Someone requested more of the “Vince” strips. I did get sort of distracted after I began this story arc. After beginning it, I was reminded looking through the old stuff that Vince was something of a recurring character in the spring of 1993, a sounding board for Janis. All the arcs are similar in nature, so I have abandoned chronological order and for the rest of the week will offer what I call “The Best of Vince.”

Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape
By Jimmy Johnson
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293 responses to “Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape”
sand, check App Store for an app called “Mouthy”. Allows you to type in text and have it read back in Siri’s voice. You can make her say some pretty bad things about herself. And some other stuff.
“Your not to good at parallel parking, it’s just a matter of time until you rip some guy’s bumper off.” This guy has probably never heard of Liberty Mutual Insurance.
Don’t get me started about Liberty Mutual commercials. If I hear that girl whine about losing her car she named “Brad” one more time, I may put some .40 caliber holes in my TV screen.
Giada has teeth?
Not that I rally care, but it is pretty much standard practice to spit out food between takes. Not so much someone is a bad eater, as if something else in production needs reworked (angle, lighting,etc.) The eater would become full and not show the same enthusiasm towards the food.
There was WAY more to my day, but after 15 hours and another 4am wake up….
I should be in bed.
Also, the mute button is a powerful tool. I have never heard the “Brad” commercial to completion. I am quite proud of this fact.
Here’s my favorite “park the vehicle” video. Now with Cleavage!
Commericals are the best part of tv. Ever try telling your story in thirty seconds to a minute? That is pitching.
GR6, explains why we border problems. Think the girl in the greenkini wet herself when the truck flew over her head.
I got to get me one of them. And one of the trucks, too.
So, Jackie, do the new vegan person and the new gluten-avoiding person expect your daughter to prepare separate meals for them, rather than just eating around whatever foods they won’t or can’t eat?
A small hole in a radiator hose can be fixed with silicone adhesive and electrical tape. It worked for me once.
Good Morning Villlagers…
I’m with Jackie, you guys are nuts…..
Bryan and David…..take your meds and get well soon….prayers……………………Amen.
Overslept……which is good, didn’t need my Gorlilla tape as Kyler was a no show. I was relieved as I was overly tired.
GR 😉 I always loved that song….may sing it to the ‘girls’ while I walk a few aisles today. Going to let the boys do some packing today…..oh, and my eyes are hazel.
Ya’ll have a blessed Caterday….
(Good morning, Jerry)
My husband just came into the computer room and told me about this touching story on the news….so I googled it…..I love beagles.
David in Austin, sure hope you are on the mend. Debbe, enjoyed the article on hazel eyes – mine are too. Off to work this morning – 23 degrees when I got up this morning – brrr!
Jerry, in theory a sucking chest wound can be temporarily fixed with the standard military issue individual issued field dressing.
“…for the rest of the week will offer what I call ‘The Best of Vince.'”
Saturday is the last day of the week, and the cartoon has remained the same. Very short “best of” resume there, Vince. 😉
Just kidding, JJ. 🙂
The dénouement that I recall (the apogee of my distress over the subplot) was Janis sitting on the famed family sofa alone. In the next panel, a thought balloon appears. “I wonder what Vince is doing?” she thinks.
It was only the second panel, and I pretty well fell into the Slough of Despond. We were on the Expressway to a “Very Special Episode of Arlo and Janis” and all that would entail.
But there were 3 more developments.
In the next panel, a look of unmitigated horror comes over Janis’ face. And in the final panel, she is with Arlo and Gene, and all are laughing.
What was the 3rd development? VINCE NEVER APPEARED AGAIN.
My gratitude for how this turned out has been expressed before, and I reiterate it here. JJ did not “go there” as a number of other strips have. Instead, my existence is festooned with strips cut from the paper and I own several copies of “Beaucoup Arlo and Janis.”
The road not taken, indeed, has made all the difference. Thank you, Brother Jimmy.
I note for the record that I had a lot more white space between lines of my Spoiler Alert above, so that the Wandering Eye would not catch a glimpse of something anyway, but the commentary software for the site efficiently compressed my comment and did away with the buffers. Still and all, I hope nobody drove through the roadblock that later wished they had not…
Sand, I recall my training actually said that a sucking chest wound is best patched with the wrapper from the standard issue bandage. Luckily, I was never in a circumstance to test, on myself or others.
Feeling better, though systemic infection is confirmed. Trying to wrangle parole from the hospital. Hopefully I will be able to go home, even if I have to go to the dialysis center for a few days. First world problem: not getting my preferred form of lifesaving medical treatment. :/
Ghost, before I forget- “Yes” they are expecting special meals. I told her when she married to move to a coast, far far away! She says they would all stay even longer.
We love our son in law who is a lot like her dad, naturally, but even patient husband won’t spend holidays with this bunch. I find that odd since he put up with my hunting club, mudding, hugging, noisy, often outrageous family for years.
Holidays and relatives.
Love, Jackie
David, your DI’s trained you well.
David, mother in law often had these systemic infections with antibiotic resistant bugs. If they did not keep her in hospital, she had to come in twice daily for IV drips of medication, decided the hospitalizations were less inconvenient! No one was allowed to drive her, they’d pick her up in an ambulance usually if I remember correctly, but ambulance didn’t take her back? Something really weird, especially since her assisted living apartment was owned by hospital and was only a block away!
Go figure our modern medical system? I started reading an antique book on internet by a “Swamp Doctor” in my home parish, written before the Civil War. I hadn’t gotten past the part where he had a lot of jobs like Mark Twain after running away from home, then gets offer to become what was apparently an intern to a practicing doctor and learns medicine by experience.
This is way different than today but I quit when my vision stopped on me due to allergies and late hours.
All y’all like me, reading obituaries from the 1800’s and earlier 1900’s makes you realize you didn’t even want to catch a cold back then!
Love, Jackie
OF foggy, but you can see the woods to the N.
Jackie, in olden days, attorneys became attorneys by “reading law” with a practicing attorney, or so I’ve been told. Seem to remember that was how Abraham Lincoln became a lawyer. Also, up until about 1900, going to a hospital actually *decreased* your odds of survival.
Early morning call from my Mom, who had awakened “feeling bad”. An investigation revealed she had gone to sleep last night without eating or taking her night meds, *and* had not taken her morning meds or eaten breakfast today. Dispensed meds and fed her, and now she feels fine. Gentle lecture regarding important of food and meds, and have set my phone to remind me to call her at med times. Just a minor event in the life of a care-giver. 🙂
Party’s getting a little rough over on The Dark Side.