Today, one last parting shot at a harsh winter and a spring that at times has appeared overwhelmed by the task at hand. However, the work of springtime finally is in high gear around here, evidenced by the hit-and-miss nature of Web updates this week. Sometimes, the corporeal world will not wait.

Insulated from Reality
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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156 responses to “Insulated from Reality”
Debbe: What’s ‘a Hollywood shower’?
emb, Urban Dictionary gives two definitions. One is a “long shower”. The other you don’t want to know. Debbe being the lady I know she is, I assume the former.
“I think there should be a pill that keeps you from saying foolish things, and that it should be called Declaritin.”
John Scalzi on May 10, 2014 (his 45th birthday)
I buy what ever scoop able litter I have coupons for that the store will double to $2 or if I am desperate I pay full price for which is the cheapest by the pound (scoop able weight)
All of my cats are rescues except when I lived in Hawaii I actually bought two Persians, Pele who was obviously motley for the goddess of volcanoes and Gandalf the Gray, another obvious one! Excuse me, Khalil, my other Persian I bought also. I spent many dollars having shrinks tell me that my love of cats, especially Persians was a desire to have children.
OK, so I did that and he was wrong, I still loved cats. I hope to have cats laying up against me when I die- I will have an out of body experience and see the outline below. There is comfort in their purr.
I used to have a framed New Yorker cartoon with about twenty cats occupying a couple’s living room, the husband looks out the window and says “Honey, the kitty litter truck has arrived!” (Tanker truck)
Love, Jackie Monies
Dear emb, I like your name for the cat. Brief, easy to remember. You are a fine person to rescue Kitty from his cold, icy fate. I don’t think you had mentioned him before; what color is he?
Have you ever noticed that when something out of the ordinary is mentioned, how often you will encounter an example of it within a few days? Such as Jackie mentions garter belts and stockings?
Last night (quite by accident, of course), I ran across a web site that featured back-and-white pin-up photos from the mid-20th century. Many of the models were wearing little more than garter belts and stockings (and often high heels), but the photos were not at all explicit by today’s standards, and much of the photography actually verged on being artistic.
Something that struck me (besides the fact that many of the models were wearing little more than garter belts and stockings) was that most of them were very average looking (in other words, they looked like “real” women of their day) and in fact could have been 30-something housewives moonlighting to supplement their household budgets. They were not at all like the sweet-and-attractive-girls-next-door of later-20th century pin-ups (you know who I mean, Jackie ๐ ), nor the young-and-attractive-but-tattooed-and-pierced-to-within-an-inch-of their-lives “models” of the early 21st century.
The times, they do keep a-changing.
Ghost, there is one thing I have been thinking about and a lot of it centers on what you just brought up. If you’ve watched any retro-television shows, read current events (Monica Lewinsky and Clinton, John F. Kennedy and whomever) the girls were pretty much “cute” girl next door or you wished lived next door.
There was no artificial breast implants then, no liposuction, no plastic surgery easily available. People were male and female alike “on their own”.
I read with fascination the body building expected of todays male stars, think “Dallas Buyers Club” or any movie that requires bodily exposure. It began me thinking, where would James Dean or most of the stars of Hollywood of the past been left? Someone bring up anyone to compare to todays requirements!
If women are intimidated by air-brushed and photo shopped women, then how must today’s males feel about their images? Lord, Prince Harry does have a hot body doesn’t he?
Love, Jackie Monies
Heh, I asked the Man In My Life if he was intimidated by modern male actors and he looked at me as if I had grown a third eye. He’s 65. I stopped being intimidated by fashion models when I read somewhere that Tyra Banks didn’t worry about such things. “Just Airbrush me,” she would say.
Ghost, maybe it’s because the only magazines I read are gossy fashion mags (and catalogs, too, natch) and haven’t seen a tattoo but once or twice and no piercings at all, except ears, natch
You are kidding right, Lily? You aren’t covered in tats like Abby on NCIS? I live in the heart and soul of America, dead geographic center and I have seen more tattoos and piercings than a body artist. One of which I have as a cousin and makes a fortune up in Minnesota or Great Lakes. More than physicians, way more!
When I worked in lab tech back in early 60’s we used primitive methods, blood coagulation timing was done with a lancet, a glass slide behind the ear and a stop watch. Well, I screwed up on this one lady, couldn’t get her bleeding time and ended up piercing her ear about 6-7 times. Certainly no one then wore multiple earrings but I offered to put in some metal studs and she could start a new fad. She thought that was a hoot!
I only get stuck when the lab vampires suck out the 8 oz. or more they want every month and I give myself shots or test blood sugar but I guess I could get creative with some ink and turn my left arm into a cat’s head, like Ludwig?
Love, Jackie Monies
I have never understood how women can find men attractive. Just glad one did 32 tears ago…
Nope, only pierced for ears (once each, done when I was 13) and nary a tattoo. Check out my FB page by clicking on “Lilyblack” in the header.Oh, I see tattoos, my next door neighbor, who is otherwise in the “sweetie” category has tattoos on both legs. And, I do not doubt, other places hidden from my chaste eyes.
Jackie, my opinion is that the female movie stars of today can’t hold a candle to most of those of the 50’s and 60’s in the looks department. Sure, they had good makeup artists back then, too, but all the surgical procedures, not so much. Prime example: Sophia Loren. Prince Harry’s bod, I’m not in a position to comment about. ๐
Although I’ve been told I’m handsome, I’ve never attached any importance to that. I’d much rather be considered “not be a jerk” than “good-looking”.
Lily, I’ve decided you’re a bit unusual. And I mean that in the best possible way.
