I’m back in the studio after the New England road trip, and things should begin to get back to normal. I met a lot of nice folks at the comics conventions in Boston and Burlington, Vermont, and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality. But it was hot! I traveled from the deep south expecting respite from the heat, yet Boston was as bad or worse than home! Burlington was a little better, but I dragged around several long-sleeve shirts for nothing. Still, it was a great visit, but I’m very glad to get back into harness. That also means, back to the parsonage fund-raising campaign, though you have done your part. Now it’s up to us; we expect the rewards you’ve been promised to start flowing soon. It’s good to be home!

By Jimmy Johnson
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206 responses to “Celebrate!”
c ex-p, you sound in need of ice and aspirin!
Dear C ex prof, Oh Heck, what an awful thing to happen. You have my sympathy. You sound good and can certainly type as well as ever, so I hope nothing is broken. You have the knowledge to analyse the accident well so I guess you would know. I was lucky, I fell on the hardwood floor in the kitchen, my daughter was nearby and heard the crash. She called 911 and the EMTs picked me up. I never could have done it myself as you did! I banged my left knee in exactly the same place you did. Now I’m in a ReHab facility practicing walking and hope to go home in a week or two. It’s such a bummer being here since July 15 when it happened. At least Medicare is footing the bill, everyone is very nice, and the A/C is good to have (none at home).
Wishing you a good recovery … Keep that rubber mat handy!
For a few weeks now, I’ve been taking 1 or 2 ibuprofen every 8 hours unless I choose to use my muscle relaxant. Then, too, a daily 1/4 aspirin has been de rigueur for years. Perhaps that’s why I’m not feeling any worse.
Ice is in my dietetic, non-caffeinated drink.
In fact, it is time for my ibuprofen now.
Thanks for the message, Charlotte. Here’s hoping you will recover faster than you expect.
The MBH threatened to call 911, but I was sitting there thinking there HAD to be some way to escape the tub. It felt absolutely stupid to have missed serious injury only to be unable to get up/out! I resolved to sit there until a usable plan of attack hit me. Had I fallen frontwards, absent any notable head injury, I could have arisen in spite of not being allowed to kneel on these fake knees; I have done that many times, though not from a tub.
Don’t let my typing fool you; I cannot type beyond “hunt and peck”. You can not know how many corrections go into virtually everything I try to type. I especially can not type on this laptop from our recliner; from a regular chair using the table top terminal, my hunt and peck is rather better.
That last line reminds me of a joke that would not be appropriate here. Today featured a 5.6 in California quickly followed by a 5.6 in Oklahoma. Was it a fracking coincidence? Probably. New Jerseyites, no need to thank us . Enjoy that Florida weather. It’s amazing that it sat in the Gulf not moving and then it shot over Florida and up the coast. My brother in Tallahassee is still out of power.
Spent last night on Colorado Springs, tonight I am in Cheyenne, Wyoming in a full suite with just Dickens and an entire dog show. Just Adventure Dog and I in suite with kitchen and living room, bedroom, bath, no jacuzzi. He got bathed last night so he’s clean and fluffy.
Just saw most beautiful mackerel tabby, a 20 pounder, scared to death of dogs. Moving. Rescue.
emb: The most miserable part of my introduction to bionic enhancement (a CRT-D) was the week I spent taking baths while the incision healed. Getting out of tubs is hard enough when you’re not injured but are plus-sized; you have my sympathy with today’s incident.
Trucker, are you thinking I am eMb? A far as I know, eMb is safe and sound.
Those of you at home are all in terrible pain and I am sending sympathy and good karma. Get well and stop falling!
Ghost, Glen wanted a black blade so I got the black Salt with smooth blade. I like the Salts. The only one he has is the seat belt cutter. I am tired and couldn’t do the Spyderco link. Dave helped me pick out gifts for the guys and went over boat with his employee who is wooden boat graduate builder from the NW Boat Building School in Port Townsend where I am going. Lots of valid good information from people I trust. And yes, I respect and trust the company and all connected to it. Wish you’d been along. Glen almost came except he needs to work two jobs.
c ex-p, glad you got away with no more than you did. It certainly could have been worse and I am glad that it was not. I have been taking my showers on a bath seat since getting home. At 6’5″ and over 250 pounds, it would take EMT’S to get me up should I fall down. And at that size, I stopped taking tub baths long ago as I could not get enough of me under water to feel clean. Prefer showers with the hand-held hose so I can reach everything. Healing and blessings to all who need them. And safe journeys to the travelers among us.
