I’m a little late today, but I have managed to be here every day since Tuesday. I am in a hurry, so I’m leaving you with the remaining to strips from the 1997 arts-festival series. I enjoyed drawing this series, and I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing it again in its six-day entirety. See you next week!

Deal of the Art
By Jimmy Johnson
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184 responses to “Deal of the Art”
I turn mice loose if I can get them out of the cats mouth. Once at work we had one run into flower design room. During prom season, so midnight. Staff ended up screaming on design tables, crowded up there. Fluffy Paws ran out and snagged poor thing, I had to take Fluffy and mouse outside and hold her upside down shaking her yelling “Spit it out.”
The orange kitties often catch these small snakes and carry them around wiggling with me yelling “Spit it out!”
The drivers license wasn’t in the wash that didn’t drain? 🙂
I remember about a month or two after my dad died, one of my co-workers who was constantly smiling came up to me (while I was concentrating on something) and said “Smile, it can’t be all bad”. I glared at him and rolled my eyes. He continued to stand over me and say “Come on”. I clear my throat throat, stared him the eye and said:
Sorry, I can’t write it here. Eventually I told him that I can be very happy without smiling, but when I work I am neither angry nor happy…unless of course people come by and annoy me and even then I don’t stay angry. I am not totally cynical, but sometimes I worry about people that smile too much. Of course some CHOOSE to be happy and I can respect that.
Steve, the next time that happens, offer your best imitation of this…
You won’t likely be asked again.
Next time that happens, Jackie, take Fluffy Paws outside, tell her she’s a good girl and leave her alone for about five minutes. The problem will take care of itself without any messy evidence (except for a possible blood spot or two) and everybody except the mouse will be happy.
When I mowed last week, I lugged the trash and recycling out to the alley to have a clear run of the fence-line. I happened to look down just before the first bin met the asphalt, and noticed a tightly coiled garden snake – I’m guessing he was looking for heat in the road on that very yucky day. He was perhaps eight inches in length, and how he hadn’t been made a road waffle yet was beyond me. I found a stick and attempted to move him. It took several minutes and tries to get him moved into my stick pile. The neighbors across the alley must have wondered what the strange lady was arguing with in her yard. 🙂
Hopefully have the upcoming week covered. Baby steps.
Mindy from Indy, good for you! Both in saving the snake and getting your work improved.
I am phobic about spiders, but don’t kill them if I can help it. Exception is large ones running around in my rooms. I like snakes and lizards, amphibians, and practically everything else except rats. Never met a pet rat that didn’t want a piece of me and I don’t know why.
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody.
Planting flowers. Late but planting. Hope some live.
I only attack the spiders that crawl or land on me. Those across the room aren’t in danger.
The first spring we lived in our home our then 3 year old daughter brought us a six-inch garter snake she’d somehow picked up with a stick. It dropped off the stick, slithered into our open garage and disappeared into a hole at the base of the sheetrock. Three days later it emerged from the wall in our furnace room while I was shaving in the bathroom next to it… I caught it and put it back outside.
So many good stories and witty remarks today! I’ve giggled and smiled through all the letters and my fingers keep itching to hit the “Like” button. Gee, how I envy emb all the travelling — my travel days are over too. But we did go to a few interesting places, and I am content.
Indy Mindy, glad things are fairly okay for you. Good for you, being kind to orphan snakes!
Ghost, Old Bear, Debbe, and Jackie lead interesting lives and write exciting stories. I enjoy them ever so much and always look forward to coming to The Village.
Jackie, and others, a friend posted on Facebook that she hates poetry! I was dumfounded to see this — she isn’t a kid, but a highly educated journalist, about 62; pretty much retired now. I replied (very tactfully, considering my horror at her statement) and she hedged a bit, forget exact words now. Maybe she is afraid of poetry?
Must add that although I am female I do not scream and climb up on things when critters appear. I take a scientific point of view.
Great series, thanks!
And I’m sure I’ll be scorned by the “in-crowd” on this site but…I really don’t give a hoot and will never check back to verify this fact.
Anyway, I’d have gone with “two”, instead of “to” on today’s post.
Picky? Of course and please pardon the frivolity, just wanted to let you know I’m still checking in.
Please keep up the good work!
Trucker Ron, you are nice to be kind to orphan snakes also. Jackie, you must be so fearless to have gone to see the Indiana Jones movie with the snakes in it! I am sensible, but I stay away from scary films.
Jackie has been facing fear most of her life with little flinching. I am the one who catches other critters and cockroaches for screaming women.
Here’s a good one involving bears and my teeth. What we in South call eye teeth, incisors. Drove famous red convertible to Yellowstone with mama, cousin and granny. Granny smashed a heavy 35 mm. Camera in my mouth, cutting it and chipping off tooth point at bear approaching car. Age 17.
That winter out in decrepit jeep in swamp looking for lost deer hounds and a wounded deer with cousins, male. Bear appears, Jeep stalls in mud, two males leap onto roof, kicking me in mouth with boots, cutting it and breaking off other incisors tip. Age 17.
Fast forward to last year when I repaired and replaced lots of my teeth. Do I still have those two originals or just the memory of bear fear?
Opening packages of things I order is like Christmas morning as I NEVER recall buying the items. Sort of like ordering at the Dallas wholesale gift market, you think you must have been hypnotized or temporarily insane.
Loved this one but have no recollection of buying. “Talk Southern to Me”
Jackie, if you want to find some really neat and oddball stuff to order, go to ThinkGeek: http://www.thinkgeek.com and look around.
No Crazy Cat lady Gardener category?
Don’t like spiders? (I tried to find this from the original source but you’ll have to make do with this link from our local station.)
I forced myself to see the movie Arachnophobia when it came out, because I was a big Spielberg fan at the time. But everytime the a/c blew over my bare arms, I jumped, thinking something was crawling on me. Have never seen that movie again.
Jackie: https://www.buzzfeed.com/elainawahl/things-missing-from-your-crazy-cat-lady-life?utm_term=.rgjewYpKz#.riyj56xGK
crazy cat lady accessories
I immediately thought of the song, “i don’t like spiders and snakes, that’s not what it takes…”. A fun song…
I pulled several brands and types of trailers, but never one like this!
I’d like to ride in that one.
Good morning Villagers…..
I hate spiders. Especially the big ones, cats seem to enjoy them. The only bad thing about the fall season is they (spiders) want to come in house.
Mark, love the Indiana Jones facts, but the video posted “an error has occured try later”, and I will. Now I want to see the first movie and the Last Crusade…Love Indiana Jones
Steve….cute, no I found the license buried deep in the abyss of my purse 🙂 Repairman coming out Monday morning.
Woke up to my husband’s favorite movie last night, I think he can recite every line. My favorite two lines are: “I always figured when I got older, God would sorta come inta my life somehow. And he didn’t. I don’t blame him. If I was him I would have the same opinion of me that he does.” and “you don’t have to do this”….quick, Mark, what movie (hint…Tommy Lee Jones is in it)
And I got 197 cases yesterday…you go girls 🙂
Ya’ll have a blessed Sunday
GR 😉 you’re slipping 🙂
…..a true love song if ever
🙂 http://cheezburger.com/8797663232
The Sunday ‘Herman’ by Jim Unger is pretty good. Peace,
The Sunday LuAnn is right out of A&J.