With this rare Friday post, we’re already a quarter of the way through the “Harvey” sequence, and, if I may say so, the best is yet to come. I’ve been playing around with some tee shirt designs that I hope will be out “just in time for Christmas.” I’ve been saying I was going to do that for 25 years. Maybe finally. I’ve been wracking my brain about what you’d like. Then it occurred to me: I’ll just ask. That is the way we do things around here. Any suggestions? (Sorry, no guarantees!) There’ll be a lot more said about this in the near future.

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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249 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
OF due 1858-1918 CDT. Peace, emb
So tired, I have hit a wall here from exhaustion. I got all the cases of Coke and sodas bought, tomorrow I get water. My volunteer who always brought a truck load of bottled water is in the hospital for heart surgery and I am praying for him! He has always been one of those people who just do things, without being asked. My volunteer of the year, should have been every year.
Good night all, I am taking an early bed time and then getting up in wee hours of morning!
Love, Jackie
Good night, Jackie!
Been watching DVR’d episodes of “Through the Wormhole” from the Science Channel. Over to you Mountain Time zone.
Storms woke me up earlier than I planned. Cat tore back into bedroom, two dogs tore into laundry room. Hope dog outside in my storm shelter/dog house is OK. Lightening really bad. This is a nice dog house, an above ground Texas Tech storm shelter but she is afraid of storms. If tornadoes hit she is already there but someone has to close the door which is heavy plate metal!
I went over to Café Press where the A and J merchandise seems to be available. I think this is through Go Comics and not Jimmy.
Wonder if he earns money from this? The full panel cartoons do NOT come out well on the shirts, especially the Sunday ones.
Love, Jackie
A big picture of Ludwig.
Wow, did everything everyone else sleep in today too?
yeah, hello, where’s everyone’s posts for me to read?
We’re renegotiating our contracts.
I am here, more or less, but I don’t think Yahoo is awake yet! I am having problems with them, my printer, my computer, links, the keyboard.
But it works over here, so I am going to blame Yahoo because my groups site, my forums, other stuff is all on Yahoo! I want to know what website/server whatever Jimmy uses for this blog. We are going to set up a REAL non-Yahoo site for my boating group after this year’s event and we need one that works!
Have not been out to check on dog or boats, which are probably full of water in back yard. Not much wind I think. We haven’t put tents up yet, wait on those for this reason!
Lots to do. My webmaster/registration master says there are a ton of people preregistered, which is fine, that is why we do this. It sure isn’t for the money, since I pay for so much stuff and donate it and all my time each year. It is like Jimmy’s blog here, a work of love.
Love, Jackie
OF due 1015-1035 CDT. Peace, emb
Good morning,Villagers. Nice brisk morning but thundering, so I had to run on the treadmill. Poor Neeshka doesn’t understand treadmills, wanting me to finish so we can go outside. Rounds went great, I got hugged twice, once for straightening up one old dear’s bedclothes (she had a rough night) and once for telling an old guy in new pajamas that he was “Stylin’. dude.” Surgery was just a lipoma of the neck, but we didn’t get started til after nine because of an emergency. Convo among the guys at the doctor’s table was to the effect that whoever the poor schlub in the Presby-Dallas ER was who sent the Ebola patient home with antibiotics, they would better to have never been born.
No, Munchkin, it’s better than that. The hospital claims that the problem of Ebola Patient Zero not being treated appropriately arose from a “glitch” in their Electronic Health Record system that prevented the travel history of the patient taken by the nurse from being routed to the treating physician. A glitch. Hahahahahahaha! EHR. Hahahahahahaha! The system the Gubmint required providers to acquire, to increase efficiency and decrease costs. Hahahahahahaha!
Or to borrow a phrase too often heard in Gubment circles today, “Mistakes were made.”
Something really should be done about all these mistakes that are making themselves.
So? Every patient is supposed to be examined thoroughly and a history done by the physician. That is a physician failure. Any doc who is examining an obviously African patient with cold and flu-like symptoms and doesn’t ask about travel is a dolt, so say the doctors at our table.
I agree entirely, Lily. I was commenting on the hospital’s stated version of “Mistakes were made”. The treating physician is ultimately responsible. But humans do make mistakes, and systems and procedures should decrease, not increase, the chances of them going undetected until it is too late.
According to the docs at out table, it was a lazy, unimaginative, “Get him out of my Emergency Room” decision, and one of which, if you ask me, was one that any of them might have made except for the red flag of “African Patient!” I know of all too many fluffs like that, working around an emergency room for the first four or so years of my career. Diabetic ketoacidosis missed, appendicitis missed, heart attacks missed, all because of a low level of suspicion and the vagueness of early symptoms.
In this, the PC era, are doctors allowed to notice that a patient is “African patient”?
In this, the PC era, are doctors allowed to notice that a patient is an“African patient”?
I really need to start proofreading the text that I’m entering with my dictation software. It’s much faster than typing, but more frustrating at times.
OF just winding down, new prediction not up yet. Check the site for that, and maybe watch the webcam focus on other geysers and a bison or two. [They are more common at the geyser basin in winter.]
“Mistakes were made.” Unfortunately, such misuse of the passive voice, which avoids naming the actor, are rampant in govt., the private sector, churches, and schools, el-hi through Ph.D. and MD.
It’s only within the last few decades that some have weeded it out of professional articles in science journals. “To 3.6 ml. of the reagent, 3 drops of tincture of iodine were added, at a temperature of 20[degree sign] C.” By whom, dammit? Some journals may still REQUIRE that. It’s supposedly immodest to say “I did it”, but it’s also inevitably a cover-up. “Altar boys were molested.”
Business letters are full of it [as well as greengrocer’s apostrophes, etc.]. Here are the two together: “Your service’s will no longer be needed.”
Peace, emb.
TR, don’t sweat the grammar. A century from now it will have changed and are style will look quaint.
Our style, not are style. Siri is playing naughty today.
Yep. “Mistakes were made.” “The gun went off.” “She got pregnant.” All statements which attempt to remove human agency and imply no one was responsible.
Trucker: At the Doctor’s Table, the docs are allowed to say anything they darned well please. And they say some of the darnedest things. It is a great privilege to be able to sit with them.