It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
Apparently I have a Samsung Galaxy that is waterproof for outdoorsmen and is a 4G phone with a Skype type feature, I seem to have a zillion apps already and it is programmed to my car. I will locate owners manual at home and read. But first thing I need to do is go get a better program from ATT. And a cover no doubt. That is why I stick a flip phone with a cover in my bra! I think this phone is too big for that.
I would like to repeat how moving I find the sepia A and J Wyeth tribute. In a way, I had just seen another piece by an artist in her home that had moved me in same fashion.
It was a sepia collage of her ancestors painted from old photos from family, dozens in a seemingly random pattern but so balanced in the shading and scale.
Do not say you are not an artist, Mr. Johnson.
emb: Another memorable quote: “Sex is dirty…if you’re doing it right.”
Jackie, back in the early days of business PCs, the term “power-user” meant someone who really knew what they were doing with a PC. And the definition of “power-user” was “someone who has read the manual.”
sand: And much of the media in our country, rather than properly utilizing the right of freedom of the press, just becomes part of the inside-the-beltway establishment or local power structures. Can’t very well trust ’em to be objective about someone they’ve climbed into bed with.
“Lung cancer is horrible scourge and I am going to keep raising awareness and raising money as well.” Good for you. I just hope my older son quit in time.
I don’t know the Senior pastor at this ELCA* church well, and had never met his wife. Obit photo = a quite attractive woman. No idea if she smoked, or grew up in second hand smoke. As I mentioned, I will attend primarily / the Assoc. Pastor who will do the service [a tough one], and various friends in the congregation.
ELCA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, = largest synod in USA. There are several others, various degrees to its right. We had 4 ELCA churches in and near town, but one jumped ship over the gay pastors issue. There is a new synod made up of ~ churches. Interesting: just occurred to me that it’s the only one that doesn’t have an annual lutefisk supper. I think lutefisk and acceptance of gays are independent variables, but perhaps one could check that out for a master’s thesis.
Peace, emb
Dear Jackie, I too rely on owners manuals and read them religiously. But some of these devices don’t come with manuals any more! So annoying. But the directions can be found online if you type in the model number, etc. One or more Villagers suggested previously there are tutorials and videos … care to re post, was it Mark in TTown, or Ghost, or Sandcastler?
Glad to see you are still in one piece and still steaming full speed ahead. I was really concerned when we didn’t hear from you.
Jackie, look up Otterbox for a phone case. And if you missed it,if the phone is from ATT, check their website for instructional videos and slideshows to teach you how to use the features of the phone.
You can get wireless stereo headphones to use when you are boating, etc. Like these:
No lutefisk? Heresy!!
“I really think that tossing at night should be considered as exercise.”
In my case not much exercise because of cats on both sides. If they were
all on one side I probably would be on floor.
“We’re all mature until someone pulls out the bubble wrap.”
Speak for yourself about mature.
Where did they find the girl in the Teddy Bear commercial that only liked chocolate
for a few seconds? It is true that chocolate sicks with you A LOT longer than flowers.
Old Bear, once again demonstrating the need for an “edit” button. …chocolate sicks with you… Maybe if you are allergic.
If you like the earbud style…
These have worked well for me. The case has a charger built into it, increasing the usable time.
Yeah, Bear, that commercial makes all kind of sense, doesn’t it? The ladies are still hot, though. 🙂
Debbe 😉
Did I make fun of the “Hoodie Footie” as a Valentine’s Day gift last year? I’m pretty sure I did.
We lost a friend to lung cancer 2 years ago. She had done everything right, never smoked, wasn’t exposed to secondhand smoke or asbestos, regularly exercised, and ate well. The remaining possible causes are bad genes and radon.
I bought a radon detection kit today, will set it up on Saturday. Can’t do anything about years of exposure to asbestos in the company garage (brake pads were made of it for decades). 🙁
Somehow, the Gettysburg Tweet doesn’t have the proper gravitas.
Mark in TT
Or relying on Speelchex to catch misteakes
or is that misssteaks
Good morning Villagers….
I remember the above retro and found it fascinating…the artwork, the shading, the characters.
Jean….good golly Miss Molly…I do believe you hold the ‘honors’ of the longest link posted….I’m about half afraid to click on it 🙂
I want to thank all of you for your suggestions on acquiring a laptop or an Ipad…Ian says I can sit in my recliner with headphones watch movies on Netflex (I have a router.) Whiles the hubbie watches the Investigative Discovery channel…I hate that channel….”Wives with Knives” etc.
I didn’t get the Abe Lincoln finding an envelope strip, well I do, but was there a personal experience in his life that required an envelope. And yes, GR 😉 The Gettysburg Tweet was too much. But that is TDS
Jackie, glad you are taking it easy…you’ve been a busy lady. Did the Minion take the kettehs home with her? Where and why did you go to such lengths to save these kettehs? I love you for doing it too. I am looking forward to your Terre Haute, IN trip.
Well, it was 47 degrees yesterday, and now it’s 26 degrees with a ‘real feel’ of minus 4. Ugghhh. This artic plunge is going to be with a while.
Going in after work to speak to a real person regarding insurance…imagine that, a real person, face to face….sure am glad I’ve not lost my gift of gab, The Boss says I have a problem with that….with a smile on his face as he say that.
ya’ll have a blessed day…
I love the colors of a calico:
Debbe, I love calicoes too! I’ve noticed that our local shelter calls them tortoise shells when describing the color, but they will always be calicoes to me! Good luck with the insurance appointment!
Thank you, Granny Carol. You are up early and posting…good to see you’re posting more often.
Debbe, I think that Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address on the back of an envelope while on the way to speak there.
I know it would be a December occurrence but there is also the Wyeth Eleven. Members of an artillery unit captured, tortured and murdered during the Battle of the Bulge.
Probably the shortest and most stirring speech in US history and was written on the train from DC to Gettysburg on an envelope. The orator who spoke before Lincoln spoke for 3 hours and only serious Civil War scholars even remember his name much less what he spoke of.
GR6, WARNING! Life could be about to change.
Or, as we used to say as smartass seventh graders, “Abraham Lincoln wrote his Address while riding to Gettysburg on the back of an envelope.”
Debbe, I will come to Indiana when the artic express leaves. Want to meet you too. I think I should put the free range chicken coop in my back yard with the garden or perhaps in front yard with the stone patio which would let them be visible and visited but back yard has more grass and space. Thinking of putting in a rooster rescue haven. Do they fight each other? It is still a popular sport in OK land but it is very illegal, thank God, now.
When I moved to OK I was so in despair I put my head on my steering wheel and prayed that if the Lord showed me a decent log cabin that did not have a cockfighting operation, a pit bull farm or a car parts dump on all sides I would buy it on the spot. He answers prayers with mixed results, of course.
Minion is on way with clean clothes. I seem to have one shirt, a set of red underwear, shirt is not red, a pair of pajamas, as options for breakfast buffet. I am thinking about it.
Fireman was right, I needed to get some sleep and take my meds. Blood sugars are excellent now. Exhaustion and stress and not eating is not good for autoimmune diseases either.
Debbe, write me directly anytime you’d like. I am getting too many advertisements now, I am going to have to unsubscribe to some so I can see personal ones! If I tell you about rescue mission I will have to kill you at once, you know.
Love, Jackie