I’m back in the studio after the New England road trip, and things should begin to get back to normal. I met a lot of nice folks at the comics conventions in Boston and Burlington, Vermont, and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality. But it was hot! I traveled from the deep south expecting respite from the heat, yet Boston was as bad or worse than home! Burlington was a little better, but I dragged around several long-sleeve shirts for nothing. Still, it was a great visit, but I’m very glad to get back into harness. That also means, back to the parsonage fund-raising campaign, though you have done your part. Now it’s up to us; we expect the rewards you’ve been promised to start flowing soon. It’s good to be home!

By Jimmy Johnson
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206 responses to “Celebrate!”
The last person I know personally to have a fall in the shower went outwards…and through the glass shower doors. Safety tempered glass shower doors, of course, but that still produces a myriad of small, sharp pieces of glass, and it’s far from pleasant when your bare body lands on top of a pile of it.
His cuts were many, but fortunately not life-threatening, and he didn’t fracture any bones when he fell, a good thing since he was home alone at the time, except for his Boston terrier. And she was much less nonchalant about the episode than was Lady Mindy’s Blacklight. 🙂
I removed glass shower doors as soon as I could when I bought and remodeled my house first time. I had balance issues then and doctors thought MS onset. Remember all those work men’s comp cases I had to read? Lots of falls through everything imaginable.
Currently in another town in Wyoming, not Salt Lake. It got dark, started raining and I got altitude issues. La Quinta cancelled my reservation and got me last room in town I was in buying gas. They take care of me and Dickens.
Going to bath or shower. I am bringing in less and less clothes each night. I will be down to the bikini bottom and tee shirt with credit card and medical bag soon. Except lows today included 53 degrees and overcast so long tights and long sleeve tunic and shoes. Don’t even unload a suitcase, just bring in what I will wear or not.
It is not uncommon for trucks , trailers and expensive cars to disappear during the night from parking lots. I hope that you have a good security system.
Hey Burns, we haven’t heard from you recently. What’s happening on the left coast?
Debbe 😉 Cryin’ shame they had to use such short-legged models to show off their oh-so-practical everyday fashions.
Slept a little and popped back awake. I began worrying when Debbe wrote about Ian. I suspect many of us here suffer from depression. It is a disease I have fought my entire life, winning the battle more than losing. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t be writing this.
If you are depressed, reach out and don’t suffer in silence. People do care. You have to pull yourself out of that hole of despair but there are those who will reach out and take your hand to help pull up. I know and I will take your hand.
Good morning Villagers….
Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers for Ian. He was up when I got home from work. He is working with me today.
Glad Skittles was working with me yesterday, he heard a sizzling sound and smelled something burning. I couldn’t smell anything but chicken poop as I was coming out of the hen house. He passed the control box for the fans and said the smell was coming from there….told him to move that pallet away from the box…he did and he opened and and there was a flame coming up from fan circuit number 50m he blew it out. I shudder to think what would have happened had we not been there….all my Miss Prissies would have…..don’t want to even go there.
Y’all have a blessed Labor Day.
Jackie, you be safe out there.
Miss Charlotte, you too take care….
GR 😉 ….and my heart goes boom, boom, boom,
I liked our glass shower door as it had a bar across it that I could hold onto if needed. It was also very handy to drape the rubber mat after getting out. I used to leave it in the tub until I realized how disgusting the mold was that grew there.
Worst tub/shower was in Rome. The tub was extremely deep and slick. Actually called my wife in to help me get out. She didn’t seem to mind:-) Of course it would have also helped to provide washcloths. Next time going overseas I will have to pack one.
My posts aren’t posted but bad Internet reception. Facebook ok. Leaving Wyoming for Salt Lake late. What’s new? Altitudes are getting me but I knew they would. Going through Portland, OR tomorrow.
Still time to make it to SeaTac Ghost wouldn’t be first time I pulled boat through airport!
Mindy f IN
Told MBH about your predicament & Blacklight – she got the giggles so bad she could not continue eating for several minutes.
Jackie, are you actually going to SLC for a reason? I’ve forgotten your final destination, but if it’s to the north of SLC you’ll save a bundle on fuel by heading on to the NW on I-84.
Not an awful lot, Jerry. My sister had foot surgery so I have to walk her dog several times a day, but that’s about it. Mostly I post when there’s something I need to say, so I tend to be in and out here.
TruckerRon, Jackie’s final destination is Port Townsend, WA. I think she picked her route to try to avoid high passes as much as possible to make towing easier.
“Enjoying” my Benadryl Buzz. This may be one of those “Do not operate heavy equipment” moments.
I have lived on benadryl since about age 9 for allergies. Buzz is not familiar feeling but I always have it with me. You are way less expensive than cocaine, notrs that I ever supplied any I know of.
Traffic very heavy today, hunters, RVS, trailers, power boats all going home after Labor Day.
GR6, also not a good time to do kitchen work or clean firearms.
Dude, you’re harshing my mellow!
Sitting between two giant trucks at a truck stop pulling out to head on to Boise. I will take my three benadryl when I get to motel. In meantime, my eyes water awfully. I am probably weird trucker out here?
Dickens has curled up in his dog house, the front passenger seat, in despair.
GM Debbe
A couple of days late – re:insection.
The Greatest inspiration is the deadline
Just imagining the outfit you described above (as getting down to soon) brings a smile. Gotta love a sailor girl! Safe travels!
Rusty in OZ
I love all y’all but I am exhausted and heading for the benadryl and pain meds and bed. Here’s a copy of my photos of Dickens and my day so far but it is actually Tuesday now.
Rusty I brought in long sleeve tunic, long tights and a shawl or something wooly. It is 48 here right now. Not in room however!
Here’s the rest of post. You know no two links allowed.