Wondered for a half second, then realized another person has his professors emeriti confused. We’re both originally from NYC, I’m older, he believes more stuff than I do. I’m in N. MN, he’s not.
Yeah, I’m fine, and am extremely careful in the shower. Have a plastic mat that works well, and am religious about always moving by planting feet slowly and always vertically, no horizontal vector. When elsewhere, rarely find a tub with effective texturing: only example I know of is at a friend’s bungalow in SE Mpls. But a really workable solution, in many motel/hotel rooms, usually with abundant towels, is to designate one your tub mat. Lay it in the tub, start the shower. Once it’s soaking wet, you have secure footing.
Sorry for confusing emb with c ex-p. At least I don’t get confused in the polling booth.
Jackie, if I hadn’t felt truly awful, plus having a hundred lose ends to tie up, you would likely have had a co-pilot on your current trip. Besides Dickens, I mean.
Debbe 😉 I thought of this song when taking down the many family pictures my mom had on the walls of her apartment.
That is song my oldest daughter wanted to use at my mother’s funeral.
Ghost, there must be other places you would want to help haul a boat or not. I knew you were seriously ill and I know how you felt too. I am needing to go to St. Michael’s, Maryland in fall I think.
Here I am in Cheyenne, Wyoming and I have to post a link to my favorite all time movie western, Henry Fondation and Jimmy Stewart in Cheyenne Social Club.
Here’s Enya’s version of the song I want sung when my funeral comes about:
Mark, I join you in the over 250lb. club. However, age has shrunk me to only 6’2.5″, so I am somewhat tubbier. [bad pun fully intended!]
I found entire Cheyenne Social lube on YouTube to watch. So funny. I loved it in 1970 when I saw it. How could it have been a flop?
“social lube”? [make your own joke]
Jackie, when will you be in MD? That’s where my friend with the available boat lives. This is the one I mentioned here some months ago, and in which you expressed great interest. She is not ready at this moment to deal, but expects to be ready by, say, October. If you will give an approximate date – after you have set a date – I’ll put a bug in her ear.
Good morning Villagers…
Miss Charlotte, so good to see you commenting again. I’ve missed you. Like I’ve said to Mark, you take baby steps in your recovery.
Cxp, sending prayers that you heal fast. That fall could have been a very serious injury.
Thanks to all of you in sending me positive thoughts.
It’s back to work today, just now remembered I had not put uniform ‘scrubs’ in dryer…hope they’re dried by the time we need to leave.
Husband is going to help me get Ian up and out of his bed. He’s been there since 1 am Saturday morning….I’ve gone in there to give him fluids, but he just wouldn’t get up. His depression has deepened.
Jackie, that too is one of my favorite movies.
gotta go
GR 😉 had not heard that song before, I went inside the homestead and saw where pictures had hung on the wall, and I remembered what had hung there all of those years. Going to be a lot of lot of wiping down the walls.
When I was in the hospital early in the year I was standing in the bathroom, lost my balance and fell forward into the tub. I tried to catch myself on the side of the tub, did a tuck and roll and landed on my butt in the tub, rocked back and hit the back if my head. A nurse was in my room and she asked if I was ok. She got a very disgusted “help’ in reply. It took 3 of them to get me out of the tub and I had an instant goose egg on the back of my head. Nothing really hurt but my pride. The non-tropical storm formerly known as Marlene has been a tropical storm, a hurricane, a tropical storm again, a tropical depression, a non-tropical storm, a hurricane again, a non-tropical storm again and is predicted to become a hurricane again today. As to where it will go the official track is to the NE, but the unofficial (non-computer) prediction is that it will hit New Jersey today or tonight with high water and hurricane force winds. Don’t take the plywood down yet.
Social line = fire water?
My fall in tub was up on Mackinac Island a few years ago.
The hotel had done a magnificent job decorating the rooms, our suite looked like something in a very upscale east coast decor magazine.
EXCEPT the tub in bath which was small, deep and vintage, space tight. I slipped and fell in, jammed myself in somehow and could not get out. Managed to get water out of tub and didn’t drown. I was alone so I got out but honestly cannot remember how, sort of like that cartoon of Janis with the safety cone.
By vintage I mean like 1950s I suspect, not a claw foot. This suite I am in needs tub replaced too. Rest of room is redecorated but tub?