Well, maybe not a new family, exactly. This old classic is from the spring of 1997, not long before Arlo had his hair cut. Obviously, this site has been limping along, lately. I’ve been very busy with other things, but I haven’t forgotten about you, appearances to the contrary. Actually, I am traveling this week. I am in Memphis, and I have a good excuse! Yesterday, I was privileged to be among several cartoonists assembled at St. Jude’s Research Hospital to draw for some of the young patients there. It was a great day, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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297 responses to “Busted!”
Jackie, have a look at these and see if any work for you. http://www.froggtoggs.com/
Buy Southern! (it’s an Alabama company)
Dearest Ghost, how could I have forgotten, that you told us all about your cataract surgery! Guess I am not thinking so clearly today; glad of the reminder. I like your plans for growing tomatoes, partly in your father’s memory. My dear husband Chris was like your father. He would start the tomato seeds early, grow the little plants, then transplant them to plots he dug outdoors. He cared for them tenderly and enjoyed the whole activity. How did your father organise his tomato planting?
Dear Jackie, your travel plans sound amazing, as usual. I will be thinking of you!
Mark, you are the smartest and best source out there on where to find things! I have been at Academy, Dicks, Bass Pro and Cabelas and none of them had any of these! I will order them from company in morning, I am too sleepy but I get up before dawn normally, so I can order before my local feed and seed opens for plants in morning.
That is exactly what I need in light weight rain gear and I thank you so very, very much! I have to be able to layer it on top of other clothes for hiking. The boat isn’t really exposed unless I want to go out on deck. When I am out in “Cowboy Cookies” my little micro-cruiser or even “Magic” the Dana, I will be out in weather, whatever it is, be it rain, shine, sunny or storms.
Thanks and love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers….
GR 😉 had to look up those two $100 words, one describing your hairstylist and the other describing the nutless job 🙂
Jackie, so good to read your posts, all of them. I’ve missed your postings. You are an inspiration. So don’t lurk…..happy gardening today.
Marleen is working with me today, and I will make those teens sweat today. Ole “Skittles” isn’t going to bail out on me today, like he did last week. Egg production is going down slowly, the old girls are a year old. Hatch date of the one flock was 4/26….and I forgot to sing happy birthday….the little Prissies are getting mean too. I see a ‘molting’ coming soon.
Old Bear, you had to ‘shave’ down to your undies in 20 degree weather? I bet you moved fast!
When The Boss was on the tractor down in the pit Wednesday, the tractor ran out of gas, in the pit! He knocked on the back door of the packing room, I opened it to see my boss with his shirt on, and just his underwear….not a pretty sight. His pants and socks were in the ditch, he had to walk through about three feet of pit poop.
Well the moon has set in the west…..almost full.
gotta go
Happy Caturday
for me, it’s going to be one of those days….
emb, mostly the face is for “Don’t take offense if you really like ‘wimpy American swill’.” I picked up my Dad’s dislike for American beers-he had spent several years in Germany while in the Army-and never developed much of a taste for the American stuff, especially “lite” beers or the ones with flavorings added. Not long ago a friend waxed rhapsodic over “Terrapin Liquid Bliss Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter”. Now in my humble opinion chocolate and peanut butter are two flavors that should never be used in conjunction with beer. Pure water, grain, hops, and yeast. That’s all there is!
Jackie, you are welcome. I had seen the ponchos and basic rain suit by this company at Wally World. Did not know they made the other items till I went to their website. I plan to get one of the ponchos myself, don’t like raincoats and hard to find in my size 2xlt. And you know the plastic ones make you feel like you are in a portable sauna.
As far as the tomato planting, my ex got on a tomato kick after reading an online article this year. http://www.cookingwithmykid.com/meatless-mondays/meatless-monday-bag-of-tomatoes/
Mark, I would probably fit under your arm pit or lower! I am five foot one inch and if I remember rightly you are about six foot six inches! And I wear a man’s XL or sometimes XXL, just chop me off at your knees.
I was just showing my beloved minion some of the clothes I unearthed last night that I packed away when the docs convinced me on diabetes and lupus that I had to accept permanent illness and disability. I think the waist on most would fit on my left leg right now. And you know what, that was the worse advice I ever accepted or bought into! I am now rejecting it all pretty totally and trying to backtrack and find that person again. They are always just inside somewhere if you dig deep enough.
Since the clothes are 1) still very current and in style 2) still in excellent condition and not worn and 3) I still like them Well, I am going to just keep heading south.
Yeah, I feel like the prodigal son returned and welcomed. So thank you, my Village.
Love, Jackie
Mark: It seems as though you and your ex has a fairly good relationship. That’s good…
Galliglo, it’s helped by distance. We can talk and cooperate, we just can’t live together. And I look forward to the time when I can be single again, the sooner the better!
