power line crew) quite a show last week. We could hear the wheels
clip the soy beans and tree branches – he was within 150 feet of us on some passes.
Thanks Debbe for Amazing Grace.
Debbie – a little late
Around here Memorial day was for cleaning and sprucing cemetery.
And we were talking ratio of thumb to other equipment –
The whale has no visible thumb-
So how does the She whale know if she is interested in a He whale?
Check the “Tropic of Cancer” for the length of the whales “personal” equipment.
Will be tied up with family so may not get back till Monday.
Prayers of hope and thanksgiving.
Tornados are bad today in Indiana. I hope that Debbe and Mindy are ok.
I just emailed Mindy/Indy to ask if she were OK. When/if I get a reply, I’ll tell you.
Sometimes it pays to be, as Elmer Fudd asks us, “Be very, vewy quiet!”: