Digital tools being as they are, this 2008 cartoon would have been an excellent opportunity to draw the first panel and reproduce it three times in the subsequent panels, pasting in dialog and the cat in the final panel. A cartoonist doesn’t want to get lazy and overly dependent on Photoshop, but it would have worked well in this case because of the “wait for it” nature of the gag. In this case, however, I did not. I diligently redrew each panel. I’d like to offer myself as a martyr for artistic integrity, but I’m not sure I qualify. I was using a felt pen which is a speedy medium, and I suspect it simply was easier to knock out each drawing than it would have been to involve a lot of computer chicanery. That can often be the case with me. Oh, that felt-tip pen thing I was going to talk more about. I have not forgotten!

Door No. 1, etc.
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
165 responses to “Door No. 1, etc.”
Oh, the reason our names aren’t in italics is because there are in specially formatted paragraphs as opposed to the main/commonly formatted paragraphs which are sharing the malformed unclosed italics tag.
Ghost dear, it turns out the black Mustang is everything I’d want except a convertible. It is a hardtop. I love how it drives though and it is loaded.
They can do a locate on convertible too.
P.S. my salesman is disabled Afghanistan veteran who got hit with burn injuries and gunshots in ambush while trying to pull his friend out of burning vehicle.
So I am making sure he gets commission.
The above ‘toon’ is so typical it is the norm.
Don’t know if I posted this before:
The definition of a Cat: “A four legged mammal that wants to be on the other side of the door.”
Get several of your trusted Ford dealers to give you quotes on what a replacement
for Trigger would cost (not new, but actual miles and service history). Present that to
your agent – It worked for me once. But then I have been with the same co. almost 60
Had a small step-stool for MIL in my old truck – with a rope you could retrieve from inside.
I’m proud of you. I always check for slight differences in these 3-of-a-kind panels, and appreciate you not being lazy. Anyone can copy, but it takes talent to make them so similar.
With my back I can’t get in and out of small vehicles. I have trouble with my wife’s old Crown Vic. The Crown Vic is going up for sale next month anyway. I bought her a new Kia Sedona mini van for the birthday in December. It is the perfect height to get in and out of. I will admit my truck can be difficult at times. I fell yesterday but I think it was just before attempting to get in. Had my hands full and somehow next thing I remember was hitting the ground. Can was on the wrong side to stop myself. I really hate falling, yet I do it so often these days you would think I enjoyed it. Hope you get things sorted with the crooks on your truck Jackie. Insurance companies will do all they can to not pay and don;t get me started on health insurance companies.
Yes, this has changed how I feel about insurance companies who now view their customers as adversaries, not clients they serve.
One reason I am looking to buy the Mustang is to remove as many bad memories as I can. If I simply replace Trigger I will be reminded daily of this fiasco (and boats) so I am hoping Mustang will erase some of the baGuage. I was emotionally tied to Trigger.
Do you all think Tornado is a good name for a fast black car?
It’s especially good if you say it with a Spanish accent!
Unless you plan to drive in circles – or in all directions at once – a better name might be “Derecho”. [Purist that I am, I note it has 3 syllables and not 4….]
I have been accused of driving in circles for years. On one trip last year I drove all day for hours and hundreds of miles only to end up about an hour from where I started that morning and behind myself.
My Facebook friends have made me aware there is an inauguration tomorrow with comments about drinking games.
Sir Ghost, isn’t there anything you’d rather do than watch television tomorrow? I have no plans to watch it.
At work, I am always tempted to open closed doors to meetings, just to see what the heck is going on in there.
Maybe I’m a little paranoid instead of only curious.
Let’s see if this does anything…
Jackie: please don’t rush things – the inauguration is Friday.
What? Why are my friends already drinking?
Hoping to block it out?
I was going to say if you missed it tomorrow you could see a live replay on Friday.
Curmudgeonly, Thank You! I have the same three syllable beef over the word erudite. I hear it many times these days. I think an author of young adult fiction made it popular. I may be the strange one, but I learned to say er-eh-dight, or over pronounce as eh-roo-dight. But air-ee-you-dight drives me right up the nearest wall. I used to laugh at a woman who would physically cringe at the word ‘moist’, because I just didn’t get it. Now I do. I don’t laugh at her anymore.
Wrong pronunciations and bad grammar may make me cringe but I don’t get why people (I know a few too) find “moist” so repulsive.
TruckerRon has prodigious mystical powers of typesetting. His sorcery of unknown HTML commands to invoke a persistent italics has thwarted three attempts at correction? Looks like everyone is writing through a babblefish. hat-tip Douglas Adams.
I have a Van Halen-David Lee Roth spoken lyric in my head.
Tell us How You Do… (it)
[C’mon Dave, give me a break]
One break, Coming UP!
Not a big Roth fan, and wish Eddie had handled fame better, but that trio could JAM. Dave was just an ugly frontman, though headbangers like to tout his vocal ability. I thought it was all soundboard magic by a technician.
Maybe original author has command privilege, TruckerRon can you help us out and undo this voodoo you doo soo well?
Ruth Anne, its a word that doesn’t come up often I grant. But learning the toothpick in the top of the cake trick, when I was maybe six, is what I always associate with moist cakes. I had no idea how forbidden it was until my forties. I’m not shy so I asked.
What I received was the glare usually reserved for obscene comments, and a refusal to explain. So I don’t ask anymore. I’m a creative guy, so can jump to all kinds of conclusions, but I will not look for confirmation. My best guess is the word was criticized in a humorous movie, by a comedienne, or author I’m not familiar with. Because I’ve seen it in a diverse sampling of reasonable women.
Well, here goes nothing:
Did any of those make a difference?
I’m afraid we’ll have to wait for JJ to rescue us.
Odd thought. What if I try to turn italics on and not off?
You BROKE it, You bought it.
On moist: The fact that most of the younger women who dislike the word so strongly, had no shyness wearing the word JUICY in bright colors across their glutial region perplexed me even more.
Not a bloody thing! 🙁
Sorry to anyone offended by that.