Today, one last parting shot at a harsh winter and a spring that at times has appeared overwhelmed by the task at hand. However, the work of springtime finally is in high gear around here, evidenced by the hit-and-miss nature of Web updates this week. Sometimes, the corporeal world will not wait.

Insulated from Reality
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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What’s old is old, again
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156 responses to “Insulated from Reality”
About today’s real-time: Blacklight is 13. She is also starting to show her age. During last night’s storm, when she would normally be scarcer than hen’s teeth. (What *are* those Debbe?) However, she slept on the floor beside my chair, only occasionally acknowledging the raging storm. She is definitely losing her sight, and her joints are getting creaky: she is more heasitant to jump into the windowsills. I’ve put her climbing towers by the windows to make it easier for her.
Lilyblack, My mother stopped nagging me forever this past Feb. 3rd. My feelings towards my mother fell within the same vein as you. Now, I honestly don’t know how to feel. When she was alive, I always struggled to find one that wasn’t “too lovey.” And now … I still don’t know that I would know what to say or how I feel.
My youngest daughter is one her second almost identical rescued LARGE dog named Chein Chein . (Dog Dog in French) I speak French like Miss Piggy but my oldest daughter went to France as a language exchange student for an entire summer.
Oldest daughter asked youngest daughter, “Why did you name your dog Cabbage Cabbage?”
I may spell French like Miss Piggy too?
Love, Jackie Monies
The shrinks have made a lot of money off me in past, dealing with emotions about a mother that never really raised me and at one point I believe passed me off as her younger sister.
At age 12-14 I hung out with a LOT of adults and called my school principals by his/her first name. At age 13 I wrote to boarding schools in lieu of my mother to pack me off.
At age 70 I can say I perhaps understand her problems but as an only child I always knew I would take care of her when the chips were down. She is 93, has dementia and lives with us.
Today I was counseling a grieving relative about his dying mother and the frustration of wanting to get the best care, to make someone better, to know you are helpless to do so.
For those of us whose mothers are NOT dying on Mother’s Day, call them, go visit, do something to brighten their day. Take the call. Even if they make you crazy. At least you tried.
Love, Jackie Monies
On the tattoo topic, this is on topic:
Debbe, and Jackie, I use the A&H natural. It works as well as the clay scoops and weighs much less, even full of, well, you know what it’s full of. According to the bag its made of ground corn, so it should biodegrade faster than the clay.
One last Mother’s Day memory for Ghost and any fan of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
When my children were young we lived on the water and our clubhouse had a pool that required an adult over a certain age with your children. Kelly Emberg who is from Houston was for some reason doing part time life guarding at the club, working on her tan and modeling some. I hired her as a part time nanny to watch my two girls.
Low and behold, here she went off to become a famous model and Rod Stewarts live-in girlfriend, bearing his second (?) child and living with him for about seven years. When she left him, Rod Stewart claimed it was her idea, “She had another geezer.”
She is back in Texas and a mother of three.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, the way I figure it, you can do at least five, maybe six, chapters of The Book just on famous people you’ve met.
I realize you knew a lot of astronauts, but thanks for remembering Kelly, too. She’s one fine looking mother. π
Debbe π This could be my anthem.
Ghost, Ghost- you have NO idea. Yes, I have been blessed with some interesting friends and acquaintances but interestingly I have never sought anyone out. I am so far from a social climber they’d have to go below ground to find me! At my age that is probably an awful analogy!
I guess you’d have to be pretty secure to hire Kelly Emberg as a babysitter! She must have been an older teen or student that summer?
She is still beautiful I understand.
I did find out how my husband Mike ended up dancing with a bunch of drunk Russians and Americans on the fantail of a Russian ship, surrounded by Coast Guard and Navy ships during the Cold War. He said finally the Coast Guard told them after being over four hours late in clearing the U.S. harbor in Hawaii they’d have to stop partying and leave! On a bullhorn!
Love, Jackie Monies
Good morning Villagers…..
and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the women friends I have made here and who are mothers. It’s our day to glow. My one nephew-in-law texted me on Friday, and said he had three surprises for me….and because I love music, I needed to clear a space for it…..hmmmmm, wonder what it is….will find out later today….I just love surprise gifts π
eMb…..GR was correct, a Hollywood shower is like the one Janis took the other day in the retro where Arlo turn up the heat on the water.
Indy Mindy….hens do not have teeth…and I’m glad, their pecking would be more severe on my thin skin…..
Mark….I’ve used that litter before, and liked it, but the only place that I can get it is at Wal-Mart…and I hate Wal-Mart…so I buy my A&H litter at $ General.
GR π that is my theme song to my son, to be played at my end of life. I would play it today, but Andrew’s mother died last year at age 61 on July 18th. She loved her music too from what I understand….so I won’t be playing it today as I don’t want to stir up sad feelings today.
Miss Charlotte, Brooklynne Rose’s middle name is her Great Grandmother’s name, her mother named her first name.
