I’m away from my studio this morning, so I’m digging out old material between the seat cushions of my laptop. This little poem first appeared in 2006 and ran here on the Web site three years ago. I’ve always thought it was rather cute. Note the candle: although it is a deliberate exaggeration in this case, I am struck when I go back through the old material with the anachronisms—or things on their way to becoming anachronisms—that are present in the everyday comic strips. VHS, telephone books, video recorders the size of cigar boxes, audio CDs, the CD itself. The list goes on and on.

A Bedtime Story
By Jimmy Johnson
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120 responses to “A Bedtime Story”
It is the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. I have the bird on the smoker. I have never done a turkey on the smoker so I hope it is eatable.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all of you and to GR, wherever you are.
Gary, I hope you remembered to remove the giblet/neck from the inside before smoking. My ex and I bought one at a church fund-raiser one time, and found that little surprise when we started to carve it.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. And in my opinion, any day I have a job, clothes, a home and family (birth or friendly) is Thanksgiving!
Jerry: Watch Arlo’s groping right hand. emb
emb: I looked at your link to Luann… I don’t get it either.
I think the Luann strip is, as one or more bloggers have written, a matter of the cartoonist getting tired of nitpicking critics and giving them a lot of minor changes to feed their tendencies.
Debbe: Tell Ian one (and maybe more) of your Village friends say he ABSOLUTELY needs to call his mother at least once a week! Love, NK
Yes Mark, I did check for goodies in the turkey (giblets in the head opening and neck in the body). I would have found them no matter what. I seasoned it inside and outside (and under the skin) and left it in the fridge over night. And then I spachcocked it in the morning (removed the spine and flattened the bird). Not bad for my first attempt but it now means I have to do this every year. My wife liked having the oven all to herself for the rest of the meal.
Sometimes the giblet bag is pretty tricky to find…
Evan, thanks for that one. I don’t know if I ever saw it.
emb, I think you said you like the PG Tips tea? Check to see if you have a store in the area called World Market. One just opened here and they had about 2 shelves of it, plus many other varieties of herbal teas too.
Mark: None anywhere close: http://www.shopsleuth.com/world-market/
Mostly, I buy Taylor’s English Breakfast Tea, 40 tagless tea bags / box, or Taylor’s Yorkshire Tea, 50 / box. Taylor’s Yorkshire Gold is $1 more / box, but I like Yorkshire better. All by appt. purveyors of tea to Charles, Philip, or maybe the Duke of Plaza Toro, or his Duchess. Favorite local supermkt. also has Yorkshire as loose tea in a bag. I have one, in case a particular person visits.
Peace, emb
P.S. I’d never heard of PG Tips tea. Did a search; I’ve seen one herbal tea in those 4-cornered bags, which I didn’t care for. I like real tea. emb
Gary, your turkey looked lovely. I had to come here to read about it. Happy thanksgiving.
emb, oops, my memory let me down (again). Oh well, sorry that wasn’t helpful. How about this then?
Thanks Jackie, it tasted pretty good too.
Good morning Villagers….
Still no GR!!!! This is not looking good.
Nancy, I believe he is off work on Mondays, I will be the one to call him. But I will definitely tell him what you said. He teases me about the Village, and I would tell him some of the stories posted when he lived here. I going to really miss him come winter time…he always cleaned the car off when it snowed and got the car warmed up for me.
Read the Luann strip for the first time….saw the differences in the two panels, but the comments were funny, and there were 179 more comments to load….quite a following of fans.
Gary, a Happy Thanksgiving day even though I am late. So that’s what a flat turkey looks like when cooked. It looks good and yummy. When we find flat hens in the bottom of cages, we call them floor mats….sorry, I couldn’t help myself 🙂
The hens are due to go out December the 8th, and new pullets in on the 22nd, 23rd. The hens warm the house….going to be really cold, and guess who isn’t going to clean…I’ll stay in the packing room and clean. Yesterday morning the hen house temp was 55 degrees, we need to shut some fans off manually tomorrow as the temp will fall to 42 degrees tomorrow night.
gotta go…ya’ll have a blessed day
Gary, hope you were surrounded by family and friends for your TD dinner….
EMB, Your comment reminded me of college days and the two finger unhook maneuver. Memories.
Brooke McEldowney can’t be all bad. In today’s 9CL, Solange opines, “Never trust a man who doesn’t have cat hair on his suit.”
Jerry: Had to look back to recall which comment you meant. Couldn’t get away w/ the two finger unlock. We were rare birds: virgins on our wedding night [you could hear the mice in the walls laughing], and faithful for over 58 1/2 years. I was chomping at the bit then but am most grateful now.
Peace, emb
EMB you would be a miracle today.
I always tell my wife that we were faithful to each other even before we ever met. Not bragging, just grateful.
I have to admit though that it was not from a lack of trying. But life is much less complicated because of that decision.
Steve I stayed faithful to my late husband for 50 years, we were married for 48 of them. I always say that making a decision on anything in life is that way, whether it is honesty, sobriety, quitting smoking or losing weight. Commitment is a choice we make.
Right now I am regretting eating a vegetarian omelette here in Missouri that involved sliced tomatoes, half an English muffin and apparently a cup of melted butter to saute the vegs and cook the omelette in. And this is 24 hours later!
Back to original subject, some decisions we make in life have far longer lasting consequences than eating that omelette. I commend all who stay faithful to spouses. Love.
Good for you, all who stayed faithful. Chris and I did too. He was so kindhearted and loving, I couldn’t help staying close to him.
I’ve been asked if I’ve been to West Africa over a dozen times over the last months; none of the receptionists I asked had yet gotten a positive answer.
From the responses to my recent post, looks like many of us are conservative, at least in one regard. Great, isn’t it? May also be true of one of my three kids, though they did not wait until the ceremony. That’s ok.
Peace, emb
TIP BlogSpot: What’s Shepherd-con?
Shepherd-con would be a convention for shepherds and shepherdesses, I think.