Digital tools being as they are, this 2008 cartoon would have been an excellent opportunity to draw the first panel and reproduce it three times in the subsequent panels, pasting in dialog and the cat in the final panel. A cartoonist doesn’t want to get lazy and overly dependent on Photoshop, but it would have worked well in this case because of the “wait for it” nature of the gag. In this case, however, I did not. I diligently redrew each panel. I’d like to offer myself as a martyr for artistic integrity, but I’m not sure I qualify. I was using a felt pen which is a speedy medium, and I suspect it simply was easier to knock out each drawing than it would have been to involve a lot of computer chicanery. That can often be the case with me. Oh, that felt-tip pen thing I was going to talk more about. I have not forgotten!

Door No. 1, etc.
By Jimmy Johnson
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165 responses to “Door No. 1, etc.”
Like a toggle switch played with by a toddler just tall enough to reach it.
It’s welded closed from all the arcing.
Not offended, think it’s hilarious.
Sorry if I’m laying it on too thick.
Not like I’ve ever carried a joke too far.
There IS something new under the sun! {namely, new-to-me knowledge of “moist”}
This is absolutely the first time I have ever heard of any aversion to the word by anyone!
My impression of “moist” seems to focus on cookies being moist (thus, bendable somewhat) as opposed to crackers or snaps which simply break. I despise something which looks moist but isn’t, as a dried-out brownie. That is quite a disappointment to my oral cavity. Secondly, cooked meats need a little fat to be “moist” (and flavorful). A piece thereof without fat can be boiled up in tons of water, but the water won’t make it moist in my book. In contrast, the MBH seems to like skinless, fatless, essentially-boiled white meat chicken – to me that is also tasteless; much like chewing balsawood, only not nearly as flavorful.
Morph, I’m in the EH-roo-dite pronunciation camp. How do you feel about AIR-yoo-dite?
we’ll see if this changes anything
##@@*** sorry for the foul language (comic strip style)
Mark joins the fray! And becomes frayed. But never afraid.
cx-p, that’s how my Mirriam-Webster’s has it too. I think that’s the link to the 4-sill ah bull version so I try to avoid it myself. Trying to stuff a ‘Y’ and a ‘U’ in my mouth at the same time makes me feel like a Japanese child meeting the word ‘rule’ for the first time. Still can’t get a Spanish ‘R’ to r-r-r-roll, it’s like my tongue has corners. The French ‘H’ only works if i have a cold.
The sill ah bull was supposed to be a joke. It’s my mnemonic for spelling to get both l’s, but I forgot to hit the punchline.
Now I need a mnemonic for mnemonic.
I’m starting to like the italics.
Of course I’m a well known jinx. So now someones gonna fix it.
Won’t let me post.
Bringing this up while you guys are working on other problems is tactless, but I need help badly. GoComics simply will not update. I sign in, it will bring up my Favorites, but every strip is stuck on Jan. 10. I subscribe to the site and have for years; sad that they treat me like this (I know, I shouldn’t take this personally.) One of the Villagers said here last week or so, to delete the cookies, and I found the setting okay but couldn’t do it just for that one site. If I delete all my cookies, my daily newspaper, and other sites I rely on, won’t recognize me; for that matter, the comics site won’t recognize me either; as a subscriber. Feeling down in the dumps over this. Can you please give me some guidance?
Ricardo Mantalban speaking on the Johnny Carson show opined that
unless you spoke a second language before you were 10 you would always
speak with an accent; because the muscles in the mouth are set by then.
Must work for dialect and regionalisms too.
oh that smooth Cordovian leather
Charlotte, you already tried what I would have suggested. But I didn’t want to leave you without a response. And you are much too genteel with your talk of tact. 😉
I’ve juggled problems over the last year, and on the advice of the knowledged [maybe], dump cookies frequently. Means I have gotten a lot more familiar with my keyboard, logging in all the time.
My interpretation is we either experienced a disturbance in the website/browser balance across all of interwebnetlink during the last year. When EVERY maker changed their operating system. Or we are about to have the wise gurus sell us our new browser/HTML standard to fix everything.
If you stare at the italics long enough, then go to a different tab, every other page looks so strict. Like Nurse Ratched is in charge of the ward.
Old Bear, I liked your endless loop definition of a cat. Mine, however prefers to straddle the threshold of a held-open door. And will stare you right in the eye while doing it. He loses eventually, but likes to see how long it takes. I consider it my patience barometer. Useful information for the rest of my day.
I have been trying to post an article from mentalfloss about a scientific study done by a group of lingual scientists on word aversion which covered moist. There were about a dozen articles on the study and this was best, June 2015.
Do not read the slang or urban definitions, those are weird and gross.
The scientists are interesting. WordPress has kicked me out endlessly. See if you can google.
Jackie I wondered if it was a hotlink that was keeping you out.
Thought you might have wanted to correct my soft Corinthian leather. Thought I remembered it was a favored feature of yours. Suspected I had it wrong. When wiki told me better, I thought you’d be disappointed.
Was about to call out–
Can you hear me Major Tom?
When I see your comment, and Charlotte’s, and Domaucan’s, and others, I wonder why things seem broken?
Because we are too bloody old.
Nonsense, they cannot discern that through the keyboard.
Can they?
italics are fun
Interesting, I guess it doesn’t like me either…
Yeah, I don’t think it’s the age of the finger. I think it’s the bungle in the code. I don’t like it when people try to lay fault on the user. If the code worked, any user could work the code.
Jimmy, it’s strange. Your retro comic today, while humorous, did not spark. As soon as I read it was done with the felt-tip, I immediately saw the constant line weight. Not until you point it out do I know *why* it is flat. Until then, it just registers as ‘blah’. Then a funny thing happens. Once I know the why, I can dismiss it, and see the other differences pointed out above.
I think the individually drawn frames is recognized, even if unconsciously, and reinforces the tedious passage of time as if you’d had Arlo gasp in frustration, but more subtle. Maybe some flavor of additional effort bleeds through the drawing, and we taste it. I changed senses trying to describe the je ne sais quoi of line art. Not what we see, but what we interpret before thought. OK, too deep. And that opinion was unenhanced by pharmaceuticals.
When frames are identical, as noted several times, we all see it for what it is. We are trained to spot patterns, it’s the differences that slipp wright buy, al tha thyme.
Different thought on what I see but don’t always understand. I firmly believe your hand lettered balloons give more tone than a typeface can. But I also know that if you quizzed me on which is which, I would be qrong half the time. I’d be wrong, as well.
Y’all I have been fighting car dealer websites all night. I am once again annoyed with my local dealer. They are so sleepy at times. They know I sold cars. They know I am computer literate. Why do they bother to lie? Again.
So, I found a hard top and a convertible Mustang at good end of year discounts but in Tulsa, the exact one I would buy. Guess I am going to Tulsa tomorrow.