Today’s encore A&J (“Encore,” that sounds good, doesn’t it?) is from 2003. We finally received some rain this week and are expecting more over the weekend. It would appear November finally has arrived.

Lost & Fondue
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
142 responses to “Lost & Fondue”
I am a life time devotee of the marked down price and bargain shopping. My favorite price point is 80% off the lowest marked price. Or finding a Waterford jar on a tag sale marked 50 cents.
But don’t think that was what Sir Ghostly meant.
Maybe this is cheap package Ghost meant.
Debbe My wife always loved writing and a junior high teacher really encouraged it. She retired a few years ago and Marianne got to give her one of her books. She wrote traditional romance for a few years, but felt called to delve into Christian fiction. She won a contest for a Christian Romance publisher 7 yrs ago and has published around 30 books. Like anything these days, digital has taken over. It means that it is easier to get a foot in the door, but a lot harder to make any money.
I hesitated sharing this, but Marianne did an interview in Atlanta for a network. Its 30 minutes long, but there was a very interesting moment at about the 17:00 mark about Forgiveness (the name of her latest book) and the most difficult thing that she had to forgive. It involved the tragic accident that took my Mom’s life. I felt honored that she mentioned it, but frankly it was a very defining moment in my life.
Ghost… as far as the job, I am definitely winning. Have a ways to go but, as far as organization and accuracy, the department has improved immensely. Morale has improved also.
On the home front, not so good. My Internet has taken a nosedive. After refusing to pay highway robbery rates, I find there is nothing else available! So… I am making do by using my phone and being very economical in my data usage. The upside? I realize I was spending way too much time on line. So it’s all good.
Personally, I have been sick for a week. Sinus and upper respiratory infections. I am getting better but much too slowly to suit me.
Have not been able to keep up as much as I would like, but am still checking in. I pray for your challenges. .. celebrate your victories. .. send virtual hugs for your comfort. .. because I love this Village.
Mindy, that’s great news about Marie, and probably the best possible for your uncle. Sometimes, the best possible outcome is the most we can hope for.
Ruth Anne, if you’re able to check in, how is your cousin, Nancy?
OB, “When nothing goes right…go left” reminds me of some advice I once received. “If you can’t do something, do the next best thing.”
Jackie, you’ve gone through a lot the last couple of years, and it may take awhile for you to find the things that feel right for you. It’s a little like gaining or losing weight: you go out to get new clothes and have to decide what style the new you might be. Sometimes you buy a blue sweater, then decide you’re no longer a blue sweater person. That’s okay. You might be a green blouse person!
Gal, I’m sorry to hear you’re under the weather. Please take good care of yourself!
Debbe, that has got to be a Social Security record!
Ghost, puppies and kittens…isn’t that how “Walking Dead” and “Z Nation” refer to zombies? 😉
I had intended to (and was looking forward to) attending an area Christmas parade this morning. For many years, my dad and I went to it, something we both enjoyed, but it’s been a while since I was able to be there.
So of course it rained on that parade.
Another apt apologue for the year 2016, I suppose.
Good report on the job. Gal. And since morale has improved, I suppose you can discontinue the floggings for the time being. 🙂
Sorry you’ve been puny. Sounds like what I apparently caught at the hospital when my mom as there. I took me six weeks to recover to anything like normal, and it was the sickest I’ve been since the last time I had the flu, which was many, many years ago, Normally, when a bug bites me, the bug dies, but not this time. I hope your recovery is speedier than mine was.
Jean dear, it just occurred to me you gave me a shout-out recently I didn’t acknowledge. Sorry about that.
How’s tricks? I hope you’ve recovered from your physical issues.
Decided yet what kind of pies you’ll bake for Christmas dinner? I try to avoid pie-eating if possible (’cause when I start, I don’t know when to stop), so I enjoy them vicariously through your posts. 🙂
My favorite cheese dip is Alton Brown’s Fromage Fort, because it’s different every time. How it ends up depends on what cheeses you use and what flavorings.
