I miss boat fever. It was a mistake to allow Arlo to acquire the sailboat. The endless sweet agony of anticipation was a state of mind with which many readers seemed to relate. For years, people would beg to be put out of their misery, beseeching me, “Please let Arlo get a boat!,” and I would laugh maniacally, “Bwahahahahahahahaha…!” Well, I remember laughing that way, but maybe I just thought it. Then, I weakened, and people began asking, “What happened to Arlo’s boat?!” And that, dear readers, is how we got where we are today, and none of us knows where we’re headed.

Navigational Hazard
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Navigational Hazard”
It can’t be that early!
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
And another good actor is gone: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/roger-moore-dead-james-bond-839882
He is the James Bond I saw when I went to my first Bond film at a movie theater. It was Live and Let Die, in Pensacola, FL, while going to a Navy A School. I liked his style and enjoyed watching him, even when the movies got too corny.
I totally agree with every word you said and if anyone knows it to be true besides you, it is I.
Never saw today’s retro strip and that is an excellent one, I would remember it. Been there, done it.
I think.you should have Arlo sell the boat and go through that agony, one many will relate to. Then I can suggest the resumption of boat fever but on a smaller scale building small boats.
emb, I enjoy “Luanne,” too, and am especially piqued by the current storyline. The “David Copperfield” character to whom you referred is Mr. Dick. I have always had a warm spot in my heart for him, though my feelings may be due to his association with Betsey Trotwood. I adore her unreservedly.
Jackie, you are amazing! You’re in my prayers, but you certainly have this under control. Bravo!
Just imagining Debbe wrangling kitties brightens the whole day. 😀
I did always feel that the manner in which Arlo obtained the schooner was a bit deus ex machina. No criticism of our host intended, merely a reminder of how things may things may go awry when artists pay too much attention to their audience.
I think A & J could live in the schooner while the house is being built on the ranch. It would provide some “marriage enrichment” and would also allow Arlo to get some of the boat longing really satisfied.
David, that is an excellent suggestion. Believe me, there will be lots of availability of humor in living together in small space of a wooden boat cabin.
And Arlo and Janis could get their tiny house dreams out of the way too. One boat, several humor routes I can see visible.
Right now Ghost and I are finding it difficult to make adjustments based on my tiny house which is too small scaled and small rooms, plus I have cluttered things up with too much belongings.
When I said he was a big man and I a small woman and it required compromise I meant even in walking together, living in rooms built for a small short woman. Ghost said it didn’t come out that way but it is what I meant.
I never dated tall men nor he short women. We have agreed that I am not small enough. I am going for at least 50 more pounds off before next knee surgery in October.
Arlo could end up either as a boat salesman or running a marina. In the older strips he was always reading the boating material so he should be well-educated on the subject. And Jimmy could get background from Jackie, since she once sold cars and her late husband once sold boats.
Jackie, the house won’t be a problem, should you decide to move to one of those house in Quincy. Both had high ceilings,judging by your photos, but you might need to install an elevator!
We are on total hold right now on any move. My children’s lives changed dramatically the week after we left. We are staying put in Mississippi and Oklahoma for now.
While I loved the one house in Quincy I am hanging in here to get second knee done in October and recover from it before thinking about any move.
“After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.” – Spock, “Amok Time”
And also the non-romance equivalent of this: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShippingBedDeath
And of course, the two happiest days of a boat owner’s life are the day they buy a boat and the day they sell it.
Jackie, another thing you can do to ice your knee is to use bagged frozen peas as an ice pack. This was recommended to me by a surgeon after he finished what he was doing. They do work well for that too, since they are small, don’t have to be broken up, and conform in shape to whatever you put the bag on. Just wrap it in a towel.
Jackie, just make sure you talk with your doctor and/or pharmacist when making the change. I had to give myself injections for 10 days or so to thin my blood and if you take an OTC that also thins the blood, you could have an issue. A good doctor will understand.
If the Doctor has done his/her job, you should have much greater mobility so as long as the knees don’t take a pounding you will be pleasantly surprised when both knees are done.
Yes, closing out two residences and moving into a third one, while having two total knee replacements seems like overkill, especially if killing me off from stress was Jackie’s plan. She wouldn’t inherit enough from to to be worth the effort. 🙂
Nurse Ghost is going to be assisted by Jesus Christ it turns out. My local super church Light House has a family ministry that puts on a fabled Christmas pageant that combines the Passion Play along with the Nativity.
One son plays the devil so dramatically I have said Faust pales in comparison. The youngest son does Jesus even more dramatically and beyond belief including arising from the grave clad in white and gold armor on a high lift through erupting smoke, fireworks and lighting effects.
Guess who my physical therapist is? And his Mother Mary was my physical therapy intake Nurse!
Who can expect less than miraculous results?
Working title for our collaborative book: “Jesus, Jackie & The Ghost”
Slightly reminiscent of the 1976 movie “Mother, Jugs and Speed”.
The Virgin Mary said my leg was looking fantastic and so would have great results because of my attitude. I credit Ghost for that and waiting on me hand and foot.
c x-p: Youngsters are back on the nest now. Peace,
Ghost, the Jesus… = Mother… whiplash was so well worded, it made an actual LOL.
Jackie, I’m so glad for so much you have going right now. But I did pick up on a dropped comment. No need for details, but well wishes sent for your larger family. Hope all is well, or getting better. Take care.
Darn it! You stole my post!
Are we a couple of geeky nerds or what?
Ray & Rick, Spock’s quote was the first thing I thought about on the boat. The wanting is often more pleasing.
I just unthinkingly asked Jackie what time Jesus is coming tomorrow. She said Jesus will call ahead and let us know. Talk about your calls you don’t want to miss!
Goodnight all Villagers. We have too many missing again.
Just put up a line now and then.
I have been unsubscribing to emails and junk and groups. Not the Village.
Dropping out is hard to do.