I’m a little late today, but I have managed to be here every day since Tuesday. I am in a hurry, so I’m leaving you with the remaining to strips from the 1997 arts-festival series. I enjoyed drawing this series, and I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing it again in its six-day entirety. See you next week!

Deal of the Art
By Jimmy Johnson
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184 responses to “Deal of the Art”
Here’s a thought experiment: I don’t recall if the article mentioned the number in attendance at the nude performance in the park, but whatever it was, do you think it would have been as large had the actresses been fully dressed in period costumes? If so, why?
Or like me, do you think the nudity was primarily a gimmick to draw a crowd?
But it’s academic to me, as I plan to never again venture to the Socialist Republic of New York City. And I’m the guy that believes same-sex married couples should have the right to defend their backyard marijuana gardens with fully-automatic weapons.
Jackie: “I don’t care much for New York either.” I do care much for the home town, and keep tabs on it regularly. I’d happily visit it again, but don’t travel as well as I used to, and wouldn’t care much for the airline hassle. Even put together a page of [mostly Greenwich Village sights] for a local couple [retired pastor and wife], who made NYC affordable by staying a Brooklyn motel near a subway station. I could post it here, but it might be the longest post ever. c x-p could probably do the same, from a different part of town.
I’m in one of my elements in big cities: London, Praha, Beijing, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Athens, München , Edinburgh, Chicago, but also thrive in “wilderness,” as long as there’s indoor plumbing: Coast Range, OR coast, Kenya, Yellowstone, Berkshire foothills, MN canoe country, ND prairie and Badlands, Kodiak Is., East Anglia, Finnish archipelago, Blue Ridge, etc. Camping days are long gone. I’ve had my share of travel. Only locale on my bucket list is the Sullivan bank in Owatonna, MN, which I may get to this summer. Also, will happily try any new cuisine, up to moderately hot; some of you obviously can handle more of that than I. Peace,
Jackie, you’ll notice no one has done (or is likely to do) a remake of Howard the Duck, Showgirls or Battlefield Earth, so perhaps that says something about The Rocky Horror Picture Show. To paraphrase Fred Allen, imitation is the sincerest form of Hollywood.
GM Debbe
I think you nailed it. ANY change in feed can cause a drop in production.
Sometimes very small change – When they get used to it they come back
but not always. You are lucky. Environment change too.
On the the way to work a billboard – “Political Correctness Is Not Honest”
If we were all moral no one would need to wear clothes.
Men wear clothes to impress women. Women wear clothes to impress women.
(I mean style or fashion on just fabric)
If someone said I would have to go into NYC to collect a million $ – I would
think long and hard about going to collect. 2 million would be OK.
If you go to Owatonna check out the one in Winona. Also the “Watkins” bank there.
That one was built to IMPRESS.
Indoor plumbing is 4 walls a roof and something to sit on.
The thing that makes big cities good places to visit, but not so good to live in: “Animals can be driven crazy by placing too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself.”
Robert Heinlein (1907 – 1988)
Dear Ghost, I suspect you are a stimulating conversationalist in person and one I would often agree with. I am just perverse enough to throw provocation your way to see what you swat back.
Almost adopted some forlorn teenaged pallets but was saved from myself by someone else buying them this afternoon. Did save parts of my carport to turn into a chicken house if I fall prey unless I buy another little cottage to add to back yard village of white tin roofed out buildings.
Good night all and good morning Debbe.
Pullets not pallets.
Jackie, I personally would not adopt any teenage chicks. I have enough problems as it is. 😉
Debbe 😉 Not tomorrow, not here, thank heavens.
Good morning Villagers……(I posted on the wrong thread)
Arrgghhh…..washing machine broke down just as it was getting ready to drain the rinse water…..but I did find my driver’s license 🙂 Still smiling, Steve.
I would love to see the fall view of northern MI….fall is my favorite season. The smell, the color, the crispness of the morning.
Old Bear….the Boss is going to relay that info to The Corp man who came out and did a walk around looking for external sources for the egg drop…heh, got another 192 cases yesterday.
Emb, I used the word Calvary rather loosely…would that be an analogy? Peace
Going in to work today and tomorrow. Boss understands I don’t need to be home…busy hands are happy hands.
Ya’ll have a happy Caturday…..
Indy Mindy….you have my empathy and sympathy….let’s move to OK, I hear there’s a very kind lady that lives there and takes in strays!!!!
GR 😉 they do have some interesting videos……
Ran across this link….thought it was funny
….and we all know that we don’t own cats, they own us 🙂
Mark, in that one scene where Indiana Jones is face to face with a snake, I had read somewhere that the glass that separated them shows a slight lighting on the glass. I think I tried looking for it, but I can’t remember if I saw it. I own it on VHS…and who has VHS players any more?
Debbe, item 16 in this list is about that: https://www.buzzfeed.com/keelyflaherty/why-did-it-have-to-be-snakes?utm_term=.wrAbj3Eam#.kbPz7dpDo
See if you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClwIj3x24Q4
Sounds like the Chesapeake ospreys are having a hail storm.
Good morning. Dog on left knee and cat on left elbow. Cat decided to stop being sphinx like and went into spasm of affection, nuzzling, head butting and rubbing in effort to wake me up.
Wants better quarters? He hasn’t left this bed for twelve hours but neither have I.
Mark, the skinny black kitty and long hair white and brown gray cats were playing on my door mat together! He is sick and I can’t catch him, he runs off. These two have moved into the porch, decks and garden happily. I am hoping others will return.
At least neutered and spayed and vaccinated they have a chance. My yard is a wonderful peaceful place if they will, full of birds and critters. Except for the snakes. I hate snakes!
Jackie, You should stop hating snakes. Peace, emb
I am afraid of them actually, not so much hate them. It doesn’t stop me gardening but I was traumatized by my mother who actively went out and killed them and would bring large dead snakes in to scare me with. She had a horrible lack of humor, often mentioned by her sisters as well, so life time habit?
I have touched snakes like boas and non poisonous ones but used to have terrible snake nightmares, sort of like Indiana Jones in that scene. I had trouble with snakes in his movies, as well as a few other scenes.
I actually encountered a small (nonpoisonous) snake in the hallway at work several years ago. Fortunately, all of my all-female staff had gone for the day, else I’d likely have suffered hearing damage from the screams of a couple of them…not to mention having to send them home during working hours to change into dry panties.
I picked up the interloper, removed it from the premises, and released it unharmed.