I’m a little late today, but I have managed to be here every day since Tuesday. I am in a hurry, so I’m leaving you with the remaining to strips from the 1997 arts-festival series. I enjoyed drawing this series, and I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing it again in its six-day entirety. See you next week!

Deal of the Art
By Jimmy Johnson
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184 responses to “Deal of the Art”
Not to worry, Janis, she’s done in the style of Marcel Duchamp. 😉
Hey, it’s art!
Debbe: a brief correction is in order from this morning’s post. Cavalry is/are mounted military troops – no doubt, what you meant; Calvary was the name of the hill upon which Christ was crucified.
Hope your hens stay up to snuff….
Jimmy, have enjoyed seeing this series in its entirety. Thanks for everything you do. You really do enhance life for me, and I’m sure for many more.
Naked Shakespeare is intriguing. The point most nudists make is thar clothing (textiles) clothes not just our bodies but our very souls and being, concealing and conveying false messages. So it is understandable that actors would feel the costumes hide both the meaning of the bard but their very talents.
Having said that I have to get dressed for Walmart and the post office where I convey “trendy well dressed woman” and the postal employees carry my packages out to van for me. Curbside service.
I think I will go by new bakery and buy them some cookies. I can’t take beer to postmen.
Art is art…So are Arlo and Janis.
My assistance dog takes it seriously, buffing up to a whopping 11.6 pounds. He never gets far away and has spent morning licking my torn rotator cuffs. How do they sense areas of inflammation and pain in humans? They do.
Mark, that was funny about the dog scan in place of a cat scan!
I bet someone here can explain phenomenon.
For those who missed the final comment I made this a.m., here’s the Shakespeare in the buff:
GR, what sayest thou to the maidens’ pulchritude? Would the Bard approve?
Now for a happy little girl, playing along on stage with Sir Paul:
TR, from the scientific point of view, the sample size was too small for drawing accurate conclusions….
…so, of course, we must seek funding for further research!
c ex-p, maybe someone will fund a webcam to study the behavior of the naked actress?
A better sampling, showing that they did indeed use typical women, rather than the fashion model types. Bravo.
newspaper headline:
If you don’t see the humor, think of words with more than one meaning.
I noticed right away they were normal sized women. Which I approved of as well.
Thought all the criticism over a white woman posting on Twitter about her beautiful big butt by others was the stupidest thing I ever heard. When and why have we become so socially and politically and racially correct that no one can even joke about themselves?
Besides JLO set the bar on that years ago and she is hispanic.
I take it back. The past few months were a cakewalk. IF I survive the next few weeks of work, it will be miracle. In an epic intertwining of storylines, I will be going from a trustworthy, (mostly) reliable, fully-staffed store to … more or less no one. All of this in five short days. *!#@¥¿¡#$@#*
I need to fund a new job by Sunday so I can join the mass exodus at the end of the month.
Come down to Texas and work for Buc-ee’s monster Texas style convenience store or to midwest, like Oklahoma and work for QT convenience stores and Kitchens. Two of highest paying jobs.
“(One of the nude Shakespearian actresses in Central Park) is approached by a lost tourist with a map. She admirably ignores him and carries on acting her part.” If further proof is needed that modern civilization has well and truly jumped the trolley tracks, this could be it.
“What’s this I see before me, a naked City Park Ranger? Well, probably so; this is Babylon on the Hudson, after all.”
So WHERE do you approve of nudity Ghost? For Your Eyes Only?
That’s an easy one. Beaches, boats, pools?
By the way, my postal employees dived into the cookies and cupcakes, going postal. I got to meet a lovely new grad of the local culinary school and see her cute bakery and lunch room. Plan to go buy not bake so I can give it away and not eat it.
Postmaster invited me to join their garden club and come attend services at our historic Episcopalian chuch. I am one, more Anglican than Episcopalian, never attended our town church here. It has male priest and female deacon, working to be ordained. I plan to do both, put down some local roots after 21 years here.
Maybe I am ready to belong somewhere?
Where did I say I disapproved of nudity, Jackie? My point was that I question the premise that any artistic value was added to a Shakespearian play performed in a public park simply because the all-female cast took off some or all of their clothing. (And is that even art, or just attention-seeking through titillation?) I personally do not believe that value was added…unless one has a pressing need to know which of the actresses are natural blondes, brunettes or redheads.
In answer to your query, Trucker, I would say, judging from the “line up” photo*, the Pulchritude Scores™ of the nine actresses that appeared nude (the redhead near the center appears pretty much starkers in another photo) range from 4.9 to 8.5. (I did the math. And triple-checked it.)
*For the benefit of inquiring minds that just have to know, non-pixilated versions of those photos are of course available on the InterWebNet.
Judging from your gardens, you are putting down plenty of roots at home. 😉
NOW I understand where you stand on this particular performance if not nudity in general. I think my premise that dofting costumes freed actors for lyricism of words to over shadow what they were or weren’t wearing is valid. However, when is nudity art, say a David, and when is it titillating and porn, say a Hustler?
This is actually a pretty valid point to discuss because nudity for nudity’s sake, like say nude bicycling or nude volleyball or walking is a crime in many states, without anything other than criminal classification. Same as someone flashing or stalking children.
By the way, I consider the latter a serious crime so not equating.
On a humorous note, Google cartoons by Arlo and Janis featuring underwear and you get an amazing number pop up.
I think in this case, the nudity would cease to be a distraction and simply become part of the costuming after you get into the play itself. These women are obviously not doing this to titillate, so no harm, no foul, by my standards. And the sign at the entrance warned any onlookers so anyone who gets offended is looking for offense.
When will America grow up? What’s obscene is those squares that obscure nipples and pubes in the second URL version of “The Tempest.” The girls look fine to me, real people. I’d be more concerned with how much Shakespeare words and plot get mangled. I’ll likely never see Gotham again, but would love to see this “Tempest.” I don’t think it will come to Bemidji.
The Broadway version of Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance” was gross, IMO, because it mangled the original. Actually, its costuming and setting was pretty traditional, but it largely buried the insight and humor of the G&S operetta.
Thank you, emb. My point exactly. When a model posed for swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated wearing only paint there was more out cry against the “fat chick” model with the Rubenesque body than the nude one, both done to tittilate but who cares?
Yes, I’d like to have seen this too but I don’t care much for New York either. It won’t play the Bible Belt.
I for one am horrified that Rocky Horror Picture Show has been remade and updated. Are no classics safe from this assault?
And yes, I agree on Pirates of Penzance too.