A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Learnt Offerings

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Here is another A&J comic from the recent past, 2014 to be exact.

Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past

This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...


I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage

Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board

I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child

On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...

104 responses to “Learnt Offerings”

  1. emb Avatar

    Wonder why emb was not in its usual box?

  2. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Happy birthday Mark! Glad to have you as my “friend”.

  3.  Avatar

    Well I did enjoy Tuna Fish Casserole with Mr. Kellogg but right below it was Cats, Oct Cats and that is my absolute favorite given all of us cat lovers here, the words are equally funny as tuna.

    Wish I could have ever seen him live.

    No Ghost, only one person has ever sailed a motor less Scamp onto a trailer and that’s a good friend of mine from Ausrealia, another legendary boat designer. This was her launch and she was rigged for me by the editor of Small Craft Advisor magazine and the designer of the boat, two different friends.

  4. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Thank you Ghost, and emb. I had never thought of putting a song about tuna to the tune of a hymn. They seem to have matched the words to the music well though, and it’s funny.

    I have heard a version of Old Time Religion done for laughs by someone from Science Fiction Fandom, what they call a filksinger. They changed the verses to represent various pagan deities and it is pretty funny too.

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Thanks Galliglo. I am enjoying your FB posts. Good picture of you and Jerry there. At least, I’m guessing that is Jerry, who you had written about here.

  6.  Avatar

    Lord help Hal, I may have to stomp him. I typed Garrison Keillors name and he changed it to Kellog. I typed Australia and I’ve no idea what that is. And typed name of song which is a singular cat with no October in it.

    My left foot went numb. There are four fat cats laying on it and an adventure dog behind the knee. Overflow has laid on right foot. The idiotic Big Mama cat just ran out front door. I assume she was named for Queen Latifah in Chicago.

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I found one version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPLsASyoc1g

  8.  Avatar

    Mark you are actually quite interesting you know. I had friends in SCA and not the boating group of mine but the battle fighting ones you hung out with. Looking at the photos in the article, the guys look pretty hefty too. Did you all get injured in battle?

    I figure all this is as “real” as history and what little we know of early man, meaning up until about 1700s, I don’t think we have much detail on wars, battles from dark to middle ages.

    What person were you?

  9. domaucan1 Avatar

    Mark, Happy Birthday! May you have many more.

    God bless us every one.

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I was not a fighter, but did serve as a Marshal, who acts as the referee to help prevent actual injury. I did not take part in field activities at the Wars I attended, but it was fun to watch. I was part of a Viking “household”, which was a group of like-minded people who would go to these events together. Most events have single-combat tournaments, where two individuals will fight with the winner taking two out of three. These are set up like most sport tournaments with the field getting smaller till the two finalists meet. At various times I helped with cooking, registration of attendees at events, herald (walking loudspeaker announcing things), washing dishes and much more. Very wide variety of people involved in this too. Only time I’ve ever danced. But it’s been over 20 years for that too, so I doubt I could remember any of them now.


  11. Indiana Sam Avatar
    Indiana Sam


    H B 2 U

    H B 2 U

    H B dear Ma-a-a-rk

    H b 2 U

    – Indiana SAM
    (Steve Moore)

  12. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Thank YOU, Mark. Yes, that was Jerry. Been thinking of him a lot, since the 30th was one year anniversary of his passing. So thankful we had time together.

  13. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Thank you, Indiana Sam.

    Good for both of you, Galliglo. Glad you found each other and made the most of your time.

    And thanks to you, also, Domaucan1. Glad you got through your accident and made it back here.

  14. emb Avatar

    Ran across this on MPR’s classical webpage. The man with the camera/mobile device, left [stage R] of the guy with crutches is Matt Goinz, a BSU music grad, baritone, who has been w/ Cantus for a couple of years. First time I saw him on stage here, he was being a grip, but then he came out a did “If I were a rich man” from “Fiddler on the Roof.” Blew us away.


    Peace, emb

  15. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I note with sadness the passing of comedian Bob Elliott at age 92. He was the “Bob” in “Bob and Ray” [with the late Ray Goulding]. I really enjoyed their radio programs in the late 40s. In the early ’50s, they went on TV for a few years, but we did not then have a TV set. One of their humorous commercial ventures was providing the voices of the Piel brothers (Piel’s Beer), Bert and Harry. I enrolled my uncle in their fan club, a move said uncle did not fully appreciate since he was employed in a significant position at a different brewery!

    Bob and Ray were subtle wits of some quality. Probably most of this Village never heard them under those names, albeit they worked here and there [including TV and movies] until about 1980, I think…doing this by memory enhanced by a little Google info.

