I’m away from my studio this morning, so I’m digging out old material between the seat cushions of my laptop. This little poem first appeared in 2006 and ran here on the Web site three years ago. I’ve always thought it was rather cute. Note the candle: although it is a deliberate exaggeration in this case, I am struck when I go back through the old material with the anachronisms—or things on their way to becoming anachronisms—that are present in the everyday comic strips. VHS, telephone books, video recorders the size of cigar boxes, audio CDs, the CD itself. The list goes on and on.

A Bedtime Story
By Jimmy Johnson
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120 responses to “A Bedtime Story”
JJ, I’m in with Debbe and Jackie. If you can, please get in touch with Ghost and let us know if he’s okay. I also wonder if his mother is okay.
Right now I’m going to take Jerry’s advise and have a cup of coffee. Husband and I had a late night last night. We went to the Forsythe County Fair for the Oak Ridge Boys concert which I thoroughly enjoyed. Then we had corn dogs and funnel cakes, walked around a bit, and ran into an old friend. All in all a good night, but I’m having trouble waking up this morning. The fact that it rained all night and is still raining isn’t helping any.
Go to for this week’s info / evening and morning naked eye events. Previous weeks are archived below. Peace, emb
Trapper Jean:
So it was a ‘Rainy Night In Georgia’ ?
Raining in the Carolinas again so no hiking today. We’ll need to do something tomorrow to work off today’s lunch but it was worth it – really interesting sandwich consisting of chopped brisket, apple butter, aioli, fried Brussels sprouts, and cheddar sauce on ciabatta.
Old Bear – good timing 🙂
It was a rainy night in Alabama, too. But it didn’t rain on Alabama (the band) who played for the UA homecoming last night.
“Feels like it’s raining all over the world”.
Bayou City is in a dry spell, will take any spare rain.
We too are getting concerned about Ghost’s failure to materialize.
Oklahoma and Missouri are dry and I am back in Missouri with boat, 45 minutes from Stockton Lake. I am down to last thumb, there are no more nails and polish, fingers are bleeding.
This is more than a week. I feel guilty for teasing him about a kilt.
Oh dear, how I’ve been hoping that someone heard from Ghost, but no. Last night I Emailed JJ at the address Jackie posted here, but it came back as undeliverable. I must try on Facebook, see if I can find any way to get through.
Debbe dear, the cat picture you posted is very cute! Thank you for the nice things you said. Our children are all good-natured, caring people and yes, they are very good to me. Chris and I always treated them with respect and that’s how they treat us. Two of them live near me in NH, half an hour or less drive. The two in Vermont have a 3 hour drive or more, and the 3 in upstate NY take many hours to get here. But they all like to visit whenever possible.
From a special Sat. ed. of the Writer’s Almanac:
Q: What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
A: Anybody can roast beef!
I just attempted to contact the Great and Almighty Webmaster about our wayward Ghost. So, whomever is the current keeper of the Rubie Slippers, click your heels three times. Meanwhile, stay on the Yellow Brick Road, do not talk to strangers, and never pick the flowers.
Thank you for your attention. Had this been a serious notice, a house would have fallen from the sky. You may now return to your regularly scheduled events.
emb, good one.
As for Ghost, is there a medium in the house? Or even a 34 short? Come on, let us know how you are.
Very good one.
try early in the morning. He was there this morning. Re the brouhaha about Ghost I was under the impression that he did secret stuff for unnamed people in undisclosed locations for unknown periods of time. He will probably show up soon.
I have always appreciated your skill with a limerick JJ! They fit perfectly in a four panel strip and they are always original and interesting in A&J!
Who was where early this morning? And I seldom got that impression from Ghost, and he was usually careful to tell us if he was going to be away.
I left a comment on Facebook for a woman who is JJ’s cousin, does she have the ability to get in touch with him; said I’d check back tomorrow.
Dear Jackie, I hate to think of you chewing off your manicure! Please tell me that you are exaggerating — for artistic effect.
My 2 cents on our missing Ghost: he had been complaining about persistent internet connection issues for a while. He may have reached his breaking point and shot the router!
Except for a detail that Ghost did let us know when he’d be gone, remember when he and I vanished but not together. And he often checked in with us at odd times during the day which says to me he is like me with multiple communication means. I have a Smartphone, a Android tablet, a new laptop, and a new portable Apple and a desktop. I would perhaps shoot the desktop because my late husband got that stupid satellite (a pair!) On my porch roof. I no longer threaten to throw phone out car window.There are several companies involved, not one, so unless you lost them or had them stolen you can communicate.
Charlotte, I was not kidding, I wear shellac nails that require special chemicals and tools to remove polish. I pay $50 to have them done and I chewed off polish, nails and several layers of the nails and all the tips. That is how worried I got.
Good morning Villagers….
Emb…pea soup, hahhaha, that was a good one.
Old Bear, definitely good timing on Ruth’s brussel sprouts….the look on teh ketteh’s face…priceless.
Miss Charlotte, you are blessed. I have on my bulletin board a list titled “Children Learn What they Live”. Some day I’ll post it. I don’t hear much from Ian…says he doesn’t like to talk on the phone. I don’t either, but I told him you could at least call your mother once a week 😉
I’ve been posting here some two and half years. GR is a staple here. I’ve never known him to completely go off radar this long. We are a Village of virtual friends who care about one another. I look forward to coming here every day. I’ve learned a lot from everyone. Denise went MIA for awhile, but she returned…she will return again some day.. I remember one time GR and I asked her to write our obit for us.
Jackie, I hope you don’t get sick from biting your nails off with all those chemicals involved. And I like what you said about GR.
The last thing he said was something about a cape, a cape is what he needed.
I hope Jimmy can help us find out about GR, as I am really getting anxious about this.
Jerry….post away 🙂
going in to work…..
ya’ll have a blessed Lord’s day
speaking of capes…..
Jerry. give Tippy a good ear rub for me.
Done. He is unbelievable. He obeys hand signals and he’s 5 months old. He’s got Elvis doing what he wants.
I don’t get today’ [Sun.] Luann comic: http://www.gocomics.com/luann
Peace, emb
(off topic, again)
Absolutely hilarious.
Had banana for breakfast and then soup and salad for lunch on Saturday.
Had a cheat day: 1/4 lb. cheese-chili hot dog and bowl of chili. Later, bowl of black bean chipotle-style soup.
Gained six pounds by evening.
Karma, karma.
EMB. Well, it is one of those “what’s different in the second picture” things but if there’s a joke I don’t get it either. Peas.
Read the comments below the cartoon. Some of them are actually funny.
Steve, it was indeed a rainy night in Georgia, and continued to be a rainy day.
I’m hoping Ruth Anne is right and Ghost just shot his router. I am worried that something happened to either him or his mother. Praying that they are okay.