Someone requested more of the “Vince” strips. I did get sort of distracted after I began this story arc. After beginning it, I was reminded looking through the old stuff that Vince was something of a recurring character in the spring of 1993, a sounding board for Janis. All the arcs are similar in nature, so I have abandoned chronological order and for the rest of the week will offer what I call “The Best of Vince.”

Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape
By Jimmy Johnson
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293 responses to “Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape”
Oh yes, the Wright house in Alabama is mostly a reconstruction because the home had been condemned and was going to be torn down until the city had it rebuilt and turned into a museum.
Oh yes, the Wright house in Alabama is mostly a reconstruction because the home had been condemned and was going to be torn down until the city had it rebuilt and turned into a museum. Posting not working, clicked on submit several times.
I know. I can say that again.
I decided to check on my wife’s research. Someday I’ll learn. There are several of his buildings in Florida with 10 of them in Lakeland.
Now she tells me. The Lewis House in Tallahassee was a Wright house and she knew them. Feel free to jump in anytime.
Jerry – I’ve never seen a Wright house. I’ve seen the White House, briefly, before some guy tried to jump the fence … way back in ….. hold on, a sec, 1992. Wright doesn’t hold as much fascination with me as Victorian and Gothic Revival – although, art nouveau is quite beautiful too. I do like Wright’s ideas about blending with nature. If you have seen the latest adaption of The Lord Of The Rings, Rivendell would be perfect – in the proper climate. Rivendell would not be ideal in Buffalo.
Trapper Jean – Your stove wouldn’t even FIT in my kitchen. Not jealous though. I use one burner of mine every few weeks, and still don’t quite trust the oven. I didn’t use any of it the first six weeks here!
And I have never had a rum ball. Sounds like an awful lot of effort for very little reward.
As Gothic Revival is a subset of Victorian, I was referring to Queen Anne style.
Mindy from Indy, Rivendell would be perfect for Hawaii with all its open spaces. However, it obviously is in a climate with changing seasons since you see autumn leaves at various times. Architecture of Rohan would be more in keeping with Buffalo.
Mark in TTown – I think one would have to change fictional universes and head to Hoth from Star Wars to find appropriate architecture for Buffalo.
This is an excellant site on surviving Wright building. Jerry click on Floridia for a list in Lakeland, all are located on Florida Southern College campus.
Jackie – your dream home would be beautiful. Have you ever seen the Biltmore House (if that can be called a “house”) in Asheville? Your multiple fireplaces made me think of it.
Granny Carol, if you get the chance snag a backroom tour of Biltmore. Jean’s stove would make do as the coffee warmer. It is a house with a large attached hotel and live-in quarters to serve all. Just the room of table linens is massive.
Yep, seen it and my mom has bragged all my life about my grandfather who was a decorator for it. Truth is, my grandfather and his brothers were more like house painters there in Asheville and probably did get hired to paint and scrape the paint off it! The only place I saw him use the word “decorator” was when they all moved to Georgia for awhile before WWII.
After I was traipsing down memory lane about my beautiful house that never got built (do NOT make me think about what the plans cost to not build!) I got to thinking about all those fireplaces that burned wood. Who the heck would haul all that wood upstairs to those huge things? If I am counting right that was six wood burning fireplaces, all of them upstairs!
Nowadays I can’t even haul groceries from car to kitchen on a flat level surface.
Love, Jackie
About people living in Frank Lloyd Wright homes, one of my “trailer neighbors” and her boys moved into the one up in Bartlesville, OK and am not sure if they are still in it or not. That was when I decided not to pass judgment on anyone just because they lived in a trailer. A decision that has proved true over and over about preconceived notions.
Really hadn’t known people living in trailers until I moved here to OK. There was this tiny trailer that sat on hill opposite me here, beautiful music came from it daily, piano. Elegant young woman and two well mannered boys who were being home schooled and played piano daily. I recognize Junior League country club and this was hardly where I expected to find it or a small baby grand in a two room shack.
Turned out she had married the tennis pro from her country club and things had gone downhill, as they did for many of us. She somehow got to move into the Lloyd home in Bartlesville where there is a wonderful music festival, Mostly Mozart, who I think owns the house?