Jackie, I am dropping in occasionally and I didn’t know about Mike. Just keep in mind that there are neurologists and then there are movement disorder specialists. Sounds like you know what you’re doing though. I was diagnosed with Parkinsons and prostate cancer 2 months later. My better half is diabetic and gives herself six shots a day without complaint. We are 65 and about to break ground for a new house. BTW you seem to in the forefront of a new direction hereabouts and I like it!
to be or, maybe not.
Ghost, not only am I unusual, I am unique ๐
Thank you, Jerry. Sassy senior sitizens, the SSS.
What part of Florida are you in? We were supposed to be there on Panhandle next week for the Florida 120 which is a small sailboat cruise. Before anyone think YACHTS!!!! I will point out the operative word is SMALL, as in trailerable under 22 feet usually. The FL 120 goes around the Pensacola area mostly and is camping on the water or sand, the white sand gets into everything.
These type sailors are mostly gray, senior, lots of hair, beards and mustaches, ex-military, ex-pilots, ex-motorcyclists, ex-adventure anything! I have among my small boating group eight ordained ministers (that I know of) two ex-Air Force Academy instructors, college professors, medical professionals, some rednecks and hillbillies and crackers. Lots of cancer survivors and those who refuse to quit living.
I admire that. I am known as Mama Duck to some, StoryTeller is my tribal name. I love people and survivors.
Love, Jackie Monies
My neutered male cat’s name, on his vet and city papers, is Monsieur Trouve’. Why? He was found. It is a tradition from Italian and French orders of nuns some centuries back, when there was a small revolving door in the outside wall where an unwed mother could put her baby, rotate the door without being seen, knowing that the sisters would care for it. These kids, if they survived, had to have a surname. Two such names in Italy were “Esposito” [= exposed or abandoned, a fairly common Italian surname in NYC] and Columbo [for the pigeons that flew around the monastry’s towers]. Trouve’ [= found] is the only name I know of that was used in France.
But he goes by “kitty”.
Charlotte. I’m sorry, I meant to address that to you. How ungentlemanly!
Charlotte in NH on 10 May 2014 at 4:06 pm #
Dear emb, I like your name for the cat. Brief, easy to remember. You are a fine person to rescue Kitty from his cold, icy fate. I donโt think you had mentioned him before; what color is he?
I also cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. [A comment Lyndon Johnson once made / Gerald Ford.]
Color: I presume his mother is the well-fed siamese huntress that runs free in the neighborhood. I suspect the city licensing, collaring, and leashing law is widely ignored, but Trouve’ obeys the law that his mother flouts. In 2012, she had a litter, of unknown paternity; I saw her followed by two half-grown kittens that summer. Presumably she succumbed to some striped Tom’s wiles again in ’13, because Trouve’ is a year old about now. The vet papers describe him as a “seal point”. He has the blue eyes and dark-tipped ears and some body coloring of a siamese, but there is faint striping here and there. He’s a rather pretty and very friendly cat, but no better than average at obediance.
Jackie, it’s possible I will be in that area of FL around that time, but I’m not sure now. Based on the lineup of attendees, I am sure a lot a neat things will be happening on dry land, as well as on the water. Which would be good for me, as the primary use I have for water is to put a few drops in a glass of bourbon.
Yes, Lily, unusual and unique. Like that will make you stand out around here! ๐
I passed by one of the big downtown churches about an hour ago just as a large (and by large, I mean LARGE) wedding party was letting out. Out front at curbside was a vintage black Bentley (about a 1940 I would guess); a fully restored antique fire truck; and more lovely young sorority-type ladies wearing minidresses than I’ve seen in one place since the 1970’s. That’s one wedding I won’t have minded attending.
When I first met my current cat he was just a kitten. The dark marks on his face (typical for a Main Coon Cat, and I think that’s part of his background) looked like black on white drawings of flames. I named him Gully Foyle, and the spelling of the last name is significant.
eMb – Actually, I believe I remember you saying something about rescuing Kitty from a snow foxhole, bit I don’t recall any more than that. I love the name as well.
Happy Mother’s day to all of the moms – be they human or otherwise. My employees have all been discussing plans with their mothers tomorrow; my mixed emotions I’ve kept to myself. My mother drove me flat crazy, mixed emotions is the phrase of the weekend. Whilst picking out Mother’s Day cards for my aunt, grandma, and other special “moms,” a mournful pang twinged inside. Downer sidetrack aside, I hope all the moms have a truly wonderful day. (If you are around the Midwest and are planning an outdoor event, I would advise having an alternate, indoor venue, just in case. On a lighter note, Blacklight’s gift to me? Letting me select what I was making for dinner. (She wasn’t so charitable yesterday – I said salad; she said tuna. We had tuna.)
Indy Mindy, I sympathize. Mine does the same to me. Nag.\, nag, NAG! “When are you going to get married so I can have grandkids.” Uh, never.
I did send a card, but no visit. I know she will call, but everybody in this house knows to say that I am out. Or got run over by a dirigible. Whatever.
Ghost, maybe that’s why I like it here. ๐
Steve: “I have never understood how women can find men attractive. Just glad one did 32 years agoโฆ”
Me, too, longer ago. ’49-’50 at Cornell U., Ithaca, NY. I was not the worst looking sophomore on campus [she was a freshman], but I was one of the least experienced at dating. It’s a long story, but she found me > attractive > the guy I thought she was going steady with, and contrived for me to know she wasn’t, and made sure I “accidentally” and often encountered her on campus [I found that out years later], and I was blessed, and still am.
One attribute I may have developed by then and never realized until later was a radio announcers bass voice. I did some classical announcing over my recent university’s radio station, late ’70s-early ’80s, and was apparently admired by several faculty wives. I behaved, and my wife found it hilarious. Peace, emb