If this is an update, it must be Tuesday or Thursday! To tell the truth, I’ve sort of lost touch with what day of the week it is! This old cartoon is from August of 2008. Gene has come home from his freshman year at college. It was nine years ago, sure, but a lot has happened to Gene in nine years. It seems to have gone by so quickly. I guess that’s the way it happens in real life, huh?

Illuminating Ruminating
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
119 responses to “Illuminating Ruminating”
I long for some of the “good old days” – but I wonder if my memory is tinted with rose coloured glasses?
I should just be happy with today- we have everything we need – and more besides – and the sun is shining! and I played golf yesterday – who could ask for more?
Today is the day we were not promised.
You are wise.
JJ: ‘I’ve sort of lost touch with what day of the week it is!’ Welcome to the fraternity. I get confused, but various weekly obligations help: Tu-hospital family waiting volunteer, W [school yr]-Bible study, Th-copy edit the BUMC bulletin, Su-BUMC. 3 non-apmt workouts at hospital gym a wk; if no PTs w/ clients are there, it must be Sa.
The only way I keep track of the days (daze?) is I have a large calendar next to my computer desk with all of my appointments written on it. Low tech but effective, and not easily lost to a power glitch.
When I was driving I always knew the date, but I had to stop and think to be certain of the day of the week. Now those are reversed!
As for missing the past: Life was simpler and less stressful before we discovered autism (3 daughters on the Autism Spectrum, one severely so) and my heart issues. But things could easily be more stressful or complicated tomorrow, so someday today will probably look much better than it does now.
There are no guarantees with children. SEEMS LIKE, in the olden days, your only worry was whether they’d make it through childhood diseases. Maybe it was much more complicated than that “back then”, but it certainly is now.
The old saying is that Life is like a roll of toilet paper. It goes much faster near the end. I think it is easier for Baby Boomers to become nostalgic as You Tube contains many reminders of our past. Of course there is our Grandson, whom my son cannot deny. I would sometimes look at old family albums with a bit of sadness, knowing that that my kids would never be that little again. But my Grandson not only brings back the memories, but he makes me so happy. I have to savor these times.
I had to get one of these for my wife.
Zombie Apocalypse Arrives.
ZAA + 10 minutes…
Jackie: Ghost, could you make me an unsweetened ice tea with extra lime?
Ghost: Sure thing, baby. Just give me a second to deal with these three zombies that are trying to eat my brain.
Good trade, John!
(Well, it was such a classic straight line….)
How I intend to spend my weekend. http://maneuverscon.com/events/default.html
So I probably won’t be on much before Sunday afternoon.
How Ghost and I are spending tonight, at least the early part of it: eating the Thursday night prime rib special at Abuelo’s with a buy one, get one at no charge special with a coupon!
This is a $29.99 free meal for one of us. We are only cheap to a point!!
Jimmy: “It seems to have gone by so quickly.”
Jim: “The future’s uncertain, and the end is always near.”
Rick: And the end is even nearer than I had suspected.
Humpbacks. Peace,
Rick, I surely hope you are not telling us bad news on your health. Hoping all is well with you.
Guess what, Village friends, I am going to Ithaca, NY for the weekend! I didn’t think I was able to go, for I’m not getting around so well any more; but decided at the last minute, couple of days ago, that I want to be there and it’s too important to miss. A large gathering is planned for Saturday as a remembrance of my 20 year old grandson Tom, who died in June from a freak accident. It’s hard to accept that he’s gone, and his parents have organized this memorial to celebrate his life and bring his friends and relatives together to mourn his loss. It’s at a state park in Ithaca.
I will tell you more when, and if, I return safely to NH. My daughter Nancy is driving me out in my 17 year old mini-van. After much discussion on Email and by phone, among me and the seven children, we felt this was better than renting an expensive car or squeezing people and belongings into too-small spaces. My son Bill called and persuaded me that since the car is low mileage its age is not so important — “Cars are so well made nowadays.” Well, maybe so.
Wish me luck!
1. Good luck. 2. Visit alma mater? 3. I’m jealous.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Nothing conclusively diagnosed yet, but things are starting to go wrong, and I am definitely feeling the effects of time.
Just as everyone is, I guess.
Miss Charlotte, I’m happy you decided to make the trip to Tom’s memorial service. I realize it may be a bit hard on you, but I believe you would have later regretted not going. Plus, I have a feeling you may be a little tougher than you give yourself credit for. So, not that you’ll need it, but good luck. 🙂
As one who is helping another through some trying times (and who has made it through some of my own), I feel compelled to repeat my motto…”Non deficere”.
Best wishes,
Dear emb, Thank you for your friendly comment. Yeah, I figured you would be a little, or a lot, jealous. I promise to think of you while I am there! Wish you could be with us!
No, I didn’t go to Cornell, but to Tufts. Duncan went there for his Masters, and as he and Amy were already an item, she transferred after two years at Wellesley. Then they stayed in Ithaca; this happens a lot.(They are Tom’s parents, and have known each other, literally, since they were born. Our families have been friends since the 1920’s.)
Dearest Ghost, you are right of course, and part of my decision was that I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t go. My heart was warmed by the expressions of joy from my children, mostly via Email, that I had changed my mind and would be there. They are only too glad to help me out, the dears.
I like what you said about me being tough, and although I hadn’t felt that way, I’ll try to live up to your good thoughts.
Love to you and Jackie. I am so happy for you both.
Mizz Charlotte
You will be glad that you went.
“We regret more the things we did NOT do than the things we DID do.”
Crossed comments
Thanks. That is definitely my plan.
Good morning Villagers…
I am so happy for you Miss Charlotte, that I promise you that you will never regret this decision. Looking forward to your travel stories. And I know it’s hard to lose someone you love, and I don’t care about the expression about time heals….BS!!!
Just came home from dropping Ian off at the hog farm…they breed and sell some 1300 pigs…ya’ll will be getting educated in the hog industry…little piglets are so cute.
Ian has to shower before entering the building (they supply all outerwear and boots) and they they shower before they leave. Ian says he will not wear their underwear, he’s not about to wear underwear that someone else has worn….he doesn’t care how many times they are laundered…and I don’t blame him either.
GM OB…when do you and wife’s travel plans begin?
Good morning Jackie and GR.
Smigz sure has been missing lately…miss her!