This was a comic strip that first appeared after mountainous landlocked Switzerland won the quadrennial America’s Cup yachting race. I’ve been a water enthusiast all my life and a boater of one sort or another most of my adult life, but I will say that the America’s Cup is about the dumbest, dullest, most unsporting sporting event in the world. Except that year Ted Turner won it and got so drunk at the awards ceremony he passed out under a table. That was cool. Speaking of boats, it took “ToysGeo” about five minutes yesterday to claim the free t-shirt by asking the question, “Whatever happened to Arlo’s boat?” If ToysGeo will get in touch with me via the above email link, we’ll make arrangements for delivery of the prize. As for the question, we’re going to talk about that tomorrow. Or soon. Also coming up will be an opportunity for many of you to purchase an original A&J comic strip for a good price and a good cause. Y’all come back now, hear?

Ahoy or two?
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
87 responses to “Ahoy or two?”
I don’t understand this:
Just stayed 2 nights at the H.I. Express / Mpls. Good, substantial continental bfst., incl. southern-style biscuits and gravy. Their only problem is parking; boxed in lot has too few spaces, ended up the first night in the ramp across the street. Lotsa helpful employees, easy walk to several downtown restaurants. Peace,
Aw, it’s OK, TR; she has trained him not to bite.
Heck, I once had pet bottle of nitroglycerin I trained not to explode.
Ghost, I am with you on motel breakfasts. I would not give up a moments sleep or any other activity for anything they serve. Not even if the waffle machine stamps out the shape of Texas.
My dear mama on other hand LOVED them and required company as she could not get to or from lobby and someone had to go with her. Dickens has good taste, brie is his favorite cheese, he won’t eat any orange cheeses either, likes English aged white cheddar although he will tolerate Vermonts.
Funniest Biscuit and gravy story involved a German tourist at West Yellowstone who filled the waffle maker with sausage gravy and closed and flipped it. As a baker of exquisite Mississippi cat’s head biscuits, I take issue that those frozen squares actually ARE biscuits.
Make my day Ghost and tell me you bake English scones for a real Devonshire tea with clotted cream?
A Recipe from Ghost’s Kitchen
Simple Scones
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, frozen
1/2 cup raisins (or dried currants)
1/2 cup sour cream
1 large egg
Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a medium bowl, mix flour, 1/3 cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Grate butter into flour mixture on the large holes of a box grater; use your fingers to work in butter (mixture should resemble coarse meal), then stir in raisins.
In a small bowl, whisk sour cream and egg until smooth. Using a fork, stir sour cream mixture into flour mixture until large dough clumps form. Use your hands to press the dough against the bowl into a ball. (The dough will be sticky in places, and there may not seem to be enough liquid at first, but as you press, the dough will come together.)
Place on a lightly floured surface and pat into a 7- to 8-inch circle about 3/4-inch thick. Sprinkle with remaining 1 tsp of sugar. Use a sharp knife to cut into 8 triangles; place on a cookie sheet (preferably lined with parchment paper), about 1 inch apart. Bake until golden, about 15 to 17 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes and serve warm or at room temperature.
Wait a minute…didn’t Sonny Crockett keep an alligator named Elvis chained to his houseboat?
Hello and goodnight all. Mom’s trip to have an arteriogram of her leg turned into all-day marathon. They gave us the earliest possible appointment time, ignoring the fact we live about 1 1/2 hours away. So we had to get up at 3 am and be there at 5. After the vascular doc did the arteriogram he decided to admit mom for further testing and extra fluids while the dye flushed from her system. So even though they got through with the initial procedure at about 930 am, it was nearly 2 before they got her a room assignment. Doc said he would be by to talk to us in the room, so I had to wait on him. They rolled mom out for another ultrasound about 250, and our doc showed up at 330. No catheter-based procedures possible, and doc is on the fence whether better choice is bypass or below-the-knee amputation. He feels the amputation would be less risky to mom’s survival chances. Anyway, got home around 7pm, and ended up falling asleep in recliner. Off to bed. Night all, and prayers for the rest of you that need them. In a group this big and diverse, somebody has to!
Mark I know you are in the best possible place with your mom at the University hospital. Having gone through this with two family members who both refused amputation I know where I am on this issue. My SIL of course as a prosthesis designer and board certified specialist would say that was best way but he did on the other ladies too.
Get some rest and get your other siblings to help. Love.
Ghost, other men, men who cook are totally sexy. You know that of course.