Never met a cheese dip I didn’t like.
Not sure, Li’l Smigz…I don’t watch either of those zombie shows. But you know us Southern boys and our shootin’ irons. 🙂,width=800,height=800,appearanceId=2,version=1473664654/excited-about-zombie-apocalypse-dark-t-shirt-men-s-premium-t-shirt.webp
Jackie, one day perhaps I’ll pen an essay regarding the difference between “cheap” females and “trashy” females.
Meanwhile, in your honor, I’m watching Oklahoma State play Oklahoma.
Ghostly one, I just took a break to renew my lipstick, smooth my hair and breath before going back into the exhibits. This isn’t exactly a flea market. I have been to worse antique shows, more vintage and antiques and some are exquisite.
Not a good place for me. I collect things. Excellent glass, jewelry, vintage Christmas, even found a porcelain rolling pin that is in my middle grade China.
I am in bathroom until I can walk by stuff and not want it.
So Ghost, am I cheap or just trashy? I seem to still have that champagne taste in shopping but I dislike paying, so that is cheap I think.
Personally, gotta go with “cheap”. Not a pejorative term to me, btw.
Smigz: Nancy is still with us; most recent news is that her neurologist has given her family some hope, which is more than I expected from what I first heard. (I’m relying on another cousin and friends on Facebook for up-dates rather than bother her husband or their kids – she has always been the family communicator.) Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts.
Some Christmas songs are better than others; this one isn’t usually one I like… but this is a good video of it:
On Tulsa’s busiest shopping street but heading home. I will drive by the light show at Rhema Bible and see if crowds are too big. One of largest congregations in country.
A holiday favorite of mine, nice video too.
Where has everyone been? Paqrties, music, shopping, football games?
Back home from long day. Went to Peach Barn to buy baskets of Oklahoma grown apples for Christmas gifts to my post office, tag office girls, veterinary office, feed store, hardware stores, dentist. Realized I need more so back I go tomorrow. Got ribbon for bows, boxes and icing sprinkles for homemade brownies and cookies for more people who are nice to me. Christmas is about giving thanks for me, not getting. I love to give to others.
Had a great time at “flea market” which was misleading. One of best shows I have been to. Got Oklahoma honey, sand plum jelly, jalapeño jelly, several others, all Okie made, some great Oklahoma wines for fun, Amish cheeses, artisanAL bread, cut glass, antique plates, jewelry, dog toys, a China rolling pin you can put ice in and stuff I have forgotten already. Had a great time and found out it is dog friendly so Dickens can go. Met lovely vendors which made me remember when I did arts and craft festivals in Houston every weekend. I loved my fellow vendors and enjoyed the customers as well. It’s kind of like being gypsies.
Tomorrow is a matinee in afternoon of Tulsa Symphony, Tulsa Oratorio and some other musical groups doing a joint holiday concert. No, it isn’t the Houston Symphony or Opera or Ballet or even the Houston Pops but I am enjoying the concerts and performances. Better to enjoy what is than mourn what isn’t.
And I hope orchard is open on Sunday. Many businesses and museums do not open Sundays here.
Local orchestras, mostly volunteer, unpaid except for music director, concert master, and some staff [none richly paid] can be great. The BSO is, Dr. Beverly Everett, cond. She also directs the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony, puts a lot of miles on. We are blessed.
That is how I feel, that we need to support whatever local arts groups we may have, just as we need to support our local small businesses, artists, craftsmen, food companies.
Without them we will give up so much that makes America the great country it is.
Ghost, having met Jackie, I can attest that in my opinion, she is neither cheap nor trashy. Eccentric, perhaps! But aren’t we all, to some extent?
No, I never thought Jackie was cheap or trashy. And eccentric? Well, someone has to be quite a ways out there before I tag them as eccentric. Which may say more about me that the other party.