If this is an update, it must be Tuesday or Thursday! To tell the truth, I’ve sort of lost touch with what day of the week it is! This old cartoon is from August of 2008. Gene has come home from his freshman year at college. It was nine years ago, sure, but a lot has happened to Gene in nine years. It seems to have gone by so quickly. I guess that’s the way it happens in real life, huh?

Illuminating Ruminating
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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119 responses to “Illuminating Ruminating”
Question…can someone explain to me where all the $ from “Relay for Life” goes since there are so many women and men waiting for an MRI that some of that $ could be used to manufacture more MRI/s????
🙂 https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9063349504/h1891104C/
A&J’s not real life?
Is it just me or has GoComics been acting up today and yesterday?
Ruth Anne: I use Google Chrome [which is not my regular server], type Gocomics, then click on alphabetical listing. I go to some 15 comics [18 on Mon.]. Usually have no trouble getting the first few to show up when I click, but from the 5th or 6th on, some will just not show. Have to play games, leave the site and come back, or actually close down the laptop and come back later. This has been more of a problem for the last several weeks, coinciding unfortunately w/ having work done at the shop. Will be checking w/ them today or Mon. about it.
Ghost et al.: A TIP ‘classic’ for you and other ‘prancing, leering Billy goats’. [I don’t include in that category any Villagers or visitors w/ whom I’ve had ‘issues’. PLBGs are a term Elaine created; I consider it an honorable one.]
Debbe, dogs get it right the first time. Cats have to keep trying. 🙂
Miss Charlotte, this may not be a “fun” trip, but I do hope it is a good one, and you get back home safely.
We are having a bit of a sunny morning here, but the clouds are on the horizon and the rain is supposed to be back this afternoon. I may be the odd one here, but I do like rainy days, and even the odd thunderstorm. There’s something comforting about rain, a good book, and a cup of tea.
Thunderstorms moved over Tulsa (where we made an unscheduled over-night stay) late last night/early this morning. Like Jean dear probably does, I do like the sound rain on the roof at night. The sound of rain being driven into the windows by 40+ mph winds, not so much. And definitely not the sound some in Tulsa heard the other night…the sound of the roof being ripped off over their heads.
Hot Physical Therapist had told us she’d had some minor damage, mostly to a fence, at her place, but she told me yesterday she and most of her neighbors had already had the necessary repairs made. Oklahomans apparently have as much or more experience dealing with tornado damage as Gulf Coasteans have with hurricane damage.
Yesterday was the last day for Jackie to have “Grasshopper”, HPT’s adorable little intern, work with her. She returns to classes at OU after a week’s break. It was amazing to see how she progressed over the six weeks she has been working in Tulsa, from a bit timid and a little uncertain to knowledgeable and self-assured. (But that of course is the purpose of an internship.) I told her that Jackie and I had both noticed that, and she admitted she had felt that way at first, mostly out of concern she would “hurt” the clients with whom she was working. But I predict she will be an outstanding Physical Therapist when she completes the last two years of her three-year training program. A week or so ago, she had mentioned that, as tiny as she is, her favorite treat is a plain glazed donut with a big glass of cold milk. So we surprised her with box a box of a dozen Krispy Kremes.
JJ, are you telling me that this is not real life?
Speaking of the weather: http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2017/08/21_colorful_southern_expressio.html#incart_m-rpt-2
I use the frog strangler and cow peeing on a flat rock a lot, nothing new there. Just a good expression of bad rain.
They left out “trash floater” for heavy rain.
As one of my all-female staff once told me about inconsistent office temperatures, “It’s always either hotter than the devil’s armpit, or it’s that my nipples should be registered as weapons.”
Just watching Law and Order on the USA network. You know that Det. Benson is really Mae West’s daughter. Speaking of Mae West she said “Do you have a cucumber in your pocket or are you glad to see me?”
Speaking of the USA network, I ran into something strange. On that channel, while I watch a program, the sound includes a man commenting on the action. It’s like listening to an audio book read to you on your car sound system. Has anyone else had this happen?
Jerry, You have your SAP enabled on the TV. Most shows do not have it, but some do. Go to the Audio settings on the TV and disable it….Unless you kind of like it.
Timely strip, this “Illuminating Ruminating.” My daughter is headed out to Hofstra on Long Island for college this month, as my son enters his third year at Fordham, Lincoln Center… my wife and I talk about all we might be able to do now, with our imminent freedom, but most plans turn toward finding a play or concert down in NYC and meeting the kids for lunch, etc.! And you’ve hit it on the head, as usual: the people we were, those naive people who had to adjust to putting someone else ahead of all their plans were fully assimilated by the family tasks that fell to them, and now aren’t sure what will become of them! The raising of two children, which often seemed like hard labor at the time, is now viewed through a different lens. I just told a new and harried-looking father I ran into at the store, as he toted his baby around, that I was TOLD how quickly the time goes, and how precious the early years are… yes, they were hard in some ways, but the ways in which they were good, you can never have back in your life. But I also told him that I know he can’t– as I couldn’t– fully grasp that until it was all past. In short, I love this strip!
Thank you Steve, And yes I would like to listen to Kelly Conway while I drive another screw through my skull. Sorry I have to laugh or cry and so far I’ m laughing.
And the SAP is presently sitting in my chair.
‘[P]lay or concert down in NYC and meeting the kids for lunch’ sounds like Framingham is in upstate NY, or CT or MA. Were it NJ, I doubt you’d use ‘down’. Online: not NY, but either CT or MA. Learned a bit re a couple of towns back East. Thanks.
Never visited Hofstra, though I roomed in Hempstead, LI while stationed at Mitchel AFB, ’51-’52. Didn’t have a car, commuted to fiancée in NYC via LIRR. Also, didn’t know Fordham had a Lincoln Center ‘campus’.
Law and Order, SVU – Oliva Benson is played by Mariska Hargitay. She is the daughter of Jayne Mansfield and body-builder Mickey Hargitay. Jayne was the Mae West of the late 50’s and early to mid 60’s. She was killed in an accident in 1967. She was only 34.
I remember seeing her on TV when I was a kid – I think on game shows. She had the ditsy blonde image down pat. I think she was probably a lot more intelligent than she acted.
I was thinking about Mae West while I was watching L & L and got Mae and Jayne mixed up in my little scrambled brain. S’cuse. Peas.
L & O. Oh well.
Peregrine on ledge.
That’s a favorite site, very alert webcam operator. Peace,
Yes, Ghost Sweetie, I do love the sound of rain on the roof, especially when I’m trying to go to sleep. It’s such a soothing sound.
Cats can tell time – I tell mine 10 min before it is time to get up, and they leave me alone for a good 6 or 7.
And of course they know feeding time.