With this rare Friday post, we’re already a quarter of the way through the “Harvey” sequence, and, if I may say so, the best is yet to come. I’ve been playing around with some tee shirt designs that I hope will be out “just in time for Christmas.” I’ve been saying I was going to do that for 25 years. Maybe finally. I’ve been wracking my brain about what you’d like. Then it occurred to me: I’ll just ask. That is the way we do things around here. Any suggestions? (Sorry, no guarantees!) There’ll be a lot more said about this in the near future.

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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249 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
Time to nominate 3 more favorites for T-shirt duty:
1-25-00 It’s boring (full strip)
12-31-99 Formal Smooches (single frame possibilities)
4-27-93 I did (full strip)
The last one is beyond the reach of the online archive. I have not found a link, and even if I did, my post linking “Something about a peek” has still never appeared. Perhaps Our Beloved Author can assist, as the last one appeared in “Beaucoup.”
Speaking of T-shirts and links:
Given that my link to cafepress immediately posted, I grew brazen and tried to re-post my link to “Something about a peek.” No dice.
How timely, Steve! Enjoyed that one too – thanks! ๐
We got to the Tonk. My gfs are going to the bathroom and I am typing this, but I really need to go, too. Later!
ha, take that! black hole of comic strips!
scroll down and you will find the elusive peek. click it to enlarge.
Or…do it the way Lady Mindy suggested. Or…go to Archives at bottom of blog; click on archive for 3-24-2008, then click “view it here” on the second line of Jimmy’s comment.
Oh, and be sure to look at the 2-29-2008 archive while you’re at it.
They get A&J in India??
I just got home. Marcia and I spent Friday night at a motel so that we could get to Yom Kippur services and still get at least some sleep.
BTW, it looks like many of you would fit in very well at LASFS; we refer to a T-Shirt that’s XL as “fanish medium.”
Before I start catching up on posts I have to say I laughed at Sideburns comment on sizes! Even when I am skinny, skinny I still like XL for obvious reasons. I don’t think I have ever been a small or a XS since I was about 3-4 years old!
Since I am not in a starvation mode nowadays I like XXX or as loose as I can get one.
Love, Jackie
Evan, I think if you have more than one link in your post it goes to moderation thinking you are a spammer. Then it never appears.
Send each one individually and it will post I think. Voice of experience.
Ghost, apparently they not only get A and J in India but they think it is appropriately funny too.
Now if we could get the Dark Side to understand as clearly?
Lily, how do you get to a honky tonk without listening to C and W and other suitably unchristian music?
They aren’t singing hymns there, I know!
By the way, if you are close to Tyler, TX which you are I had figured out, I have a lovely Australian/Philippines boat designer who is coming up here from there with another professional boat builder who lives there. But they may be crowded in that truck?
I have another equally nice and good British friend coming in from Longview, TX with a fleet of strip built canoes, kayaks and gorgeous English classic sailboat. He would have room in his truck I am pretty certain.
And several suitable drivers coming with boats from Shreveport, LA area who drive thru your area, all of whom are respectable and Christians I know very well. Maybe more from East Texas but not sure?
It’s an idea. I need to get to work, I am behind!
Love, Jackie
The peek page is difficult. All I posted was the link, nothing else and it STILL didn’t post. Early and long day ahead. I’d rather be sleeping.
You and me both, Mindy! I hate fighting with Yahoo and I am not computer skilled enough to do stuff. I tried to print a magazine article on one of our boats coming from Canada and got 16 pages of more or less blank paper before article printed!
Good luck, girl. Kiss the cat for me.
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers…..
On the subject of T shirts….I would love to order the one that explains the “oh no second” with Luddie….GR can you post that link again….please, you found it once before and I saved it to my pics for my screen saver…thought I had saved the link but didn’t.
Bad news at the hen house…..my hens are dying at an alarming 30 something a day….so much concern, even one of the top execs came in on a Saturday to look at our dead.
Today’s my Mother’s 81st birthday….will be going in to see her later after work.
anyhoo….ya’ll have a blessed day
today’s grin: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5300752640/hD2F1B980/
I will add the hens to my thoughts and prayers, Debbe and you too.
My mom will be 93 this month but she has been 93 ever since she moved in with us! She wants to live to be 100 and keeps adding to her age. Most people who are in 60’s keep subtracting, she keeps adding.
I have to have a birthday cake for her so my boat people can all wish her happy birthday. She likes that. Her own family other than me (I am only child) and mine ignore her now, despite me giving them all phone #’s, email, street address, everything. She does not understand and think we are keeping them away from her and not giving her phone calls and mail. It is so sad.
She has given and given to my relatives but now they ignore her, which is ungrateful to say the least. I cannot even shame them into a visit or contact. Some people are shameless.
You go see your mama, Debbe. And I will hope for an answer on hens.
Ghost, what is condition of your mama? And all the others I am worried about too in the Village?
Gardening tee shirts with a snake would get me on two fronts. Terrible pun, the British are coming!
Love, Jackie
Debbe ๐ So I have something in common with a bra. Who’d a’thunk it? Sorry to hear about the problems with your girls. And by “your girls”, I mean your hens, not your…well, you know. I hope your mother has the best and happiest possible birthday,
Thanks for your concern about my mother, Jackie (and others). As an update, here’s the communal email I sent out to friends and relatives last week:
“Today (Thursday), she had treatment #21 and her weekly progress check with her oncologist, and everything is proceeding as planned. He does not anticipate her having to go beyond the 25 planned treatments, the last of which will be next Wednesday.
Her weight has been steady, and she still has not had any problems with fatigue. She still has some discomfort in her throat from the esophageal burning, but the liquid medication continues to control it pretty well. He offered to give her a liquid narcotic for that if necessary, but she decided to wait until next week to see if that will be required. (He expects the burning to subside within a week or ten days after her last treatment.) He did suggest she try eating as soft a diet as possible and gave her some Boost liquid to help maintain her nutrition. He continues to be both pleased and a little amazed that she has tolerated her treatments so well.”
Good morning, Lady Mindy. Life’s a ****ing soap opera, isn’t it? ๐
Jackie, perhaps we can get some of those Indians who understand and appreciate A&J to set up a customer support line for Darksiders. (That’s not racist, is it?)
Munchkin, I distinctly told you last night to let us know when you got home OK. And you didn’t. You’re just lucky I haven’t (yet) figured out a way to ground you via the InterWebNet. (And like Jackie, I’m tying to figure out how you avoid that C&W music you don’t like or listen to at a ‘tonk.)
Ghost: You asked if they get A&K in India. Some days I’m not sure if we get A&J in the USA!
I learned yesterday, via the InterWebNet, that the “armed intruder” who recently took an unscheduled tour of the first floor of the White House was “armed” with a Spyderco pocket knife. And apparently, it was the very same model as the one that is lurking in my pocket, even as I type.
I would be concerned about getting a call from the Secret Service, but I understand they have misplaced their copy of The Big Book of Presidential Threats. (You know, the one that would have had the “unscheduled tourist” already on their radar from previous encounters.) And as Tam (the young lady on whose blog I learned about the knife) observed, despite all of the breathless media reports, in most parts of the country a man who has a pocket knife is not “armed”, he is simply “dressed”.
Jackie, I’ll bet that if you set up a metal detector at your shindig, it would burn itself out from alarming at all the knives carried by your nautical guests. And on second thought, my Spyderco is not a “knife”, it’s a “letter opener”. In case I happen to get some snail mail.
From Baton Rouge, LA:
I’m sure you fell like I do today. IT’S GREAT TO BE AN AUBURN TIGER !!!