Back to the old cartoons. Current events are always a ready source of material for cartoonists. The idea for this 1998 A&J came directly from the news. There was an article making the rounds at that time saying precisely that: research indicated that one of the many effects of pregnancy upon women was an increase in intelligence. As Janis and most of the headlines phrased it, Arlo’s response was the obvious one. Sometimes, they write themselves, but not very often.
Thanks for all who ventured to the Facebook site “Arlo and Janis Fans” and joined the group. You shattered the ceiling of 500 members, which is what we set out to do. The master of ceremonies there, our friend Jim Young, was very pleased.

Fool me once…
By Jimmy Johnson
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183 responses to “Fool me once…”
You are welcome. “. . . armadillos, they are nature’s little tank :).” I understand they are also among the more common road pizzas.
Peace , emb
Cartoon for Sunday, December 21, 2014:
A reminder of how far we have come.
A reminder of how much we might lose.
A reminder that we are not nearly as prepared to survive with little as were our ancestors.
Re: the above retro……I keep telling my son advice, and then I had “it took me 61 years to get this stupid!”
And you are correct emb……..
Not to be disheartening, but in going through MSN’s photos of the year, I found this one to be worthy….when a K-9 dog is killed in the line of duty, the assailant is tried as a murderer. Should be that way.
Jackie, sending you hugs and hoping for the best for Mike.
eMb, armadillos might be common road pizzas elsewhere, but here in North Georgia you’ll most often get ‘possum!
Love the symbolism in the last panel of today’s strip; owl eyes peering through the window. 🙂
Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. To show the armadillo that it can be done.
A friend had a theory that armadillos are born dead by the side of a road, because that was the only place he ever saw one.
Jean dear, the critter that just barely made it across the dark, rural two-lane highway in front of my car last night was indeed a ‘possum. I’ll bet it went back to the ‘possum den and bragged to all the other juvenile ‘possums about how brave it was to play “chicken” like that.
On the ‘Beverly Hillbillies’, wasn’t Granny always cooking possum stew?
..tis the season…..
Google celebrates the day….
I had a pet armadillo in Venezluea named Army. He did a circular route thru house and liked to go over the top of bed, rather than under it. He could open cabinet doors and would root thru contents, kicking all onto floor. It was his fatal flaw, as mom made stepdad take him and release him back into wild. Hardly fair I thought, as we had domesticated him.
Mike is holding on but oxygen levels dropped badly few minutes ago when tech for breathing was in.
Mike had pet skunk that lived in house and was neutered. I feed possoms and raccoons annd rabbits, squirrels who get pretty tame. I know I have shunks and they probably eat dog and cat food as well.
I am following my own advice to John in Richmond. I was playing love songs since about 4 this morning, people we’d seen in concerts, music we’d listened to when we were young. I read the notes from people when I can and he is so polite, asks me to thank each one.
Love, Jackie
Real reason so many armadillos die on highway is they leap very high when frightened and hit underside of cars and trucks.
OK….so I google ‘do animals talk on Christmas Eve”…..found some interesting links. But I don’t think I’ll be going into the hen house on Christmas Eve at midnight……”chowww’……
GR 😉 is this on your playlist? She sings this song the best….and when she holds that high note at the end…..well, just listen and enjoy….to all….
@ Mary in Ohio”
Yeah, ‘stupefied’ describes the condition much better.
Jackie, you and your family are in our prayers and our hearts. I wish I could give you a hug.
Debbe 😉 No, hon, with only 26 songs on my playlist (Why not 26 songs?), I didn’t have space for Celine, even though she does have an amazing voice. I’ll post today’s now…
My ancestral people do this one well…
Jackie dear, if you collected all the hugs that we wish we could give you, you probably would be smothered!
I found the following two quotes in an article on the sports page this morning and thought of you and your family in particular, but I believe they also apply to most of the folks in our Village:
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill
“All you can take with you is that which you’ve given to others.” seen on George Bailey’s office wall in It’s a Wonderful Life
Love, Ruth Anne
Still praying, Jackie.
Jackie, as of about 1120 CST, you and Mike are being remembered [first names only] in the prayers of a churchful of United Methodists.
All: If it’s the same as most years, many public radio stations will broadcast live, Wed. at 0900 CST, “Nine lessons and carols” from King’s College Chapel, in Cambridge Univ., UK. It will be 3pm there. We/I have listened for decades. Maybe she still does. Maybe she will be there.
The readers of the 9 lessons will be from various parts of the UK and maybe elsewhere. The choirs are splendid and the mix of reader regional accents delightful. If live, the sound will reach your ears before it reaches those in the last rows of the long Chapel bldg. Maybe you can stream it live on your cptr. from Classical MPR. The program may be repeated later Wed. or maybe Thur. Check your local public radio station.
Peace, emb
Jackie: “Mike had pet skunk that lived in house and was neutered. I feed possoms and raccoons and rabbits, squirrels who get pretty tame. I know I have shunks and they probably eat dog and cat food as well.”
I hope the skunk was also descented. The only critter in that list that might not eat dog and cat food are the rabbits, but maybe they do. What food do you put out for rabbits? The only critter I’d prefer not to try as food is skunk. Actually, I’ve tried the other 4; all are good.
Jackie, I hope your outdoor dogs/cats are all up-to-date on rabies shots as raccoons and skunks are notorious carriers. Will be waiting for better news on Mike tomorrow. God be with you both.
We have a lot of armadillos killed on the road here, along with quite a few skunks as well. Driving around Texas, when my daughters were younger, we’d speculate on why armadillos/skunks are so frequently killed. They came up with two possible hypotheses:
1) “Skunks are stupid”
2) They have dead-end (or poorly adapted to modern circumstance) survival instincts… Spraying a moving, 70-mph, big rig doesn’t do anything to improve survival. Squashed skunk is the likely result. Likewise, the jump and curl of an armadillo does little to ensure survival when faced with a motor vehicle.
While I prefer the concise, clear language of hypothesis number one, it is likely that the second one could be more easily tested. I wonder what other previously valuable behaviors in other animals might be considered to be poorly adapted? For humans, overeating, or promiscuity, possibly?
GR 😉 that was the most beautiful ‘Silent Night’ I’ve heard.
Have you ever listened to the Transiberian Orchestra’s Christmas Eve and Other Stories’ CD? It also comes with a story about how an Angel was sent down to discover man’s worth.
…and in the end, the Angel does take back to the Lord, man’s worth…………..
good night…
God bless you Jackie and Miek