Jackie, when I was in the SCA, a couple of the ladies in my local group were helping me make a tunic with a t-neck. It was so long that one of the women could have worn it as a floor-length dress, except that the neck opening let the whole thing slip right down off her shoulders. But try to fly with legs that long, or find a car that is a comfortable fit. And sometimes I feel I should be wearing a hard hat for everday living. Just yesterday I had to adjust our clothes dryer vent, and when I stood up, got an instant headache from the wire shelving in the laundry room.
Mark, I once sold a Mercury to a celloist with the Houston Symphony with legs like that and we had to fit the cello in as well, which made for an interesting fit! A good car salesman needs to make the dream fit as well. He wanted five speed shift and speed and adjustable seats. My boss was a famous basketball player , retired. I learned a lot from Dwight about cars and tall people and the problems they face in autos!
Love, Jackie
OF Now.
Thank you for that idea, Mark. That looks like a solid possibility.
Steve, if you put all the potholes in Michigan together, they would probably hold all the water in Lake Superior. 😉
Jackie, good dirt is one of the best smells around!
I’m a mosquito magnet too, Mindy. I find that “Deep Woods Off” works well for me in dire situations. Around the house, I often just use Avon’s “Skin-So-Soft” as a repellant. It really does work, as does Off’s knockoff of it, “Skintastic.”
Where are you, Jerry? I thought you were due back Thursday night.
Debbe, I had to re-read your post. Somehow I connected that full moon up with your boss wandering around in the almost-altogether!
OF due 1154-1214 CDT. emb
T.Jean: “chocolate and peanut butter are two flavors that should never be used in conjunction with beer.”
I’d certainly agree / peanut butter [which I like in other settings], but some stouts that include chocolate are not bad.
Peace, emb
Jackie, that cellist shouldn’t have been too hard to fit together with his instrument. There’s always room for cello!
I’ve been in some cars where I felt like I was wearing it, rather than driving it. And it wasn’t a very good fit.
Jackie, I’m Type II and until recently, my a1C was great; between 7 and 8. Then I had a nasty bladder infection and it shot up to 10.3. I just had another one, back down to 8.3, but I’ve got another infection (caught by routine testing before there were any symptoms) and I’ll bet that it’s on the way back up. It could be worse; a friend told me the other day that his is around 13 and I don’t see him doing much to get it under control. I’m not saying anything to him because he’s an adult and it’s his life to live the way he wants.
Denise…that would be a ‘bad moon arising’…no, just teasing…sometimes I put i too many punctuation marks….I’ve been told my facial expressions tell it all…thought about working on that, but…naw…to late.
And, who forgot to remind some of us it’s “Derby Day”?????
So…need to peek at who’s running……I haven’t been listening to the news, any news…tell you a story…tomorrow…re: what and how I found about “what’s happening in Baltimore!”!
OF due 1616-1636 CDT URL above [have a different one cc’d. emb
Here’s something I’ve never seen before:
As the guy says, that stunt had only 2 possible outcomes.
sideburns, I just remembered to check blood sugars, have been out working in garden, in for a snack and a quart of water with lime juice. Had some organic tortilla chips with olives and some great olive and garlic hummus. And blood sugars still a tad low after all that but the hummus will get it back up. Just got told of another diabetic going into shock with low sugars and dying. I seem to hear about one every few days. Gives one reason to try and control.
The lupus and 20 years of steroids caused my type II diabetes, so I am delighted to be getting off the steroids and cutting back the insulin.
Ready to plant pole green beans, bush beans and tomatoes in first cleaned beds. Each of my beds are raised, 4 x 8 with trellis at each end and over top of bed, which shades the inside plants in hot weather. I have a lot of these beds, I will count and tell y’all tomorrow how many to clean and plant. I cultivate and amend soil each time I plant with organic materials. Love to see things grow, both plants and people.
Bought a flat of peppers, a flat of tomatoes Everyone should plant a tomato plant at the least, surround them with herbs for ground covers.
Love, Jackie
OF due 1754-1814 CDT. emb
Always room for cello, huh Mark? 😉 Ha?
Leaving this here without further comment.
Mindy, I have heard that one way farmers used to judge if soil was warm enough to plant was to drop their drawers and sit on it. Not that I’ve ever tried that. 😉 I use an old meat thermometer.
What? I had to hear about World Garden Naked Day from Huffington Post? And Mindy?
My garden sits right out on side nearest the boat launch and the warm weather has brought out the weekend boaters heading for launch at end of my street. I’d have so many boats wrecked in my yard when they hit that big ancient oak out on street in my yard, we’d have to erect police yellow ribbon barricades.
Told my fence builders we are raising the privacy fence around back lot to at least 8-10 feet, the one outside my office window is stepped down to just six feet.
Love, Jackie