A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Ahoy or two?

By Jimmy Johnson

This was a comic strip that first appeared after mountainous landlocked Switzerland won the quadrennial America’s Cup yachting race. I’ve been a water enthusiast all my life and a boater of one sort or another most of my adult life, but I will say that the America’s Cup is about the dumbest, dullest, most unsporting sporting event in the world. Except that year Ted Turner won it and got so drunk at the awards ceremony he passed out under a table. That was cool. Speaking of boats, it took “ToysGeo” about five minutes yesterday to claim the free t-shirt by asking the question, “Whatever happened to Arlo’s boat?” If ToysGeo will get in touch with me via the above email link, we’ll make arrangements for delivery of the prize. As for the question, we’re going to talk about that tomorrow. Or soon. Also coming up will be an opportunity for many of you to purchase an original A&J comic strip for a good price and a good cause. Y’all come back now, hear?

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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87 responses to “Ahoy or two?”

  1.  Avatar

    Love this one. Will it be among the ones you offer for sale?

  2. emb Avatar

    Steve Melcher has gone sequential on us. You have to refer back to Tuesday’s post.


    [Tue. was the Ides of March. Today is St. Urho’s Day.] Peace,

  3. emb Avatar

    ‘Anonymous on 16 Mar 2016 at 7:44 am # . What have I missed? We already did daylight savings, Ides of March and tomorrow is St. Pats. We did Pi and pancakes and women, all in a week. What have I missed?’ See #3, above. Peace,

  4. NealinBawstun Avatar

    I remember it as, “Y’all come back now, you heah?”

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I dunno…”dull” would probably not be the way Australia One’s crew would have described this segment of the America’s Cup race.


    Oh, and I claim Second Place for predicting ToysGeo’s question would be the winner. 🙂

  6.  Avatar

    Always a bridesmaid or groomsman as it wear. I bet you make a stunning one in a tux.

    Do you sometimes get asked to serve in weddings of women you have dated? I suspect yes.

  7. ursen Avatar

    I get back to a whole string of excellent older material, then I have to go again. Just checking in, will be back in about a week. Still getting a rental ready to go, and it is 2.5 hrs away so stay there. Hard work at my age with a lung infection.

  8.  Avatar

    My late husband worked in tux when he was sommelier at the Kahala Hilton. Still one of the premier hotels in the world, there was no better intern position than the Kahala and sommelier was second only to Maitre D.

    I should have been suspicious even then, the entire staff but Mike was female, oriental and worked in full formal kimonos. Mike looked like the movie stars and VIP’s he served. He fit right in. He was made to wear a tux.

  9. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Basketball, Jackie, basketball!!! Through a combination of circumstances, this will be the first time in 15 years that we have not gone somewhere with friends for sightseeing and the first weekend of the NCAA men’s hoops tournament—March Madness. We will be watching on TV, of course. And our big trip for the year will be the Rocky Mountaineer train and bus through the Canadian Rockies next summer.

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    A sign you’ve possibly been ordering too much stuff from Amazon…they offer you a free upgrade to a Business Account.

    Note: It’s been pointed out to me that I called the yacht that sank “Australia One”, rather than its proper name “One Australia”. Guilty as charged…I know diddly about ocean yacht racing.

    I do, however, know about tuxedos.

  11.  Avatar

    Ghost, you are keeping on pushing all my buttons. I on the other hand am getting ready to buy another dump truck of rock at the concrete and gravel yard. Freshen up my lip gloss for the drivers who sit around in office hoping something better looking than another dump truck driver comes in.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Well, Jackie, there’s always this approach to keeping the dump truck drivers happy.


  13. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    My wife and I honeymooned on Mackinac Island in 1982. We stayed at a nice Mansion turned hotel, but my wife was disappointed that we didn’t stay at the Grand Hotel (featured in Somewhere in Time). With all the money that we got for wedding gifts we easily could have afforded it. Rates have skyrocketed over the years, so I never had the chance to take her.

    The Grand just offered some special rates and we decided to go in May. We usually stayed at a Bed & Breakfast, but quit going a few years ago before my hip replacement as biking around the Island was hard on it.

    One of the things that the Grand demands is that after 6:00 PM all men must be in a jacket and ladies in dresses or nice pants suits. When I eat after church, I usually take my tie off as food has a way of falling on it. I’ll either tuck it in my shirt or bring some old ties!

  14.  Avatar

    We stayed at their competitor down on opposite end of island as the the Grand doesn’t take Adventure Dogs. It had beautiful suites and lovely views but was actually built as some sort of theatrical complex and not period. But period enough.

    I love old hotels actually.

  15. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Weighing in on sailing event. One that I follow is the Volvo Around the World race. Here is the link to the 2017 – 2018 edition. These guys and gals are true sailors.

  16. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Steve f RO
    Read Eric Sloane’s Don’t about eating – old tie is good Idea – a WIDE one.

    Jackie “Gentle Giants” (show about draft horses) did a show about Mackinac Island

  17. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear


    Dogs are welcome at this hotel.
    We never had a dog that
    smoked in bed and set fire to
    the blankets. We never had a
    dog that stole our towels and
    played the T.V. too loud, or had
    a noisy fight with his traveling
    companion. We never had a
    dog that got drunk and broke
    op the furniture,,,,, So if your
    dog can vouch for you, you’re
    welcome too. The Management

  18.  Avatar

    Dickens is a very sophisticated traveling companion. He knows when it is time to stop the car and check into the LA Quinta. If you do not he looks resigned and crawls into your purse or onto your left arm so he can dash out as soon as he sees the motel.

    He can recognize a LQ motel as well as me. He has a routine that includes peeing and then going into lobby for check in. Won’t stay in car or truck. He rides on luggage carts and knows all about elevators. Stairs not so much. He doesn’t care much for the hot breakfasts but will sometimes eat the looks like eggs and might be sausage.sausage .

    Right now he is liking gething to run around and be a yard dog.

  19. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I’ve been made to wear a tux on a few occasions. These days, if I wear a suit, it’s the end of the good times for somebody, a wedding or a funeral.

  20. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    As I wrote several years ago in response to J.J.’s first post about the Cup:

    The only way I could enjoy watching a yacht race is if I were three sheets to the wind.

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Dickens has good taste if he’s not crazy about the rubber eggs, pseudo-sausage and other Unidentified Floppy Objects that are passed off as putative food items on the “Continental Breakfast” offered at many modern-day hostelries. (Makes me wonder what the continent of origin is supposed to be.) Such is a far cry from back in the day, when even modest inns in the South had real dining rooms that served some pretty respectable chow.

    As I believe I have mentioned, I worked summer jobs at several hotels and motels where, as an innocent young lad, I became acquainted with the dark, seedy underbelly of life…and met some very nice folks, too. 🙂 The above referenced “Y’all come back now, hear?” reminds me of a true story from one of the motels. The very cute, sweet young cashier took a guest’s payment for his meal, and as he was walking off, uttered her customary, “Come back now.” He stopped, returned to the counter and asked her, “Yes, what is it?”

    I didn’t even have to hear his accent to know that he was, as we say, “not from around here.”