I’m away from my studio this morning, so I’m digging out old material between the seat cushions of my laptop. This little poem first appeared in 2006 and ran here on the Web site three years ago. I’ve always thought it was rather cute. Note the candle: although it is a deliberate exaggeration in this case, I am struck when I go back through the old material with the anachronisms—or things on their way to becoming anachronisms—that are present in the everyday comic strips. VHS, telephone books, video recorders the size of cigar boxes, audio CDs, the CD itself. The list goes on and on.

A Bedtime Story
By Jimmy Johnson
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120 responses to “A Bedtime Story”
Thanks for the heads up about the planetary conjunction tomorrow morning; I’ll try to rouse myself to observe it.
I missed the “Christmas Star” conjunction this summer- skies were cloudy. What was most frustrating was that I had been observing Jupiter and Venus creeping slowly towards each other all month.
The list does indeed go on and on. Dick Tracy’s wrist radio (30’s – 50’s) is now as laughable as the hand crank wall telephone.
Thanks to everyone for the helpful hints, Debbe, if you do a search (maybe I can post a link later) for Woodstock, the lost performances, there are some great videos that I had never seen before. JJ, there’s an Arlo Guthrie video in which he chastises the audience for not liking his song. Speelczech doesn’t recognize Arlo?
Jimmyjohnson@arloandjanis.com is going to be the fastest and easiest way to find Ghost because he has our contact information.
I used to be able to ask the FBI once upon a time and I am stuck in Missouri right now and then Texas. I am not able to put my Sherlock cap on until after Texas boat show but I can try then if Ghost hasn’t reappeared by then.
Everyone get out Oujuigi boards and hold stances for now. Love.
Safe travels, Ursen, and enjoy your trip!
Here in North Georgia we are finally seeing blue skies again, and cleaning up from the fierce winds we had last week. I hope our friends and neighbors in South Carolina are recovering from the floods they’ve had.
I’m with Anonymous (Jackie, is that you?) in hoping that Ghost is just out on a hot date!
There is no current prediction for OF.
(Well, someone had to write something.)
Hi Trapper, yes anon is me. I lost or dropped or had taken my tablet and Smartphone in airport and this one doesn’t know me.
I did a hurried check of obits based on what I know about Ghost and family but it was too fast and I was too tired. Had one of my usual exciting brushes with death, saved for some unknown reason to keep on truckin’. Spent the morning finding the beautiful blonde barefoot insurance agent who rescued me.
She couldn’t believe I found her which makes me think I can still find people. But I would rather Ghost just showed up, even if he got married. There are worse things. Love.
I’ve seen A ghost, but I’ve already told that story here.
So have I. I want a live one.
I haven’t lost my mind ..
Half of it just wandered off,
and the other half went looking for it.
Old Bear — I love what you wrote! You should be in the movies — or something.
Dear Jackie, can you please tell us more? Honestly, I worry about you — travelling around by yourself, getting in (and out) of all kinds of trouble. I had a sudden mental flash to Brenda Starr … this is true, I really did. Girl Reporter. Jackie, can you see yourself with red hair and high heeled shoes, writing stories from the Boat Shows?
Real cat news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8tHbIcqp5I
I really feel sympathy for that animal control officer near the end.
I once had red hair like Brenda Starr, deep deep red, not orange. It was in the day when I dyed my hair lots if colors. I borrowed a photograph of me from my daughter, I could post it on Facebook. Believe it or not I looked angelic, like a natural girl next door.
Right now I am at a gas station in Oklahoma and will write checks and pickup my boat and head back to Missouri in the morning. I apparently worry my boating friends too.
Reminds me of my calling home to the farm once and being told my aunts and mother were on top of tractor shed raking limbs off and burning them. The shed was about 12 to 20 feet high and they ranged from 70 to 90 years old. The shed was about 150 years old. Love.
Good morning Villagers….
Just came in from outside. The night sky is brilliant with stars and the four planets. Leaving for work early so I can take in a better view without the trees obstructing my view.
You are welcome Blinky…Emb told me about the website.
Mark, will check out your video later when I get home from work….I’ll need the laugh then.
So, JJ, can you get in touch with GR? Please! We all are very concerned, he has never gone this long without posting.
Old Bear…never heard that one before, but you can bet this blonde will be using it 🙂
Jerry, that would be great…I love Arlo Guthrie…especially “Alice’s Restaurant”.
Ya’ll have a blessed day….ooooo,it’s Caturday!!!
Miss Charlotte….did you have this problem with any of your seven children? For some reason I thought of you, you made a remarkable mother. From reading some of your past posts, they really take care of you. Do they all live within driving distance?
It seems that a lot of people are missing or busy. We haven’t heard from Denise for a long time. Debbe, I will post that link today. Tippy says hello.
Ah, good morning JJ. Good gag today.
Someone apparently bought the really high priced copy of Bop Til You Drop. Only one left at $999.98. Rick Springfield ripped off your cover and title JJ.
Moderation? That hasn’t happened in a long time. I just mentioned the book. I’m not selling it.
Have a cup of coffee and go back to bed.
Today’s strip reminds me of the meme that says “You really had a wonderful life if you had only looked up”. Of course many use that to tell people to quit looking at their phones, but frankly that’s always been true. We spend too much time with the nitty gritty and not enough time enjoying what God has given us.
(Off of all topics)
This morning after running/walking three miles in Forest Rose, my weight was down to 173.8.
New personal best.
Yes, I am worried about Denise too but Ghost has been a fixture here as long as the Village has existed. People like me come and go but Ghost has been a constant, an anchor.
I chewed off my immaculate manicure and nails last night and it wasn’t me or mine, it was Ghost I was worried about. A $50 manicure and all my nails gone!
AND I wrote about why a friendship with someone we have never met can be as important or more so than the neighbor in the next block and more real. I feel the same way about Jimy and Arlo and Janis and Ludwig. But I know there is a real Ghost.
And I suspect everyone here feels the same. Love.
It is my turn