Today’s encore A&J (“Encore,” that sounds good, doesn’t it?) is from 2003. We finally received some rain this week and are expecting more over the weekend. It would appear November finally has arrived.

Lost & Fondue
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
142 responses to “Lost & Fondue”
BTW, got my lovely original sketch from JJ. Woderful! Thanks, Jimmy!
Hi, Gal. Who’s winning…you or the job? 🙂
Jackie, while I thought your multiple boat purchases might be a bit over-the-top, it was not my place to say how you should spend your money. And it still isn’t. I am glad, though, that you have decided to dial back your travels a bit. Besides the addition wear and tear on your body, there are places where it’s not particularly safe for a female to travel alone. And lest you think that chauvinistic on my part, there are plenty of places where it would not be particularly safe for me to travel alone.
Continued Prayers for all.
cxp – Yes, it does. And thank you!
Ghost I would probably have listened to you. Hard headed stubborn women sometimes know who and when to listen.
This is who I went to hear perform a Christmas program tonight, the first carols and songs I have listened to in over two years. I have not been able to do so, this was a major commitment for me to attend.
The artist is France D’Ambrosio who is #1 Phantom of the Opera who played him over ten years for 2300 performances. He is singing Music of the Night.
Listening to that was the first Christmas music of the year for me, too. Somehow haven’t been in the mood. Perhaps because the 4th will be the third anniversary of my sister’s passing, and the 14th will be the anniversary of my mom’s birth.
I’ll probably do a “12 Days of Christmas Music” for The Unknown Stripper, ah, I mean, Debbe. 😉
Possibly, Jackie. In addition to being told I’m a good listener, I’ve been told I can be rather persuasive.
Oh yes, I was supposed to tell you that I was a professional stripper among my career high lights, for which I was paid the enormous sum of $20 per hour despite fact I was in my mid 40s by that time. I will state I did not look my age and could perform incredible physical feats like hanging by my feets, working in harnesses, shinning up poles, hanging from poles with just my legs and knees, wearing very little clothing. Highly sought after by rich men.
Of course you will figure this one out fast, Ghost. I had a lot of muscular and fit young men working with me, often with no shirts or shoes. We all stripped.
GM Debbe
When nothing goes right … go left
Going to a wedding today (Sat). At our age it feels
great to go to a friend’s or family celebration that is not a funeral.
Music for exotic dancers, Copacabana, her name was Lola, she wore yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there.
Just another facet of your multi-talented self, eh, Jackie? Well, perhaps it’s time to tell the stripper story I mentioned a while back. Tomorrow, perhaps.
Silly man, I was a professional stripper of varnish, dirt, mold, mildew and assorted gnarly growths growing on wood on yachts when I lived in Houston. I had a dozen good looking young men who worked for me and two daughters who also stripped. My oldest daughter claimed most of the young men as party friends.
It was a talent highly sought by rich men who owned the yachts.
Mark put me up to telling this one. I swore I had admitted to this occupation which competes with chicken poop for noxious fumes and chemicals but less clothes. I thought you’d figure it out in two minutes at best.
I never thought of stripping clothes for pay. There was more money in varnish. But not a lot of clothing required.
Tell anything if it won’t shock rest of Village.
Sorry, I laugh at myself in hopes others will laugh with me and not at me. Doesn’t work. I apologize.
Good morning Villagers…
….and a good morning back at you Old Bear.
Jackie, you had me there….and yes, you did make me laugh 🙂
Got my first SS deposit…can’t believe it…and you were right GR, not going to get rich off of it either. My one BIL, who is very savy with the government and their ways and means, told me I could earn up to fifteen thousand a year and still collect SS, think I’m going to find a part-time job, I’ll go nuts sitting here. Too cold to go into hen house….45 degrees
Steve, clicked on your name and read about all your wife’s books she has written. You are a very blessed man with a very talented wife. Where does she get all her ideas about so many books?
this is one ugly cat
On first Christmas music of the season: I heard a jazz version of “O Come Emmanuel” yesterday.
Jackie, what gave you away was the harness (never saw that…on stage, anyway) and the 20 bucks per hour. I think any ecdysiast kind of stripper worth her salt made a good bit more than that (including tips), even back then. (At least the one I knew that worked in a club in Atlanta around that time did.) And I’m sure you would have been worth even more than that, of course. 🙂
I did enjoy reading your job description, though.
Wow! I am amazed at the many “talents” of the inhabitants of this village. There must be an attraction for talented people here. I’m glad to have found this place and will continue to visit and comment occasionally.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Raining steadily and gray gloomy day. Going to Tulsa to indoor giant flea market at Fair grounds and maybe some Goodwill stores, discount places, used book stores, whatever. Good day for indoor walking or activities. Pathetic I have nothing better than bargain hunting to do on dank, rainy day. At Dollar General to start off day.
Cheap date, huh?
Great things come in cheap packages.
45* is heat wave
30* here and they are still wearing shorts.
“Great things come in cheap packages.” Comment of an obviously single male. 😉
Can’t we just all get along?