A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Ahoy or two?

By Jimmy Johnson

This was a comic strip that first appeared after mountainous landlocked Switzerland won the quadrennial America’s Cup yachting race. I’ve been a water enthusiast all my life and a boater of one sort or another most of my adult life, but I will say that the America’s Cup is about the dumbest, dullest, most unsporting sporting event in the world. Except that year Ted Turner won it and got so drunk at the awards ceremony he passed out under a table. That was cool. Speaking of boats, it took “ToysGeo” about five minutes yesterday to claim the free t-shirt by asking the question, “Whatever happened to Arlo’s boat?” If ToysGeo will get in touch with me via the above email link, we’ll make arrangements for delivery of the prize. As for the question, we’re going to talk about that tomorrow. Or soon. Also coming up will be an opportunity for many of you to purchase an original A&J comic strip for a good price and a good cause. Y’all come back now, hear?

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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87 responses to “Ahoy or two?”

  1.  Avatar

    Should explain, they have been following my thyroid nodules a few years each six months and last biopsy was two years ago, almost to the day. It was benign. But tumor has grown again and gotten bigger in last six months.

    Not ready for my throat to be cut again this soon.

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 I still have some cassettes, too…some I purchased, some I made (ripping & burning, late 20th Century style). I mostly used them in the sound system of my Honda Gold Wing. And I still have a means to listen to them…a Christmas gift from my sister many years ago that still works.


  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, glad to hear doc thinks its benign. Do you pronounce that restaurant Pee-Wee or Pay-Way?

  4.  Avatar

    Mark I will ask. I don’t think I pronounce it right. I call it Pi WI
    Like the pie Wie sound.

    I have been known to mispronounce names for years and the usual answer is “Jackie can call me anything she wants to.”

  5.  Avatar

    Pay way maybe? I bet Sand knows.

  6. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Jackie, I’ve no idea what restaurant you’re referencing.

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Pay Way” is about as close as you can get in English, without using the different intonations. “‘Pei” means “to accompany” and “wei” means taste, so “pei wei” would roughly translate as “an accompaniment for taste”.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Translated to Southern, that would be, “Let’s go git some a them bodacious Asian vittles.”

  9. emb Avatar

    TIP BlogSpot:

    They don’t look like leprechauns to me. I’m not sure what ‘get lucky’ means here, but I’m guessing it’s naughty. Peace,


  10. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Mark – As I said with my grandma. Whatever the fight, let it be a fair one. Hope the decision made is the best possible one, with the best quality of life in recovery.

  11.  Avatar

    Y’all that is funny. All the Irish jokes. Is this the traditional day when they play nothing but John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara movies for 24 hours? Like the Quiet Man? Even I concede that is the fight scenes to end all fight scenes.

    Orange shrimp with no carbs wrapped in lettuce leaves may not be traditional Southern greens nor cabbage but the manager had given me a $10 gift certificate last week and as a superstitious person I considered it a lucky omen, not to be broken.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    In most cases, I’ve found “luck” has nothing to do with “getting lucky”.

  13.  Avatar

    Kissing the Blarney Stone has been known to contribute. A fine Irish tradition.

    Irish beverages of alcoholic nature have also played a part.

  14.  Avatar

    Oh and let us not forget those good Irish genes usually throw in a bucket of good looks.

    If that fails there is always the proverbial pot of gold. Or whatever rate can be negotiated.

  15.  Avatar

    What, no kissing Irish or you are all drinking green beer and watching basketball? I had to run down a lexicon of football, baseball, basketball…….

  16. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I am friends with Ed Werder, who reports for ESPN. Ed has a grown daughter, Christie who was operated for a brain tumor in her youth and again just a few years ago. I have been sending Ed messages of support via Twitter and we struck up a friendship. After a long recovery, Christie got married to Trey and shortly after the wedding, Trey was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer. Last Saturday, Trey passed away.

    Peter King of Sports Illustrated attended the funeral and wished Christie “Good Luck” Christie did not bat an eye and said “I don’t need luck, I have Faith” I guess there are several ways to look at that statement, but frankly I love and admire this young woman.

  17. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I hate it when the voices in my head go silent..
    I never know what those incorrigibles are planing…

  18.  Avatar

    Ghost, do you speak Chinese among your many talents? I have had a number of male friends who did but none were caucasian.

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    For those who have been praying for my mom, thank you very much. Mom is still in hospital, but it is a good thing. The vascular surgeon has arranged for a wound care specialist to look at some ulcers on that foot that are the source of mom’s pain. Our doctor feels that there is no imminent danger to mom’s leg or foot, and no reason to rush into surgery. His opinion is that if they can get these wounds healed up, the pain will subside and mom will be in much better health. She was a little anemic and they gave her a blood transfusion today. While in the hospital she is getting much more rest than she has since this whole ordeal started. Again, thank you all!

  20.  Avatar

    Wonderful news. I am so glad you got a second and higher opinion at the University hospital.

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good report, Mark.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Thinking of The Boss. Glad you found your cassettes.


  23. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Night two of a good night sleep. I’ll take it 🙂

    Mark, I’m a firm believer in prayers being answered, they may not we prayed for….but in your case the good Lord is listening. It is said that when or two are gatherrf in my name, I know the good Lord included blogs like this. That is good new, and we are all still praying.

    Jerry, I too am sending prayers your way for your mother and you…..Amen. Got 8 tracks? Mine are long gone….now I’m missing my ‘The Pretendor’s cassette, hopefully it is my tape player in my Izuzu.

    I want to know where our spring like weather has disappeared…..rain tomorrow and cold and miserable.

    gotta go…..

    Ya’ll have a blessed day…..I am, it’s PAYDAY 🙂

  24. Debbe Avatar

    …when two or more a gathered in His name…….not mine…….