A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Goin’ to Carolina

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Super Bowl L is upon us, except the NFL is abandoning the Roman numerology for this particularly edition. They say the “L” was too difficult to incorporate into a graphic logo, but I think they just wanted unfettered emphasis on the game’s golden anniversary. I did not watch the first Super Bowl. I was wandering in pecan orchards down by the Chattahoochee River with my buddy Marcus, but I do remember the game between Green Bay and Kansas City was being played that day. I have not followed professional football that closely for years, but I will be watching Sunday night. I have heard that a certain fellow graduate of Auburn University will be playing. As for the above classic A&J, it originally appeared in 2013, the very day of the famous “kick six” game. As you love to remind me, a lot of you aren’t sports fans, so if you don’t know what that means, it has its own Wikipedia page. The screaming and ranting that day actually went viral.

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196 responses to “Goin’ to Carolina”

  1. Morphy Avatar

    emb: I apologize for my assumption that any search-able database would give descriptive attribution. I may have been sensitive.

    Sideburns: I get your dig at Redmond, but do I need to find a new way to restate my data usage concerns?

  2. Morphy Avatar

    scenario: I pay a vendor for a music file, and receive the product by download, save to my hard drive, and enjoy. verizon meters one download [v=1]. Later that day, the ever helpful cloud, knowing I am a danger to myself, saves the new file to my cloud [v=2]. The music is good, I enjoy it frequently. Each time I do, the saved file is changed slightly, reflecting data of most recently accessed time or possibly what I like to pair it with. The cloud, being a good little cloud, and protecting my data up to the minute from imminent destruction, re-saves several times over the course of a month [v=3, v=… v=11?] Depending on the size of the file this becomes significant quickly. No state secrets or tin hats involved, just good commerce. But an expense I would like to avoid if I can. Am I seeing a problem that does not exist?

  3. Morphy Avatar

    Thanks, Mark.

  4. Morphy Avatar

    Unfortunately PCWorld is a site that feels auto-launching videos are helpful when you’re trying to read a print article. Burning through the very data limits I’m discussing. Since they are resident content, my adblock does not stop it. I’ve long since dumped everything Adobe for similar reasons, knowing reputable sources will use HTML5 anyway. I’ll continue to search for more informative sources, had hoped the village could help.

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Do a search for disabling autosave to the cloud in Windows 10 using whatever search engine you are most comfortable with. I saw more than one response on Google, use AdBlock and did not get any autolaunch video with it. Your choice. Good luck.

  6. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    You might try this one: https://duckduckgo.com/

  7. Morphy Avatar

    Thanks again, Mark.

  8. Morphy Avatar

    It is useful to learn how to stop the Redmond minions when they are unruly. But Microsoft has demonstrated a long chain of ‘our business model is more important than your machine’. Linux, and flavors of, appear to have a different culture that offers improvements without Hobson’s take it or leave it attitude. But as someone who has not tried a full on trial period, I find it very difficult to get past the windows bashing to a direct answer. Just voicing a frustration, not demanding a solution.

  9. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Interesting link to old version of this site. Jimmy says he intended Ludwig to be white since daily strip was black and white. But apparently colorist for Sundays decided to make him the purplish color. So Jimmy decided Ludwig was a Russian Blue.


  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, I know you like to watch the Weather Channel, for several reasons you’ve mentioned here. I did not realize Jimmy had done a strip about that channel though.


  11. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    A little late but Happy Birthday Jackie ;0
    Will catch up tomorrow

  12. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    That should be ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Small technical correction: I formally liked to watch TWC, prior to them becoming part of NBC’s propaganda, ah, news operation and all but getting out of the weather reporting business. They seem to be at least making an attempt to get back to their roots, so I may give them another trial.

    Jimmy once did a cartoon about Janis giving Arlo the forecast she’d just heard on TWC prior to bedtime, including doing the “weather dance” the female on-air meteorologists perform in front of the weather map, while wearing her flannel gown. Arlo asks if she would do it again, but wearing her little black nightie.

    And yes, I’ve had the same thought as to how TWC could rev up its ratings. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Morphy Avatar

    Jimmy’s art refined and minimized over the years. Also, separately, it reflected changes of style in reality. But something about young Janice’s long hairstyle and upturned nose causes fond memories. Thanks for digging that up.

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    The “old” arloandjanis.com is hopelessly “dated” (of course, one could probably say the same of the “new” arloandjanis.com, if one wished to be petty), but I always looked forward to visiting it. I note that Jimmy often referenced loyal readers that would “write” with comments or questions. I assume at least some of that was by snail mail back in the day. Thinking of the number of comments I have made here, I can only imagine what the cost of stamps would have been for that.

    And now if you will excuse me, the Carolina Panthers cheerleaders have begun to shake their pompoms.

  16. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Thanks, Mark, for that A&J link. Cool!

  17. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Just do a search for arlo and janis archives and some of these old pages will come up in the results. That’s how I got them.

    Have fun pompom watching, Ghost. Even that is not enough to get me to watch pro ball. Or college or high school ball either.

  18.  Avatar

    Mark where are the cartoons when Arlo and Janis went to Cuba? I didn’t dream that up did I?

    How about nude weather casters? Can tore and Spider aren’t bad looking guys.

    You’re asking for it Ghost. Want to go on a nude Caribbean cruise with a ship load of naked women? I could escort you, they actually frown on single male applicants I am told. You’d need a cover.

    I know, don’t quit my day job, my puns aren’t too good.

  19.  Avatar

    Jim Cantore and Mike Spiedel, not what Hal put in.

  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    It’s a nude cruise, but I’d need cover. Make up your mind, Jackie. ๐Ÿ™‚ And does the “ones you want to see, etc.” rule apply on nude cruises, too.

    Some years ago, a Canadian company started a InterWebNet news show featuring female news anchors that started out more or less dressed and, during the course of their segment, removed their garments until they had nothing else to remove. I understand they or an imitator did the same thing with male anchors but was spectacularly unsuccessful. The one with the au naturale females is still in business as far as I know. Since Mark is not watching the Super Bowl, perhaps he can research that for us.

    The reason I’m not watching the SB is that it is halftime, the segment where four grossly overpaid commentators explain what happened in the, you know, first half of the fame I just watched. Brilliant.

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “of the game I just watched”. Time to get a new keyboard.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    And no, I didn’t subscribe to the nudie news show. I saw a PG (no nudity) documentary about it several years ago.

    Anyone who *pays* to see naked women on the InterWebNet has some serious cognition issues.

  23. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, scroll down the page till you see the comic of an old fort. The series starts in the link on that part. Then weeks 2 and 3 are above it. The old blog has the oldest sections at the bottom and works up.