I miss boat fever. It was a mistake to allow Arlo to acquire the sailboat. The endless sweet agony of anticipation was a state of mind with which many readers seemed to relate. For years, people would beg to be put out of their misery, beseeching me, “Please let Arlo get a boat!,” and I would laugh maniacally, “Bwahahahahahahahaha…!” Well, I remember laughing that way, but maybe I just thought it. Then, I weakened, and people began asking, “What happened to Arlo’s boat?!” And that, dear readers, is how we got where we are today, and none of us knows where we’re headed.

Navigational Hazard
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
217 responses to “Navigational Hazard”
That was sweet Mark. I did know the artist but don’t listen to her often.
I will look for their concert but September is going to be Maine tall ship cruise and meeting friends up that way like Miss Charlotte and Phillippe-symply.
If you live in great far northeast area and want Ghost and I to connect up with you please say so. We want to meet as much of Village as we can.
By the way, true love is bringing me liver and onions for lunch from I Smell Bacon and letting me eat it! He hates it.
My experience with ready-made was on the other side. My second adult relationship was a young woman who had left a bad arrangement. We did very well together, and I adored her daughter, who had been 1yr when we met, 3yr when we started ‘seeing’ each other, 4yr when we combined homes, 7yr when I was told it was all just too messy to get married, 8yr when I decided I would not be a cuckold with the gymnastics instructor. I was aware of her schooling for a couple more years after. Ready-made was a theme used by some, with a knowing curl of the lip, when they spoke of my experience.
Then down the road, I worked retail at RadioShack for a time between opportunities. I recognized a man who did not seem to be browsing, but could not place how. Then the teenager with him threw herself into a hug that first shocked me, then felt familiar. She was embarrassed by her own action and nearly ran out of the store. [I felt bad that I had not recovered enough to be more comforting.] Her natural father and I shared a nod, before he went to be with her.
Sometime that year, he called me to give testimony in hopes of gaining full custody. I told him while I had no love for the mother left to me, I would not. I could not be part of blocking a girl from her mother. There are some things a dad cannot give guidance on. Life is messy, but working out the messes is how we grow to be the examples our children deserve.
Gene’s story line came latter, so it was bittersweet for me. But thoroughly enjoyable.
I think children are victims of the messes we create. Today’s relationships seem to be getting messier and messier. And the kids even more messed up.
While I agree that Ghost’s comment was TMI, I certainly understand the urge to post it. I think it was a good 10 days after my hip surgery. I remember googling the Hallelujah Chorus on You Tube for my wife to hear! Another reason not to take opiads
TMI, Steve? Perhaps. But you should have heard the tone of reverence in her voice. 😀
Seriously, I have been most favorably impressed with how little pain medication she has taken. As I heard her tell one of her nurses, when you have been in pain most of your life from auto-immune disorders, what’s a total knee replacement? As I said, she is one tough lady.
Frog chorus in background. Peace,
From a FB friend: https://scontent-dft4-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18664390_1396158893739861_7948504497854447375_n.jpg?oh=eb7a68a07dfa48c814eaf104d6f682de&oe=59AF90E4
I think women can tolerate pain much more than men. But when the nurses were pushing the pain meds, I told them that “I guess I’ve been in pain so long, I’ve become immune.”
Funny: https://scontent-dft4-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17155673_1423352141065797_4948827522592747714_n.jpg?oh=28b58faf5d788a71ed6b9488e5ed0b26&oe=59B65822
Washing machines: One of mine, in the guest rm., has been idle for 6 1/2 yr., and was used intelligently and w/ restraint before that.
What does TMI mean?
TMI = Too Much Information
Just experienced an ethereal first time experience. Ate first peeled orange in my life peeled for me by a man who sectioned it and removed all the pith as well.
That touched me so much. He doesn’t eat oranges. I assumed sections, like in Chinese buffets.
Got a 5 star orange, each perfect section.
Between TMI & Exercise have you heard from Debbe? I know she was busy with
graduation, wonder if she is having connection issues again?
Are you there Mizz Charlotte?
What has happened to Jerry in FL? I can’t recall him being out of touch for this long a time before.
Mark, wondering that myself. Does anyone have an external contact for him?
Have not heard from Debbe either. I will call her tomorrow at her dad’s. Her connectivity issues center around her son
Ian getting his hands on her laptop. He has a cellphone and Facebook page, is a “serious” gamer.
Miss Charlotte and her son are also on Facebook and I follow them. Will check them both.
Jerry has concerned me. I have his full name if anyone has time to check obits.
Jackie: Send me Jerry’s name via a Facebook message and I’ll check tomorrow.
OK, I just checked. There is recent posts on Miss Charlottes page from her family but not from here since early May.
Mindy from Indy has posted today but no current news, all repeat memories from the past. No news on job. Cats. Or relationships not mentioned but lots of memories in May.
Checked Galilligo and ditto, all posts are from shared or other memories,no new news on job, life or herself.
Sent it to Mark too. Sending to Ruth Anne now.
If I have the right Charlotte, she is ok, but is having cptr. problems. Peace,
Last thing I see in the Village from Jerry is mention in April that he would be turning 68 in a couple of weeks. maybe he took an out-of-town trip for his birthday?
2 giraffes just entered, stage R. Peace,
Ok, I found no obituary for Jerry but did for his Mother. Let us hope he is on a long trip. Parkinson’s has sudden periods of exacerbation and takes its victims on wild health rides they cannot control.
Villagers, take note. We love each other. We care. We fear the worst but hope for the best.
Ghost is lying beside me trying to sleep a few minutes more. You have no idea how comforting that is. I know he is safe as am I.
Oh Jimmy, love today’s new strip. Don’t care where this goes, just keep that gang around the table.