A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Lost & Fondue

By Jimmy Johnson

Today’s encore A&J (“Encore,” that sounds good, doesn’t it?) is from 2003. We finally received some rain this week and are expecting more over the weekend. It would appear November finally has arrived.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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142 responses to “Lost & Fondue”

  1. curmugeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmugeonly ex-professor

    First – and with nothing to say!

  2. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Spelled user-name incorrectly, too. I never could type….

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Fondue is still around. Only now we call it “Queso Dip” and only dunk tortilla chips in it. #goodeatin’


  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Actually, my favorite recipe for party dip is one 10 oz can Ro*tel Original Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies and 16 oz reduced fat Philly cream cheese, mixed in a blender until smooth. Serve chilled as veggie dip or chip dip.

  5. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    My favorite fondue dip from 1970s to 80s were actually chafing dish items, oysters Rockefeller and oysters Bienville redesigned as scoop able on toast points.

    Then I quit holding huge food and wine parties. Maybe I will resurrect the tradition.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Speaking of food, and I guess we are now…

    A zaftig blonde (call her Samantha) seated at the next table at an out-of-state Starbucks struck up a conversation with me the other day. (Funny how often that happens.) She was an interesting and talkative lady, as well as a sharp business woman, and since I’ve been told I’m a good listener, I picked up a lot of information about the local economy and politics. I suppose I might have made a good spy.*

    Among other things, Samantha mentioned that she had prepared Poulet de Normandie for Thanksgiving dinner. I think I may do that for Christmas.

    *Of course, I might already *be* a spy, for all you know. 🙂

  7. emb Avatar


    Sent your penultimate post from last run to my blind-cc. theologs groups. Charm, indeed! And they vote.


  8. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Ghost, you have a wonderful vocabulary and are extremely articulate. If you are even half as good looking as you think you are, I do not doubt that stray women strike up conversations. With no encouragement.

  9. Mark from Maine Avatar
    Mark from Maine

    GR6 – Zaftig indeed! Used that one in Words with Friends the other day. Almost 100 points . . .

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    From the Department of Funny Stuff I See: A sign posted on the automatic entry door at my pharmacy…”Warning! Door May Close Without Warning.”

  11. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Going to have my hair done and go on to Christmas concert at University in Tahlequah. Concert is by operatic voice who is famous as the longest running Phantom on Broadway in Phantom of the Opera, I think over ten years.

    One takes what one can get in music when you live way in boonies and then drive ninety miles each way.

    Think I will forget the elegant outfit, it is already raining.

  12. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Marie has made an amazing turn around. It came on just as quick as her down turn. She had snacks and such last night, breakfast this morning, and lunch. She has been up in her chair and doing remarkably well considering the prior twenty-four hours.
    My uncle is not so lucky, but still hanging on.

  13.  Avatar

    Good for Marie!

  14. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Happy your aunt is better Mindy. It is hard to lose someone anytime but Christmas is the pits.

  15. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Got hold of nice Mississippi trooper who talked to me and gave me correct number for report. They have no idea who hit me. The car is impounded and owner says he has no idea who was driving.

    Classified as hit and run by unknown. I will get a copy of report and send to Allstate adjuster. I fear this is going to deteriorate even more.

    Thank you Ghost.

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Excellent news, Lady Mindy.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Yes, Jackie, I have that same problem…I seldom know who is driving my vehicle at any given time, and never when it is involved in a crash.

    I suspected it was a numerics problem on the report that would be corrected when you talked to the right person. Happy it worked out. I hope you have good uninsured motorist coverage.

  18. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Ghost I am afraid about the uninsured driver part. I think there is a problem there but I won’t know until Monday when I talk to my agent.

    Why can’t they take prints? I could identify the girl I think. She referred to it as her car and rattled off name and address of who insured it.

  19. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    By the way, I rather thought you’d approve of me getting out of boating Hobby and driving all over North America.
    But you don’t it seems.

  20. emb Avatar

    ‘. . . anytime but Christmas is the pits.’ Been there, done that. Peace,

  21. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Me too, both Mama and husband same week of Christmas 2014. It’s been a long trip.

  22. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Yep. Grandmother who lived with us; 1959. I had never known a home without her until then.
    BTW, I was 2:32 anonymous…not that it matters.

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, my research shows that apparently Uninsured Motorist coverage works a bit differently in Oklahoma than what I’m used to. OK state law requires insurance carriers to “offer” the coverage, but does not require the vehicle owner to “purchase” it. However if the owner opts for it, it covers only personal injuries to occupants of the vehicle caused by an uninsured motorist, an underinsured motorist, or a hit and run driver. In other words, it would not pay for damages to your vehicle. If an uninsured motorist damages your vehicle, repairs would be paid for under your collision coverage.

    So, as long as you have collision coverage, you should be fine. Allstate may or may not try to locate the driver that hit you for purposes of subrogation.

    Disclaimer: Although I once took the three day class and passed my state’s insurance agent’s examination, I didn’t intend to work as an agent and never did. (Long story.)

  24. Galligio in Ohio Avatar
    Galligio in Ohio

    Mindy – glad that things are somewhat better. And love your pics of Grrandma.

  25. Galligio in Ohio Avatar
    Galligio in Ohio

    Ghost… every once in a while I am concerned for you and wish that I could say something to you directly. But then… trying to warn you about a possibility would be like teaching your grandma about sucking eggs! You got it goin’ my man.