The two room trailer burned down, a new rock and log house got built by a neighbor on land. I miss the Mozart and piano.
Love, Jackie
I’d miss the Mozart and piano too. My mom’s neighborhood has changed considerably since grandparents bought this property in the 1950’s. Now in summertime at night you are more likely to hear rap, at window-rattling volumes. Our next-door neighbors like to cook out and party late on summer weekends. I started raising windows and cranking up my Spotify playlist in self-defense and to raise cultural awareness.
Jackie, I had a wise father who instilled practicality in me at a young age: “Never build a two-story house, because when you get old, you may not be able to go up and down the stairs.” He set that example and, at age 34, I made sure to only consider one story homes when we built. Now, 24 years later, I am very glad to have everything one one level – plus one of my granddaughters uses a wheelchair and I have tried to make everything as accessible as possible for her as she grows older. Stairs and wood burning fireplaces are for the young and able!
Sandcastler, I never had the back room tour, but I have been to the Biltmore a few times over the years. I am impressed every time. We did have a pretty complete tour and my most recent visit was in 2011 – I believe they had opened up a bit more of it than I had remembered from previous visits. We even paid for valet parking this last time because my mother-in-law was with us – it was worth every penny!
Oh, and a lot of us have lived in trailers in NC! Although, by the time we got one as newlyweds, we called them mobile homes. 😉
Granny, I think the newest models are being called manufactured housing! Or is there an even newer name?
Believe me, I am surrounded by them. The brick house my office window looks at has one “inside” the outside structure because they encase them in a more permanent structure. That happened with a lot of the older “single wides” in this neighborhood.
Love, Jackie
Just got a good laugh from this joke: A few decades ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs. Please don’t let Kevin Bacon die.’
Bill Murray (September 21 1950-)
Just discovered that the parish seat of Tensas Parish, LA where I was raised was originally named “Lick Skillet” before the name was changed!
Also that falling off of river boats into the Mississippi River was a common cause of death in the 1800’s, along with river boats sinking.
And that the owner of Beauvoir where Jefferson Davis lived after the Civil War was given to him by Mrs. Dorsey, a native of my home parish Tensas, whose fortunes came from the cotton farms of her husband there.
The things you can learn while searching genealogy sites on internet!
Love, Jackie
The things that you can learn (or puzzle over) in this forum!
A 3.8 quake in Alabama! It must be the weight of all of that snow in the north has us off balance.
…and gocomics isn’t working again.
And I’m sure the snow-buried locales would be more than willing to donate to the south to redistribute the weight. 🙂
Good morning Villagers….
Yup, GR 😉 , what are the odds 🙂 The best part was when I told The Boss about the car being egged in the hen house parking lot, his response “You mean someone went into my hen house and took my eggs…..” then he added “maybe they weren’t my eggs” I just looked at him and restrained myself from laughing….what teenager would go out and pay $2.50 per dozen eggs when there is a hen house with 65,000 eggs in it……..and everyone knows where the key is and has been for 20 years. I had a couple of keys made, I have one, The Boss has one, and we have a new hiding place….but who will let the teens in on Sunday when I don’t work. Not me!!
Jean….I’ve got to ask, why does your stove have wheels on it?
Mark, cute joke.
And good morning Jerry, and yes, lots to learn here and puzzle over.
Granny Carol….Ian and I lived in a trailer, then I got married and we bought a double wide, which are now called ‘modular homes’. We see a lot of them out here in the country.
Unfortunately these modular homes depreciate in value…..but the property taxes don’t and I HATE paying property taxes…..especially when they pay school superintendents a 6 digit salary. What justifies paying a school superintendent a 6 digit salary??? That’s my rant for the day……
It’s Friday….and it’s payday…..a 7 day payday 🙂 (Think new tires on the Izuzu, Debbe, next Tuesday, $130 per tire….arrrggghhhh…..these gravel roads just tear the hell out of tires…if it’s not gravel, it’s half mud and gravel….) I joke about this section of the county is the stepchild of the county….we don’t get much gravel laid….a lot of scraping though…my tax dollars at work.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
today’s grin…..right now my white cat is laying on my lap