It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
Jackie, I saw something earlier today about a guy named Smyth that I’m sure you know, but now I can’t remember what his first name was, what I read or where I read it. I’ll try to come up with it but it had to do with the Everglades thing.
Jackie, I assume your initial contact with the good-looking EMS dudes was not social in nature. You sure you’re doing OK now?
And why didn’t that theater in Houston just get the roof fixed?
Jackie, his first name was Randy. Where I saw the name I have no idea.
Jerry, that would have been Randy Smyth who is a famous catamaran sailor and designer and I imagine it was about his boat “Scissors” and if not, he may have a newer one? He is a radical fast boat sailor and often wins unless his boats crash and burn or get catapulted through air!
My “category” is actually monohulls, more traditional sailboats anyone would be more familiar with
although most of these are open boats without cabins. But the array of craft is totally amazing, I love what these guys will get on/into and fight high winds and water,
Ghost, no not social, but if I need to meet good looking muscular men who are caring and awesome people I may feign more illness in hotels. I am OK now, got some sleep, some insulin, some medications and am no longer hallucinating and feeling the road and motor for hours after I stopped! Obviously, the road warrior is gone although they said they couldn’t have done it either nor were crazy enough to try.
Love, Jackie
So as I tried to say this morning…
Debbe – my husband likes his iPad but you might want to look at some of the other tablets that have the option of a detachable keyboard. There’s a definite learning curve for typing on a tablet; I prefer a keyboard (and a mouse) for anything more than a few sentences and for cutting and pasting links . I got an ASUS, a friend really likes her Dell. As far as internet access, there are others here who can probably address that better than I. Bob got a monthly deal with his iPad a few years ago; last summer we got a wireless hotspot that will work for both devices (not sure we got the greatest deal but it works) but that might not solve your dead zone issue.
Jackie – I was going to try to talk Bob into going to Tampa for the Everglades Challenge launch but then I realized that it’s the same weekend as his 50-year high school reunion. Maybe next year!
Jerry, you need to get an eye exam. The only flying objects over our property are Blackhawks from the Texas Guard.
I agree that typing is easier with a real keyboard. This is what I use for my iPad; it’s both a protective case and a back-lighted keyboard.
But I also agree that a basic laptop might best meet Debbe’s needs. Mr. sand might even recommend a Chromebook. I don’t know enough about them to have an opinion.
OF. No prediction; next ‘when possible to do so.’ Nice view of multiple geysers to the west. Peace, emb
GR6 and Debbe, from what I read when they started making them, a Chromebook was primarily intended for internet browsing and not a lot else. This may have changed. I have read recently that HP and Microsoft teamed up to create a real notebook to challenge the Chromebooks with a lower starting price and free Microsoft Office for a year.
They are the first two here, called Stream.
Debbe, I looked at the specs for these and I think you should look at other laptops if you can afford to spend a little more than these cost. The Streams don’t have a real hard drive, and there is no disk drive either. They use a memory card instead of a hard drive.
Jackie: “Drove through several of your hometowns and thought of you all, of course.” You didn’t drive through NYC or my current h.t. in n. MN. Not a good day to drive here. 2″ new snow, packed into skiddy surfaces on some rds. Funeral today for a 91-yr. old fellow UMCer, former choir director, piano teacher, amateur actor, and planned parenthood board member, wise [though recently fading], strong advocate for early sex ed. [memorable quote, “Sex is dirty! Save it for the one you love.”]. Good turnout: fellow UMC, college math faculty [husband retired math teacher, music people, community theatre people. We made the rafters roar: UM Hymnal 160, “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart”.
Sadder funeral tomorrow: ELCA senior pastor’s wife, 40, lung cancer, 3 young kids. I will go / Assoc. Pastor = good friend and former co-worker with my late wife, + friends with lots of that church’s members. Local pop. = half RC, half Lutheran [various synods], and the rest of us.
