It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
I could totally see Janis in a Helga-style nude pose…which sort of seems to be the way she was headed in today’s real-time cartoon before Arlo caught her.
love it, Jimmy. 🙂
I recall when this first ran, guess the mid-term memory still functions. Now if I could recall if I had breakfast this morning and who the woman in my house is, things would be normal.
The nice thing about art (movies too) is that you can represent something that is totally true but captures the essence of it. Sometimes the movie-maker will take too many liberties and if the intent is to deceive, then problems arise. But we have been talking quite a bit about that lately.
Kitty in the window is ok to me.
You’re like me. I meet new people every day. Especially the pretty girl I found in my bed this morning.
Bob, it’s not the meeting, rather the did I enjoy that is so infuriating. 😉
I remember this running and how impressed i was with the work. It vaguely sticks in my mind that you told us about the ‘error’ at the time, because I know I’m not smart enough to have picked it up!
OMG, the ads for ginormous teddy bears for Valentine’s Day gifting are back on TV! (“It will pay off for you in a big way.” Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.) To me, the ads’ only redeeming quality is that they feature a number of hot-looking ladies. Even if those ladies hot-looking do appear to be turned on by ginormous furries, which I find slightly weird and disturbing.
Arlo, as usual, had a better idea.
Jimmy, I look forward to your blog captions almost as much as I do the artwork and texts.
OF due NOW-1407 CST Peace, emb [Get URL from yesterday’s mail.]
Checking in that I am vacationing in Paris for a couple of days, Texas style Paris. Lovely view of a car repair shop from my suite’s window. Sent minion home with dirty laundry and she will come back and retrieve me and small dog. Met three good looking EMS who declared me to be sane and fit, despite all appearances and just needed to take my meds and insulin, etc. and go to sleep for a day or so. Invited one to come up in October to my boating festival and I hope he’d show up.
I now have a huge pit bull deputy sheriff moving into my extra apartment in house and I doubt I will have a problem with local crime any more. Dog sitter says he is gorgeous and huge, willing to shoot any future thieves. Didn’t have to pick one out, my yard man found this one so I can stop worrying about breakins or vandalism.
Thelma and Louise are retiring I hope and getting to rest a few days. Thelma wants to stay home and plant the spring garden and get yard cleaned up! Louise is going back to Florida and go horse back riding and boating I think.
Love, Jackie
Huge Wyeth fan here and I am impressed, love it. Only comic in America that does not assume the audience are morons.
Here’s the URL for ref. today. emb
No, it’s here. Sorry.
Caught up on posts, thanks for reminding me I not only have to file three death estate probations but taxes as well. I am hiring a CPA I guess and asking for extensions. Lost the tax expert with husband, along with electrician, plumber, carpenter and a hundred other hats he wore with expertise.
Drove through several of your hometowns and thought of you all, of course. Luckily it did come into my mind I had relatives who were lawyers in several places too.
Jackie, God broke the mold after he made you!
Jackie, welcome to Paris. Even Paris is better in Texas. 😉
GR6, we could do puppies and kittens for Valentines Day.
Actually I like Paris. Good TexMex restaurant right by hotel and a neat old downtown, I found the book to not be as good as I’d hoped, movie was ok.
Too long story about me selling/leasing a car to an elderly lady who asked it be titled to Paris Theater which she owned. I was shocked, Paris Theater in Houston was a place you wore raincoats to the theater. Turns out when I asked for address it was THIS Paris Theater!
Furry adorable things, Sand, which also snuggle, lick your face and toes, and lay on your tummy. It’d work. As a retired florist, Valentine’s would work better for me were it year round giving, not one rush of insanity.
I live on Wyeth country and have grown up appreciating his eye for the details of the ordinary. I often drive many farms that look like they feel off one of his canvases. Our local museums host several of his best known works and it is always a thrill to see them in person. My daughter also appreciated Wyeth at an early age; in second grade she won a school contest for correctly identifying “Christina’s World”.
As for today’s comic- quite a treat! I wonder if Janis was planning to surprise Arlo at work with a special photo?
Did I see somewhere that you can send the info to the I Remember S*** and they will do your return for you? Yeah, I’m going to do that. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a pig.
Jerry, supply me with all your personal and financial data. Enclose a signed and notarized power of attorney. I guarantee this will be your last case of identity theft.
This is a test. I tried posting earlier today from another location but my submission never appeared. No links or questionable verbiage (that I know of) so shouldn’t have gone to moderation and Friday the 13th is still two days away!
Denise. my husband also said that but that God had realized what he’d done! Also that he’d not
want to live in my mind five minutes. Back handed compliment?
Guys, I am but a foster parent to the kitties and getting them medical care. Husband turned my cattery into an annex to the Boat Palace so I can’t get permanent residents to increase! There is an Old Bear which delights me with the name, Gremlin and a Mayhem. I love Mayhem, fantastic advertising image.
Recovery time and regroup, come back to Tampa for Everglades Challenge launch and maybe on to finish down in Key Largo. This time it is kind of aimless meanderings I hope. Except when I pushed myself, I did fine with blood sugars, held up great. I know I am avoiding grief but I am not sure that is a bad thing, celebrating instead of mourning life.
And being among people who are as much snowflakes as I is so energizing.
Love you all, Jackie
Sand, Don’t look now, but there’s a pig flying over you. Whoops, I guess that’s where the term a pork pie hat comes from.