Back to the old cartoons. Current events are always a ready source of material for cartoonists. The idea for this 1998 A&J came directly from the news. There was an article making the rounds at that time saying precisely that: research indicated that one of the many effects of pregnancy upon women was an increase in intelligence. As Janis and most of the headlines phrased it, Arlo’s response was the obvious one. Sometimes, they write themselves, but not very often.
Thanks for all who ventured to the Facebook site “Arlo and Janis Fans” and joined the group. You shattered the ceiling of 500 members, which is what we set out to do. The master of ceremonies there, our friend Jim Young, was very pleased.

Fool me once…
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
183 responses to “Fool me once…”
Enjoy your parents. 23 years since I had Christmas with dad and 14 years since last one with mom.
Yep. Those years won’t come back.
Read the last 4 or 5 comments and that is where I’ve been, spending a week with my mother. We both enjoyed it very much. I’m sure that I missed a lot and will never catch up, but here are my Christmas plans. I will go see the movie “Unbreakable”, then I will face away from North Korea, bend over and drop my pants.
I went back and scanned this page and didn’t see anything since way up there from Jackie so I’m just hoping for the best. MTM type group hug. Dog saves Fl woman from bear attack. Bless that dog!
Jerry – Has anyone told you lately you are awesome? So unexpected, but so perfect. Thank you for the laugh.
Jackie – We are all there with you in spirit.
Here’s the story Jerry in Fl mentioned:–abc-news-topstories.html
Hurray for dogs!
This brand new $60,000+ 707-hp Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat was crashed one hour after being picked up from the dealership. Hahahahahahahahaha!–/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQzNztpbD1wbGFuZTtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz02NDA-/
I can laugh because the owner/driver and his two passengers were not injured. Obviously, the same cannot be said for the vehicle. High-performance driving lessons before taking delivery might have been a wise choice. And a wise investment.
As reminder, have a safe Christmas. Don’t be that guy.
Unless I overlooked it, only one of the 26 songs I selected on Thanksgiving night for my Christmas Playlist has been “stepped one” by being posted by someone else. (More on that later.) I’m pretty sure I posted this one last year, but it’s worth the repetition.
Debbe 😉 This guy can rock a cello.
Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be here all this week. Drive carefully.
Here’s another unusual animal story. I’ve heard of elephants helping each other, and members of the great apes, but not a smaller primate like this.
Jackie, still sending hugs.
Ghost Sweetie, then that’s exactly where you should be, and give your Mom a hug from me.
Jerry, you are officially my hero!
Everyone: Take care and stay strong. Nobody distressed within reach, but things change. I’m on hug alert. Jackie and others: prayers.
Christmas dinner at First Lutheran, ham, not lutefisk. It rotates among several large churches. I got on the front page of the local daily at the Community Holiday TG meal. In the far corner of the dining area, blue sweatshirt, trademark bald head + white tonsure, cute ponytail on my right, whom I hadn’t met before.
Remember, 9 Lessons and Carols live from Cambridge, UK, Wed. 0900, repeated on Classical MPR at 1700, but the repeat may be at other times elsewhere.
Peace, emb
Here’s another Christmas offering from The Piano Guys from 3 years ago, featuring the piano player’s daughter:
I thank you sincerely. You folks have made my year.
Good morning Villagers….
Jerry’s back!!!!!! Dang I’d like to be there when you “moon’ NK….not that I’m into bare butts, but for the laugh….and yes, Jerry, you do have a unique sense of humor that blends in quite well in here…you make me laugh.
I didn’t know Joe Cocker died…..I loved his music and his stage performances….I think John Bullushi (?) imitated him the best…as one poster said on this sight….he went out the window she came in through:
GR 😉 what a cello player….thanks. You have come up with broad arrangements of Christmas songs…..”more on that later”…..hmmmmmm?????? I’m glad you are spending the week with your mother….I plan on seeing mine today.
I was a wreck by the time I left work yesterday….I got stuck with two 15 year olds at work….I wanted to go for “Skittles'” throat by the time he left yesterday. He is starting to suffer from SPC…..short person complex. He made me so mad yesterday, I told him not to EVEN come in today.
Ya’ll have a blessed day….
Jackie….how did Mike’s surgery go yesterday….you had said something about ‘drainage’…..please let us know…..and know we need to know how you are holding up.
We love you……………
Jackie, still thinking and praying for you. John in Richmond, Texas, I am still thinking and praying for you, as well. I can’t imagine the pain you are both suffering.
Christmas and holiday and I-love-you-folks hugs to all. Many of us challenged and in turmoil right now, but many stepping up with advice, affirmation, and quiet affection. God bless us, every one.
I am seeing a pattern between “Christmas Releases” and the daily strips this week. 🙂
Merry Christmas to all and happy snowball fighting if you’ve got snow.
Debbe 😉 It’s almost here.
God’s blessings to all.
Tis seasonal,
sandcastler, around here it’s “I’m Dreaming of a Wet Christmas” with flash flood warnings and chances of severe thunderstorms today.
Mark, breakoit the shells and have a rowing competition. Nothing says holiday fun like a friendly race. 😉
Breakoit? How about breakout?
Yesterday’s strip still up? I’m not complaining? It’s just unusual. There may be a tiny chance of a few snowflakes around here Christmas Eve, but probably not. We had a totally white Christmas in 1989 and we probably only get one in a lifetime around here.