Last night was fun…..daddy took Brooklynne shopping, she came home with balloons (we blew them all up and had a balloon fight, all of us). She got a Barbie’s stuffed dog veterinarian medical bag. Bella is the dog’s name…came complete with stethoscope, thermometer, a play syringe…all kinds of stuff. So we had to play doctor.
Had to tell her ‘no’ for the first time last night. She wanted to listen to and dance to “Sister Golden Hair”, Ian’s new nickname ’cause of his wavy, reddish blonde hair. She loves that song she says. I was too tired after 6 days. We’ll play it today.
Andrew put a tent up in the front yard, and Brooklynne and Daddy camped out last night. No starving of attention here when it comes to her.
Poor Ian, he has ‘earned’ three nicknames from the one above to “Ian peean” and Captain Obvious…..that’s my boy though.
later….running into see my mom…yes, she and I have had our times. I worked with her for 14 years in the bridal industry….I was the bookkeeper and I know my 10 key by touch. She was always changing my decimal setting, and I would sit down and resume my adding up columns in my one-write check book….only to discover the decimal was moved. SO, I put it back on my setting….then super glued the setting….she wasn’t a happy camper.
Little Brroklynne is in from ‘camping’ and sitting next to me on the floor….I forgot, Bella the dog ‘talks’….barks….sneezes….nose turns ‘red’…right now she is administrating medicine π
Amoxicillian…..her word choice.
GR6, thanks for alerting the IrSS. Now I look like a rock star with my newly found entourage. I did get photos of both helopads inside the Kremlin walls.
Oooooo…the ‘real’ secret life of the Village Loon has emerged…..are there more stories for yet another day Loon? Can you post the pics? Somehow the tune to ‘Mission Impossible’ is playing in my head now…….
So….Loon, I’m going to assume you are a photo journalist, big camera around your plumage, swooping in for the picture of a lifetime…..
debbe, I have a Pinrest board, unsure how I can link here. If JJ would agree to collecting your email addresses I could send the board link once I return state side. Just a thought.
debbe, just an average guy. Did spend Victory Day on Red Square, getting in was not an easy feat. First try all the metro stops where closed. Second try was a success, just meant finding an entrance and getting through security screen. My board has a great number of average citizens enjoy their holiday.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there. π
Loon…I’d be interesting in seeing those ‘colorful’ pics….they have such colorful ‘plumage’ there…love the background in those pics….the traditional clothes, and the veterans ‘celebrating’ covered in their medal of war. And they do have something to celebrate for their service in WWII….now, I don’t know what to think….with all these sanctions and Ukraine….Putin, flexing his muscles, and he has no problem ‘posing’ those ‘muscles….or would they be called ‘muskles”?
I never thought to be the Crazy Cat Lady, but it seems I have achieved the title. Last year a mama cat had her five kittens under our propane tank. We found homes for three of them, and kept the other two, in addition to the two adult cats we had. Then another mama cat brought her two kittens up on our back deck. A couple of months ago we began trying to trap cats and taking them to the vet for neutering, but as that is a rather hit-or-miss endeavor, ended up with three more kittens. They will become inside cats, and the final female outside cat will go to the vet this week. Now there is one more cat we haven’t caught, and I am devoutly hoping it is male. If curiosity kills cats, this one might live forever. No matter what we bait the trap with, he will not walk into it.
On the topic of models and actresses, how did we ever get to the state of worshiping those emaciated women? From Marilyn Monroe to Keira Knightley. Personally I’ve always liked Sophia Loren.
And “Hollywood showers”…I was reading an article yesterday on several Hollyweird types who don’t seem to have time for basic personal hygiene. Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt were mentioned, among others. So maybe “Hollywood showers” are no showers?
Happy Mother’s day to all you mothers here in the Village.
Took my shower this morning after my wind sprints. Under 5 minutes as usual. Took some time getting my pixie cut just right for church. Even used some perfume! Wonder if The Man In My Life will notice? Probably something like “Lily, didn’t you shower this morning?”
I have already dodged one call from my mother this morning. My Boss/landlady/best friend/wife of The Man In My Life fielded it for me. “No, Janice, Lily spent the night with a friend. A woman friend, silly”. The iPhone stays off today, as I will be with the only people I want to talk to.
Debbe, here’s a story with a suggestion about what to do with your Cogburns.
Lily, I’m not sure how much of a compliment it is when someone actually notices you have taken a shower. π
Yes, Jean, unless there is some underlying health or genetic reason, a woman should look womanly, not scarecrowish. (Look, I made up another new word.) Some of the photos of “celebrities” in bikinis on the front of the trashy check-out-line “newspapers” are downright scary. I can only hope that at least some of them are photoshopped.
And if it is a male cat your are trying to capture, I know what you could use for bait. π
Ghost, a compliment from him would be, “you reduced that sauce almost right.” He said that once and I am still glowing after some weeks.
Debbe π I wonder whatever your “surprises” could possibly be. π Be sure and let us know. And Happy Mother’s Day.