  16. emb Avatar

    c x-p: I remember Bob and Ray, but could not have given their dates. Must have been late ’40s. They were funny, for an intelligent audience. When I left NYC in ’47 for Cornell in Ithaca, I had little access to radio. Families owned one, and most were not very portable. No TV yet, and my family never bought one. Was amazed, actually, when Elaine and I were in a prof’s house in Ann Arbor, early ’50s, that they had 3 radios: one in the LR and one in each kid’s bedroom.

    I later saw enough TV to not want one. We finally bought one, to put downstairs in the rec. room, to placate the Group Home boys. To me, LR and TV are incompatible. The Group Home, BTW, was one of the worst decisions we ever made. It lasted 11 mo., aged me 10 yr., and that was not the worst of it.

    Peace, emb

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ Pretty close to being the ultimate slow dance song.


  18. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Bob and Ray started their humorous routines at Station WHDH — AM — in Boston, so Bob’s death was big news in the city. A nice long obituary in the Boston Globe filled in any half-forgotten facts. Chris and I listened to them a lot and enjoyed their dry wit. They seemed to improvise their back and forth conversations and they did it awfully well. We listened to that station most of the time, for we couldn’t get very many in our area! No FM radio of course. We were really in at an early stage in the development of radio. It was entertaining to hear the progress of developments.

    Chris always had a radio in the car, so he could pick up stations I couldn’t at home in NH. He drove all over New England and beyond, to job sites that needed testing — buildings under construction, concrete plants, asphalt plants.

  19. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    c e-p
    Loved Bob & Ray
    Piel’s was a NY beer?
    Commercial I remember was for Buick Service. The car had a long bungee cord
    (before bungee cords) that snapped the car back when it was time for service.
    That was late 50s early 60s(?)
    Their humor would suit the Village

    Garrison puts new words to all kinds of tunes.

    emb – remember when they would put a car on the ice then have a pot
    to guess the time of “Ice Out” when the car sank?
    My first drive on a frozen lake was Lake Bemidji. Before you got tenure.

    Happy belated Birthday Mark

    Thank you Jerry for stopping – My father was found because someone saw
    (and reported) him drive off the freeway and disappear in the woods.

    My son is Odd the Far Traveler (in SCA). He says he will leave his grave stone blank –
    when people walk by they will say “isn’t that Odd” πŸ™‚

    say “Goodnight Gracie”

  20. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I have jested that our tombstone will have the usual stuff on one side and “please turn over” on the reverse….

    Hmmm. We already have purchased the gravesite; maybe we could also get the stone earlier than needed. After the purchase, we became probably one of the few couples who have danced on their own graves! [Well, gravesite, anyway.]

  21. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    O.B. I am guessing Piel’s was a NYCity beer; it was certainly advertised there a lot. My uncle worked at Genesee’s works near Rochester.

  22. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    I just realized it dropped off – happy birthday, Mark! (Well, belated now.)

  23. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Mark, a happy belated birthday…and Daffy and Bugs were the ultimate cartoons. I’ll have to U-tube some for a good laugh. Wasn’t Mel Blanc the original voices? Your remark about putting tuna into a hymn reminded me of an album title…”You can’t tuna a fish, but you can tuna piano.” And right now I can’t remember the group. REO Speedwagon comes to mind.

    Judy, thank you for your kind words. My mother always told us girls to treat people the same way we would want to be treated….and believe me, there were times I had to bite my tongue πŸ™‚

    And Miss Charlotte, you are to be admired also. You always have something uplifting to say. I always look forward to your posts.

    Cxp…I love that idea…that you and your wife danced on your graves……what a treasured memory.

    Old Bear…..what an idea for a headstone….too funny.

    AND it’s payday Friday.

    Indy Mindy, tomorrow I’ll tell you what I did to the calculator in Mom’s bridal shop.

    Ya’ll have a blessed day.

    Jean, I’ll take chicken and dumplings….but Mark is right about the chili…I love it semi spicy with a big dollop of sour cream…mmmmmm

    Jackie….bring me some cookies and cupcakes πŸ™‚

    Indiana Sam…at first I thought your post was some sort of military code πŸ™‚ …told you all I wasn’t Quick Draw McDraw this time of day….especially if I overslept some.

  24. Debbe Avatar

    GR πŸ˜‰ ever lay in the grass and look at the clouds?

    In retrospect…..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Xm30heHms

    And I agree, it is the ultimate love song to dance to. I’ve only slow danced with my husband one time….he doesn’t dance and look who he married πŸ™‚