Someone requested more of the “Vince” strips. I did get sort of distracted after I began this story arc. After beginning it, I was reminded looking through the old stuff that Vince was something of a recurring character in the spring of 1993, a sounding board for Janis. All the arcs are similar in nature, so I have abandoned chronological order and for the rest of the week will offer what I call “The Best of Vince.”

Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape
By Jimmy Johnson
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293 responses to “Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape”
and has changed its background format…..they just don’t get it.
Indy Mindy….gonna rain all weekend…the high down here in SIN tomorrow will be 55 degrees, according to
letting car warm up…speaking of duct tape, do you know it comes in various colors too? Also, on the market is Gorilla tape….have a roll of it at work, may bring it home and tape Kyler to the wall tonight….he was a pistol last night.
Good morning Debbe. You are in the knowledgeable minority who say duct tape. Duck tape is a brand name but duct tape is what it is. Stay warm. I’m getting back under the blanket for a little while.
True duct tape craftsmen shows by the lack of wrinkles. 🙂
It’s an old Southern truism that anything can be fixed with one of two things…if it’s supposed to move and doesn’t, WD40; if it moves and is not supposed to, duct tape.
For Sand and GR6:
*Tim “The Toolman” Taylor grunts of affirmation*
GR6, you left out bailing wire. Now the Holy Trifecta is complete. 😉
Evan, thanks for the affirmation.
Have to mention that manila file folders can be pressed into service as an emergency gasket material. Not recommended for high pressure hydraulic or aircraft use. Lesson learned Vietnam.
WD40 and duct tape is for repairs on items weighting up to two and half tons. Above that, bailing wire is indicated. 🙂
For the record, beer cans make for great field level repairs on projectile scared airframe skins.
You all are funny this morning!
I am a long time Red Green fan, he was more of a duck tape user than Tim Taylor. Has anyone seen the duck/duct tape creations for the competition? Or the duck tape boat? Or the prom dress?
And tuxedo?
Love, Jackie
The reason Duck tape comes in colors was it gained popularity with people crafting with it. For awhile giant Duck tape hair flowers were fashionable with young tweens/teens, hence the colors.
Which came first, the giant Duck tape hair flowers or the colors?
While we are stuck on the duct tape theme,
Wish that duct tape or WD-40 would fix me! In the hospital for a systemic infection. Fever of 104.5 Wednesday night. Admitted through the ER, two IVs of vancomyicin later the fever is starting to beak. Culture is positive, but don’t have the antibiotic specificity yet. Have I mentioned that I hate being in the hospital?
No more than I, David. And I’m seldom even the patient when I have to go to the hospital! Get better.
Speaking of cats (and aren’t we always?)…I suspect that most of us assume that common crooks are dumb, but that cybercriminals are brilliant. If so, we may need to rethink that…
For the Red Green fans
David, get thee self well and out of hospital er soon; ye hear laddie.
GR6, I have used a forty plus year old radio call sign for a password. 😉
Wayne, thanks for contributing. Red was the first wizard of duct tape. As to his keep your stick on the ice phrase, he was wrong. If your not cross checking, high sticking, and tripping, you’re in a sissy league.
David, get well, you hear? I hate hospitals and refuse to go until they begin to say I am passing point where I can be treated, so be cooperative!
Usually I tell my veterinarian I wish he’d just treat me with the cats and dogs. He has a lot of common sense.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, I use to have access to veterinary grade amoxicillin that I self prescribed. May explain my bark and long tail. 😉
Jackie, yes, we did have to do some work to get the fire marshal to ok the inspection for the stove. There is a six-inch clearance on either side, and the wall and cabinets are tiled, as is the floor under the stove. We also have a heavy-duty exhaust fan over the stove that is vented out the back wall.
Ghost, the stove was delivered in a semi with a lift gate, and unloaded with several hand-trucks…and a couple of gorillas. 🙂 Now that it’s in place it will never be moved again. No, it does not have wheels. They were taken off and standard legs put in place.
When we built our house we chose a plan that has kitchen, dining area, living room, and master suite all on one floor so I don’t *have* to climb stairs if I don’t want to. There is an upstairs with two bedrooms and a bathroom, and a basement apartment. Our son has the upstairs, and at various times our daughters and my sister have lived in the apartment. Some days I feel like I’m running a not-for-profit B&B.
When we do camp, which is not often any more, I have a camp kitchen frame from Cabelas, complete with sink and propane stove top.|/pc/104795280/c/581015880/sc/104248980/Cabelas-Standard-Camp-Kitchen/746444.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fcamp-kitchens%2F_%2FN-1116241%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104248980%3FWTz_l%3DUnknown%253Bcat581015880%26errorno%3D3&WTz_l=Unknown%3Bcat581015880%3Bcat104248980
Wow, can’t believe I haven’t walked in here in over a week. Missed ya’ll!
Been a hectic couple of weeks what with hosting a gathering for nearly 300 folks then spending a few hours in the ER to learn that I recently suffered a “silent stroke”. Considering a stroke is what has taken almost every male member of my family I guess I’m not surprised but it sure didn’t do my lovely wife any good to hear that news.
Jean, that is an impressive cooking station. With the holiday cooking approaching with the speed of a Japanese bullet train it makes me a wee tad, okay, a whole lot, jealous!
RN wife worked in hospitals a total of 19-20 years, not counting her work at CU/NYH School of Nursing, where students got much > floor time > they do now. Was resistant to going there when she began symptoms of her final illness, but had willingly gone there for various procedures in her 30s-mid 70s.
I have generally gone there +/- willingly, and do so now. Volunteering weekly for > 9 yrs. has probably helped. It is familiar territory, and I often wake up to familiar faces.
emb, that was also one of the advantages of going to “Cheers” as well… 😉