If this is an update, it must be Tuesday or Thursday! To tell the truth, I’ve sort of lost touch with what day of the week it is! This old cartoon is from August of 2008. Gene has come home from his freshman year at college. It was nine years ago, sure, but a lot has happened to Gene in nine years. It seems to have gone by so quickly. I guess that’s the way it happens in real life, huh?

Illuminating Ruminating
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
119 responses to “Illuminating Ruminating”
The Dictionary.com Word of the day is “sapiosexual”.
noun [sey-pee-oh-sek-shoo-uh l]
1. a person who finds intelligence to be a sexually attractive quality in others.
1. noting or relating to such a person.
Wow. That explains a lot. 🙂
This song, The Astronaut and the Mermaid, is for anyone with Down Syndrome in their lives:
Good morning. Oh. Can’t tell time either.
Ghost just fed me my first bratwurst in my life.
Always time to do things for fisrt time. Now I am thinking about cooking them in other ways.
Sauteed pelpers and onions with melted cheese perhaps?
Peppers. What happened to the spelling Nazi?
Grilled brats with sauteed onions and any of several kinds of cheese sounds really GREAT! Kindly omit both pelpers and peppers unless we’re speaking of cold pepperoncini – the ones which always seem to squirt down my neck when I start one.
Unfortunately, tonight I am stuck with Japanese since my MBH wants such, and it is her natal anniversary. Once a year I can do it, albeit not joyfully. Maybe they will have something like beef on the menu. Memory says this place does, but memories are fallible, too.
I wonder how common sapiosexuality is in various cultures.
I know people that boil their Brats in beer – waste of a good beer in my opinion.
Like wine do not cook with any beer that you would not drink.
And to quote (or paraphrase) “How To Drink Wine” (a PBS program)
“Butter makes bad wine better” (actually not so good wine)
No doubt that sapience, whether in tracking food animals through a forest or trying to use the Wronskian function on elliptic integrals, has always generated some degree of respect or, even, awe. That’d be true primarily from those whose skills lie elsewhere, I imagine. However, knowledge as a “turn on” seems unusual. More research is needed, Ghost.
Power is well-known as a “turn on” for some people; fame, ditto. If great knowledge caused one to become famous, perhaps it was the fame which turned on someone, rather than the knowledge which did so.
Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller.
Marylyn Monroe and Albert Einstein.
In the late 1940s, actress Shelley Winters shared an apartment with Marilyn Monroe—and in her autobiography, Winters claimed that Monroe had hinted about a dalliance with the genius.
It may be just an interesting and titillating Hollywood rumor, but if it is true, all I can say is “Way to go, Einstein!”
Dang. Where’s speelchek when you actually need it?
Speelczech! Why cahnt the English …? Suppertime: Zatarain’s dirty rice + steamed veggies + tilapia, + either a Bell’s amber ale or a Lake Superior ‘Sir Duluth’ oatmeal stout. Decisions, decisions. On the patio. About 75F out. Peace,
You guys are right about M. Monroe.
You bet that cats can tell time and if I tell Cilla to give me 30 minutes she will.
No posting for a little while but I’ll be back.
“sapiosexual”: We certainly found it so, and I still do. Wonder how that pans out for her? May everyone is so gifted there, w/ enhancement in other lacking blessings. Maybe all w/ admonishment and then greater charity / those we neglected here. Elaine was always better / that than I, though I’ve improved.
Those steamed veggies were the usual cauli, zucc, sw. peppers, onion this batch. Peace,
Jerry, hope the absence is for something good– not adverse health!
It was 0939, and I was at the Saskatchewan bison water hole:
Largish hawk [immature buteo?; harrier?] on ground, eventually flew off. Was able to go back an hour or so along the red line at bottom, got a good close look fore, side, and aft, but couldn’t ID in the big Peterson. Anyone? Peace,
Caption: Mom! Grandma’s here!
Good morning. Ghost has his head on my back asleep and Dickens is between us. I woke up wearing Dickens on my head like a coonskin hat alive like the one on the little bear in the Country Bear Jamboree in Disney World. The one they took out and terminated.
Where do the characters go when Disney kills them?
Oops, error. Only Disneyland closed the Bears. Yhey are still at Disney World in Florida.
This is the raccoon character. Sammy- Sammy is Henry’s raccoon pal who cuddles around Henry’s top hat. He acts like a coonskin cap for Henry. He is voiced by Bill Cole. In the Country Bear Vacation Hoedown, Sammy gets replaced by a skunk named Randy.
Some get recycled into other attractions. When I visited Disneyland in 1975 they had turned the old Carousel of Progress into something called America Sings. This was animal characters performing various American music. After the Bicentennial this was shut down. Eventually they built Splash Mountain, with Brer Rabbit and the associated characters. And they reused some of the animal animatronics from America Sings in this one.
Thanks for an intro to a ‘World’ I’ll never see. Have been to only one theme park, with Elaine and her stepmother, and only once, Busch Gardens. Been there, done that; why would anyone want to go to another? Or, worse, own a ‘pre-owned’ piece of one.
Obviously an effete, pinko [speelczech!], subversive UnAmerican [again!]. Will admit going to the World’s Fair amusement park several x, at ages 9 and 10. Understand there’ve been other WFs since then, most of which cities lose money on. Prefer a good, or at least informative, book.
For many of us closet adrenaline junkies, theme parks are built around some awesome rides. I’m not supposed to ride any of them with my heart condition… but the attendants don’t have x-ray vision. 😉
Adrenaline junkies should become commercial pilot/flight instructors. No amusement park ride could match the “thrill” of letting a student who is “under the hood” (flying simulated instrument conditions) unintentionally put the aircraft into a full spin and just sitting there long enough to see if he could figure out what was happening and recover before I took the controls. (He couldn’t.) Or instantaneously going on hard instrument conditions at 200 AGL while patrolling a pipeline.
Just kidding. By the time those incidents occurred, I’d been flying so long nothing short of a crash would have excited me.
That’s it, just 🙁
The current state of affairs– and wondering whether the country will fail in nuclear fire or civil war. I fear for the Republic.