The A&J series that is running in newspapers this week about syncing wireless technology is based on true events, as was the lizard episode a few weeks back. You are right: I’ve not been leading a very exciting life of late. As for the lizard sequence, one commenter somewhere kept coming back day after day to snort (if one can snort online) derisively something like, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a harmless lizard.” I didn’t say anything then, but I would like to say on my—I mean Arlo’s—behalf that when a skink, a rather large and aerodynamic lizard, is running loose in one’s underwear, it becomes a matter not of fear but of urgency. Anyway, ponder Felix the French space cat. There seems to be some debate about whether the first French space cat was Felix or Felicette. If you’re truly interested, it’s an easy search. Sadly, a second French space cat was sent in suborbital space flight similar to Felix, or Felicette, but did not survive the recovery. Apparently, its name is unrecorded.

Far Out Cat
By Jimmy Johnson
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299 responses to “Far Out Cat”
“Just” 6’2″, Jackie, but I was judging by a friend’s SLK, which was mucho fun to drive, but something else to get into and out of, especially with the top up. And I am partial to full-sized four-door sedans, with full-size trunks, that will allow you to actually carry stuff in them. Like shotguns. 🙂 I started to ask you if you’d like me to be your partner at dance classes but then thought that with your height and mine, it might appear we were committing some unnatural act on the dance floor.
Millionaire Widow Lady owned a Maserati Quattro for a while. We took it one night to go to dinner, and a state trooper followed me on the Interstate for about ten miles, not because I was speeding (although, boy, could I have been!), but probably because he was trying to figure out what it was.
“At your age you are hardly using it to park.”?? Hey! Keep up, the weight loss, kiddo, and you may find yourself parking. 😉
Speaking of sunken rafts, I remember one year in the America’s Cup race when one (or was it more than one) racer actually sank, and Sports Illustrated joked that DNR stood for “Did Not Float”. (I guess they should stick to swimsuit editions and leave the humor to others.)
“DNF”, of course, for “Did Not Finish”. “DNR” is something else.
Semper Fi!! Two US Marines subdued gun weilding attacker.
France train shooting: Three hurt and man arrested –
Looks like someone picked the wrong high-speed train to shoot up. (With apologies to The Gunny.)
OF due 1628-1648 CDT. Peace, emb
Ghost, yes.
Oh, was there not a question?
Just found this album and listened in car just now. My new favorite Mark Knopfler song, coupled with the beautiful Emmy Lou Harris. I am a late bloomer
DNI/DNR, two important abbreviations for an Emergency Room staff.
Of course, to store personnel DNI means Do Not Inventory.
Jackie, I commented on your alligator photo. That one was last year’s biggest taken during Alabama’s season. It took the world record for largest ever caught. And yes, I am 6’5″. Rode in a friend’s Triumph Spitfire a couple of times and felt like I was trying to put it on. The smallest car I have driven was sister’s Dodge Colt (70’s version built by Mitsubishi), only possible because it had a tilt steering wheel and automatic transmission.
Had a Corvair Monza Spyder that I really liked – was not too hard to get into (like youse guys-
am 6’2″) That one you stepped UP to the curb – and no I never had handling problems but it was a car you had to drive.
The one tough to fold into with the top up is a Jag. SK – Had one stored at farm for awhile.
– Better half had trouble getting in passenger side and she is 5’2″.
Off for a while.
Friends, I decided since I was in Oklahoma and listening to Mark Knopfler I would REALLY like to go to one of his concerts. My lordy, the tickets I found were $400 for two up in balcony or at least not very good seats. That is worse than the last Jimmy Buffet tickets I paid for and did not attend because of an ice storm. Jimmy made it to theater, so no cancellations or refunds.
OF due soon, 1711-1731 CDT. emb
Jackie, I needed to have known more women like you…ones who say “Yes” even when they are not entirely sure what the question was. 😉
Here’s some Emmylou cake with Linda frosting on it.
The entire CD (Western Wall/The Tucson Sessions) is good. Check it out if you are not already familiar with it.
Funny you mentioned Linda Ronstadt, I also bought one of her albums but haven’t listened to it yet. I will look for the one you suggested. Saying no has never been a strong point. Working on that now. Love, Jackie
Actually listening to album right now, it came up immediately after the song you linked. Thanks.
The track “1917” is about a woman who also could not say “No”, but she had a good reason, and it may make you cry.
Just found a separate track of 1917. With the lyrics to follow below, yes, that is a sad song, I will see if there is a version by David Olney who wrote it and originally performed it. I had not heard it before. beautiful. Love, Jackie
Debbe 😉 OK, some of you older folks…which came first, the song or the dance? 🙂
Oh boy, what an amazing story about the train terrorist attacker in France — “the two U S Marines heard the man loading a weapon in a toilet cubicle and confronted him when he came out.” That’s the same sort of thing Ghost has told us about more than once, being constantly aware of one’s surroundings and ready to react. The USMC training must be all important in this.
I am very proud of my father’s service in the Marine Corps — it was long ago but that’s OK. I bet the training and the attitude hasn’t changed.
I of course strolled but I don’t remember it that far back, but that would have been in the American Bandstand period when we all gathered to sit on floor in front of only television in our boarding school to watch the latest music and dances. Those were the geekiest and most bored looking dancers I ever saw! Think we were a little more animated! We also danced a version of the shag, which was similar.
The Emmy Lou Harris and Linda Ronstadt duet of 1917 was the best, although I found several others. I got hooked on Harris and Knopfler and Ronstadt and Harris and spent a lot of time listening to that. This is an interesting but time consuming hobby! That led me to Johnny Rivers, a local Louisiana singer who became national and his Slow Dancing (Swaying to the Music) and a lot of other songs but that one belongs with our slow dancing arc. Classic.
Am in going through my version of Clown Pants to give away, too huge to even garden in, and listening to classical music to compensate for the memory lane trip above. By the time I get the closet and drawers in good order I will have lost enough I have to do it again! Love, Jackie
Here is 50s/60s for an hour –
put it on in the background
Here is one you have to watch – about 20 min.
A Zenith record player at 2’55” with 16rpm as we talked about a while ago.
15 cent Macs – 50 million sold
Oh! the colors on the walls
Thanks Old Bear, I will play while I exercise tonight. One hour is what I do at minimum.
The pictures repeat after 5 1/2 min – memories
I don’t generally find the time to listen/watch all y’all’s song links, but I just looked the 1917 lyrics. Oh my goodness.
Aren’t the lyrics incredible? I read about the author/composer David Olney who is considered a master lyricist and poet, composer. He wrote some other incredible lyrics I read and he was referred to as Nashville’s answer to the Bard. Very dark and complex music.