Peace, emb
Just lost entire comment (useless opinion!) on laptops with keyboards, I use an antiquated one and losing comments is a constant!
EMB, what a wonderful life! And a young one cut off too soon. Lung cancer is horrible scourge and I am going to keep raising awareness and raising money as well.
I confess I thought of calling Jerry or Ghost or Mark or even Jimmy driving thru their towns in middle of nights, but I doubted they’d much want to see me and Mark probably would give me additional cats to add to collection.
Next trip to coast is in a couple weeks and I am not even bringing a boat. It occurs that I have not owned jeans or boots in some time, although I have hats and lots of sunscreen boating shirts, now if I can dig out of warehouse where those summer clothes are!
And music. I need to learn how to load CD’s in player and what it will do, plus handsfree phone.
I am driving a car with 55,000 miles in a year and a half and I realize I have just been a passenger for most of those miles.
Debbe, Chromebook is probably not the road to take. We both do the real work on laptops. Loon has a 10″ Nexus tablet and mine is a 7″, personal preferences. Other than work Loon lives with her tablet: email, surfing, video, music, alarm clock and games. For me, about 98% of my work/life happens on that little 7″ tablet; I started experimenting with pocket computing in 2003. Loon usually travels with both devices, while I’ve not traveled with a laptop since 2007. I did fall back on my smartphone when in Russia, tablet died rather unusual death on second day of trip.
Jackie, consider a $10.00 per month Spotify subscription for your smartphone. Unless you have some very rare and esoteric CDs, you can listen to pretty much any music you wish music without having to fiddle with disks.
Unless you are a big Taylor Swift fan, that is. BTW, does anyone know when Ms. Swift is going to turn thirteen? If ever…
Ms. Swift leaving Spotify was a good move. The service reported a 20% increase in paid subscribers since her huffy flight.
Oh, and a decent Bluetooth stereo headset for the smartphone, too, Jackie.
Did the FSB poison your tablet, sand?
Something happened in the Moscow Hilton lobby that rendered it unrepairable.
On cans (headphones) get the noise cancelling ones. Great for flying/travel and the perfect excuse for not hearing a word the spouse is saying.
The hilarious part of me becoming more knowledgeable about things I now own is when it comes to GPS, marine radios, SPOTS and EPIRBS which spell check says is “epicure” and lots of other toys. Luckily I will be towing my new boat or an old one to a land locked wooden boat show early on and to some events where I hope I have tolerant and nice friends to help. My honest opinion is that I am not totally idiot and can learn, so digging out the owners’ manual might help.
Better keep losing weight and start some serious exercising if I mean to do this. Exercising brain might help too!
Love, Jackie
Taylor who? Taylor Bieber?
Darwin finches’ messy family tree
Jackie, another good reason to go with Spotify is that it has what they call an offline mode. Simply put, it stores your music on the device and you can listen without needing Wifi or phone data service, saving you a bundle of money.
Wouldn’t have minded hearing from you, but I’m not in the phone book. You would have to reach me through this site. And no, I wouldn’t mind if you took some of the cats because I would trust you to take good care of them.
Debbe, a lot of computer makers have a corporate discount plan. Maybe your boss could get one for you and just deduct the cost from your salary?
I am not in phone book either Mark but maybe if you did a personal background check? It is ridiculous because I tell everyone all by personal information like address, phone numbers, the map to my house and photos are all over the internet, my email and how to reach me is there because I run a very public boating event in my back yard. About as transparent as it can be I think!
Someone wrote me the other day asking if it was forward to call me Jackie? I told him the whole world calls me Jackie, somewhat like “the whole world calls me Hank”.
I figured I’d just write you here. No stalkers, please! I just moved a personal deputy into the back apartment as soon as I can get Mama’s pit bull (elderly) moved elsewhere in property and redistribute senior citizen dogs of hers. Mine are going back into main house, current employees are animal lovers.