Today’s oldie is from September, 2003. The road show continues. I’m somewhere in the Maine woods right now, but I’ll be in Burlington, Vermont, Saturday and Sunday for the Vermont Comic Con. The way it actually happened a few months back, I first signed up for the VCC. I read some nice things about it online, and Vermont in August sounded a lot more appealing than home in August. Then, I happened to discover that the Boston Comic Con would be two weeks earlier, so I figured I would do them both, as an experiment. As I’ve discussed briefly with you already, Boston was a qualified success. Vermont will be a different sort of venue, and I’ll give you a longer run down about it all after this weekend. Meanwhile, on with the show!

The Green Mountain State
By Jimmy Johnson
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107 responses to “The Green Mountain State”
I personally am okay. Lots of damage.
Not to your home we hope. Tornado reported in NW Ohio.
Thanks for the update, Lady Mindy.
And Mindy’s answer to my FB inquiry. Melinda Wetz
Came through this afternoon, more storms coming. Still awaiting word on my great aunt and uncle.
I am fine.
Thanks for the update, Mindy.
So far we are ahead of storms and will hit them tomorrow.
I do not know if boat has cockpit drains yet but plan to get cover made for it to come entire boat. You don’t want to fill cockpit with water.
Hope Debbe and chickens are OK too.
Update: All family present and accounted for. Zero fatalities and only a few minor injuries. A local Starbucks collapsed. Everyone inside took shelter in the bathrooms. The staff at Chili’s next door came to pull them out of the rubble after it was all over. First tornado was EF-3 by early estimates. A total of nine touched down today in our county.
Some images of the day
‘Emb: What is your feeling of premarital interdigitation?’ By today’s standards [and even some in the late ’40s], Elaine and I were a strange pair. Yes, we held hands, and house mothers did not frown on that. We also smooched, petted, and such, but managed to leave it at that until married.
‘And we were talking ratio of thumb to other equipment [but] The whale has no visible thumb. So how does the She whale know if she is interested in a He whale?’
Whale sex. Don’t know how much is known about which species. Have seen captive dolphins or porpoises get erections, and they seem to enjoy swimming while erect, so may enjoy the resulting current. Whales do have good hearing, and the girls may swoon over a deep bass voice. I know a lot of women like one, but I behaved.
Seems to me I’ve read of Orca pods having a dominant male. Wiki might help.
Speaking of the size of male mammal equipment, have I written here about the response of male tapirs [both New and Old World tapirs] to particular foods at the Bronx Zoo? Also, can report that male Indian elephants are about the size you’d expect. So is a bull [cattle type], as any dairy farmer or artificial inseminator can tell you.
BTW, none of these spp. have thumbs, and [perhaps sadly,] the female has no say in the matter among many mammals. On the other hand, she may be horny as hell. Watched this in w.t. deer on ‘Salisbury Plain’ back in ’07 or so. Wrote about it in the paper.
Sometimes I wonder at the things I learn here. Some times I wonder at things I already know.
When young Mike managed the restaurant at Sea Life Park which was new tourist attraction. It was common discussion among trainers that the male porpoises would try to have sex with female trainers or the entertainers who did the tourist acts.
I have no scientific knowledge to support this, only hearsay.
Oh dear, oh dear. Where and how is Debbe and chicks?
About the real time arc with pond, this is exactly what is happening at my house with pond building! Except I have three liners and some connecting water sluices to bridge to each.
Good morning Villagers…
Indy Mindy I am so glad you are safe and no one was seriously injured. Don’t have time to look at pics.
Steve, seriously 🙂 and I didn’t even mean it as a pun.
Going to leave here in a few minutes. Couldn’t stand the 90 degree temp in the hen house, so we’re going to start early on that chicken $hit, then I’ll start packing at 8.
Gal, thanks for the prayers….we’ll need them.
Old Bear, you are welcome, will come back later to listen to your link.
GR… prayers are still with you…..
Be SAFE Jackie
Well I am glad Indiana isn’t full of dead chickens and feathers!
TMI about the dolphins etc …
glad to hear our villagers are all safe out in the mid-west – the pictures were not pretty!
Also thinking of our friends in Italy –
Thankful Debbe, Mindy, and Jackie are safe.
Jackie is getting additional straps installed on boat to head home with her. I have to leave for Port Townsend, WA no later than September 1 so I am cutting this close but it is doable. Boat is beautiful, she has new cushions and bunks made sitting down in Port Aransas, TX which I have to pick up somehowith?
This trip may be more round about than my normal travel but what’s different about that? Almost Canada at the east and west ends, middle America and the Gulf Coast all in single trip.
Should I swing by and pick you up Ghost or would you prefer to meet me?
BTW, the convertible is here and I’m a happy camper. It looks like the days of no hurricanes are over for Florida, but hopefully it won’t come my way.
Glad you got the con rrtoblr Jerry. What colors paint, top and seatz??
Love pickup trucks but never stopped loving sports cars and convertices. You deserve one. Evacuate if need be.
Glad you’ve got Stella, Jackie. Hal did a number on you in the last post to Jerry. Congratulations on your new convertible Jerry. May you have many happy years of wind-blown hair!
White exterior and white top with red leather interior on bucket seats. Go to the national park’s Old Faithful webcam and look at the top of the mountains in the far background, to the left of center in the picture, and it appears that you can see smoke from the fires.
Yes, we got Stella picked up, new trailer is riding really well. Truck is burning gas like the old days of 5 mpg and $5 per tank full.
I just wanted to say Thank you. So many of your musings parallel with my own life that I sometimes wonder if you know me and my family. My husband and I are devoted fans and we truly appreciate you. I wish that I could share a picture of our pond for your amusement. Our fluffy was named Beebee. Best wishes to you and yours.
Say “Goodnight”, Gracie.
“Goodnight, Gracie.”