Back to the old cartoons. Current events are always a ready source of material for cartoonists. The idea for this 1998 A&J came directly from the news. There was an article making the rounds at that time saying precisely that: research indicated that one of the many effects of pregnancy upon women was an increase in intelligence. As Janis and most of the headlines phrased it, Arlo’s response was the obvious one. Sometimes, they write themselves, but not very often.
Thanks for all who ventured to the Facebook site “Arlo and Janis Fans” and joined the group. You shattered the ceiling of 500 members, which is what we set out to do. The master of ceremonies there, our friend Jim Young, was very pleased.

Fool me once…
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
183 responses to “Fool me once…”
need an edit….and Mike
Here’s another great TSO Christmas piece:
Jackie, I am hoping that with morning will be the report that Mike is much better and will be home for Christmas.
Ghost Sweetie, I’ve often heard that joke, but as “to show the possum it could be done!”
Jean dear, someone once told me some guy from South Alabama made a fortune exporting armadillos to North Alabama and selling them as “Possum on the Half Shell”.
While we were listening to Mel Tormé’s classic Christmas song, a friend told this one:
The big chess tournament was taking place at the Plaza in New York. After the first day’s competition, many of the winners were sitting around in the foyer of the hotel talking about their matches and bragging about their wonderful play. After a few drinks they started getting louder and louder until finally, the desk clerk couldn’t take any more and kicked them out.
The next morning the Manager called the clerk into his office and told him there had been many complaints about his being so rude to the hotel guests….instead of kicking them out, he should have just asked them to be less noisy. The clerk responded, “I’m sorry, but if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.”
Good morning Villagers…..
Got it….panel one from “Christmas Releases” is panel one in today’ real time strip…..what an eye, what an eye 🙂
…and a blessed Monday to all.
Jackie…..still praying ……………………………………………………………….Amen.
oh, and I love the above ‘jokes’…I love the play on words.
TR….Indy Mindy posted the Christmas Canon with children singing it….it too is absolutely wonderfully done.
ya gotta love Sally
yeah, I know I’m out of sequence, but I always did march to a different drum 🙂
…and Jerry has been missing to long………………….JERRY!!!!!
Lady Mindy, I hope your AWOL friend and employee turned up with nothing worse than a sheepish expression on her face.
Denise, I haven’t forgotten about your husband, either.
“Only Three More Shopping Days Until Christmas”
This morning’s A&J strikes a quasi-respondent chord. As a kid in Miami lo those many decades ago, there were no fresh-cut Fraser firs to be had, and so the choice was an artificial tree or a Scotch pine cut in August and needle-free by the time it hit south Florida.
As an adult living in New England in a house with a cathedral ceiling, I have gone overboard. I have continually cajoled my wife into having trees with heights of up to 14 feet. Our new home has a more conventional 8-foot ceiling. Not quite table-top territory, but well on the way in my way of thinking.
We bought some Chestnuts when we were in London a few years ago. I have to admit that I like the smell of them roasting on an open fire (and singing about it) than the taste of them.
TruckerRon, I enjoy that kind of humor.
Thank you, Ghost. We really are a Village…thank you, Jimmy.
And thank you, Jimmy, for the Christmas week sneak peek panels!. (I’m glad you haven’t turned into Snuffy Smith.)
Haven’t read the new posts yet. TIP comic and blog are both Santa-themed today.
Here’s the TIP BlogSpot.
Peace, emb
Thanks, Trucker. Chestnuts? That is en route to becoming one. Heard/saw a version of it a few years ago. As puns go, perhaps that’s relatively new.
Peace, emb
Fare thee well, Joe Cocker.
Perhaps his best song…
Some seasonal music from Jethro Tull:
GR6, he is remembered for this also. 😉
During the last several years of my sister’s life, she and I decided to forego having our own trees and instead put up and decorated a full-size tree at my Mom’s, since that is where we gathered for our Christmas meal and gift exchange. Last year, with my sister having just passed away, she did not have (or want) a tree at all.
This year, I was determined that she would have tree, even if it were a small, table-top one…which it is. Perhaps it’s not as impressive as a six- or twelve-foot tall one, but as with gifts, it’s the thought that counts.
I’m talking off this week to spend more time with my Mom. Somehow, that seems very much what I should do right now.
I’m always a bit jealous of those who have had good relationships with their mothers. My mom & I were always at loggerheads until after she had a malignant brain tumor removed… and was left paralyzed on one side… her last 18 months were the best we had together. She finally accepted me and my choices in life and allowed me to love her. More and more, year by year, I am beginning to accept her and her choices and to miss her.