Sound perfect. Do you serve raspberry jam? I may have a jar or two of my homemade raspberry jam left or I could whip some up.
I ordered some currant bushes and some raspberries AGAIN for this very reason. The currant version goes well with orange marmalade. Or just plain.
Having inappropriate thoughts involving scones. With currants.
Mark, next time you need to have somebody at the hospital that early, consider getting a room at a nearby motel. I’ve done it more than once with the VA, and in fact, I get a voucher good for one night at a specific establishment. Once, I had a cab take me over after the procedure because I’d been sedated and couldn’t drive until the next day. (The cab rides over and back were both paid for by the VA.) Things have changed recently, though. If you don’t have somebody there to get you home, they won’t sedate you, and a cab Doesn’t Count.
Goood morning Villagers…..
Happy St. Patty’s day….Andrew just called, and is a father again as of 5 minutes ago! A St. Patty’s day baby named Jaxon. He did even know the weight yet….little Kyler will not know now to act.
Mark, I am praying for your mother and you today……………………Amen. Keep well, sir.
Finally got much needed sleep……long over due. Was feeling the effects, sleep deprivation….I hate it. Starting to feeling a little human and not a zombie.
GR 😉 , no time for a U=Tub…..but guess what I finally found? My Bruce Springsteen greatest hits cassette!!!! Now to find my Linda Rontsadt cassette 🙂
Time for work…..
God bless alll………………..
Thanks for the t-shirt Jimmy, and for drawing Janis to look like my wife when we first met. She looks even better today (wife) with naturally silver streaked hair.
I also want to thank my IT wife for showing me how to talk in this forum. I’ve followed the “Jimmy” community for years, but never commented as I’m more of a listener.
Mark, best wishes with your mom. My own is eating and drinking a little. When we see her we try to listen to whatever she says because you never know when a stroke can hit and she won’t be able to talk to you after that.
Debbe, I still have a lot of 8 tracks. I stick them in the dash of my 1972 car but I don’t try to play them.
Those 8 Tracks would probably self destruct!. Tape oxides and running them in a player would probably flake them off. Amazing how the cassette tapes still play after years and years now.
I do like Arlo’s poem, but I think I’ll have to give favorite St. Patrick’s Day cartoon to this one –
I overslept and phone was dead. Not me. It will take Scotty to beam me to Tulsa, not a cab.
Happy St. Paddy’s Day, all!
I’m still getting used to the time change. I wake up and look out the window and it’s dark, so my body says go back to sleep, and by the time I can focus on the clock it’s after nine, and sometimes ten. Not that I have anywhere to be, as I never make appointments for before noon as I am NOT a morning person even on the best of days, but I do have a dog and any number of cats waiting for breakfast. 🙂
Yes, prayers for those that need them, and many good thoughts for everyone else in the Village!
I’d never seen a Fish Crow, Corvus ossifragus, until this morning, online. Went to the Chesapeake Conservancy osprey site [below], where a crow was calling ‘uh-uh’ repeatedly. Searched ‘fish crow’, found a Cornell U. site that ID-ed the call: Peace,
Jackie, if one of you had to be dead, I’m glad it was your phone.
Happy St. Paddy’s Day to you, too, Jean dear. A benefit of DNA testing I’d not considered…
Why else would I want to confirm what I already know?
They got me with the Irish.
The Enterprise made it to Tulsa. Not a happy test but I am doing it.
Love, Jackie kisses to all the Village. I am Irish.
emb -Most of the crows around here are fish crows. A neighbor’s young son used to call them “uh-oh birds”.
We have the common American crows and Common ravens here in Utah. 😉 A couple of years ago they approved hunting the crows with the stipulation you had to eat what you killed. Most hunters either didn’t like the taste of crows or they feared they’d kill the wrong bird since the ravens are a protected species. Only one bird was reported killed… the majority of the birds (both species) tend to stay in urban areas where it’s illegal to shoot anything.
The carrion crow is native to western Europe and not found in America. The Cajun word carencro comes from these birds and is what they call a buzzard. The city of Carencro, LA is named for a flock that sat in a large dead cypress tree.
Perhaps I will not need a carrion crow, the endocrinologist who did my biopsy said while there is a chance my nodule is malignant there is a greater chance it is benign. And if it is malignant the surgery can wait until after June and I finish sailing the Texas 200 to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
So, I am considerably cheered up now and will go eat something green for St. PATRICK’S DAY. Green shrimp lettuce wraps at Pei Wei.
The lettuce is green, not shrimp.