I miss boat fever. It was a mistake to allow Arlo to acquire the sailboat. The endless sweet agony of anticipation was a state of mind with which many readers seemed to relate. For years, people would beg to be put out of their misery, beseeching me, “Please let Arlo get a boat!,” and I would laugh maniacally, “Bwahahahahahahahaha…!” Well, I remember laughing that way, but maybe I just thought it. Then, I weakened, and people began asking, “What happened to Arlo’s boat?!” And that, dear readers, is how we got where we are today, and none of us knows where we’re headed.

Navigational Hazard
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Navigational Hazard”
Mark & Jackie
My wife makes packs (There is a brand name I can’t mention – has to do
with friends & cots) using dried field corn.
If in freezer it is cold and if micro zapped it is hot, that warms feet, relieves muscles & joints.
Use a sock (without holes – the one the washer did not eat) or stitch
4 sides of 2 pieces of cloth. Real rice works too.
GM Debbe
Did you get pictures?
Old Bear: We have a pack with some sort of beans in it that we zap to use for sore muscles. It never occurred to me to freeze it too.
I’ve learned a trick for icing my knee… To avoid the “burns” that can occur with ice packs I’ve taken to only refrigerating the ice packs. They are large enough that they stay below 40F for the 20 minute periods I use them and mold easily to the shape I need.
Today’s “Speed Bump” strip is oddly funny! May 24th.
A possible solution for the boat!?!
A famous cartoonist happens by the dock and absolutely MUST have the sailboat. The boat was once captained by Walter Cronkite or Jimmy Buffett maybe… Then after some serious negotiating, hand wringing and increasing offers, Arloo decides to sell and invest the money in the kids business.
(Just a thought…)
The move of Arlo and Janis has already given new life and humor to the strips and jokes. I love today’s.
Of course I have a 50 year history with family and my two kids in similar life events.
And find out I am continuing that with Ghost who grew up a lot like Mary Lou. I love that he was restaurant manager as a teenager for his family.
Jesus has called and will be here shortly for my physical therapy. He is also a minister in his family’s church ministry.
Just to let y’all know that I am still here. Considering the amount of rain we’ve gotten in the last week I’m glad I live on a mountain so I won’t get flooded out. I don’t think I have to worry about getting washed off the mountain, but I am beginning to watch for the old guy with the boat full of animals.
For the record, Jesus called at 8:32 AM. And at 8:47 AM, Jackie exclaimed, “It’s a miracle! I finally had a bowel movement!”
TMI, Ghost.
c x-p. I expect many of us who have grown kids have had similar experiences. None of the kids is perfect, most have made a bad choice at some pt. or other, and someone congratulates us on some particular accomplishment, and we think, ‘Yes, but . . ..’ And all 3 are well-loved good ‘kids’ [late 50s and 61] and doing well, but . . ..
Trapper Jean, I’m thankful you’re on the mountainside and not in the valley. Aside from a too-brief warm spell, we’ve had a cold, wet spring in Michigan. When I opened the side door this morning, there were a pair of squirrels on the porch…now I’m looking for the old guy.
For Douglas Adams fans, tomorrow is Towel Day. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towel_Day&ved=0ahUKEwjLr4jj9YjUAhVK5YMKHef1D_wQFgg3MAY&usg=AFQjCNENS2zLUczqMEECUBzQ4ePWaobqYA&sig2=LgVBX4i8hBuJ4vZTYPJ_hw
It is wonderful when two people like Ghost and I connect. There can’t be many of us walking around the earth. That remark was his on the extraordinary event of meeting through a comic strip blog.
Think of the thousands of men I have met in my 73 years. Looking for Mr. Right never produced him, so what are odds I meet my Evil Twin doppelganger as the soaps would call us on a comics blog and fall in love?
By the way, I was polite and didn’t curse or kick Jesus while he bent my knee. Just screamed.
Smigz, tomorrow is also Geek Pride Day.
I am surprised I have not been expelled from the Village as lacking enough geek genes. I have trouble with light switches.
But then perhaps Geeks do too?
Happy geek day.
I never been to a strip blog…Oh Comic strip blog. I guess that is better.
Jackie, geek credentials are not found in *what* interests you, but in how you Geek on your interests. And all geeks welcome knowledge they don’t already have. You have major geek cred, girl. Just in a different, less boring, variety. I might add a wide variety.
Meant as diverse, not width. Almost scratched it, decided to leave it in. Because I know you have goals, and a new found verve to get it done.
Glad the opioid induced stoppage was relieved momentarily. As long as you don’t get hooked then:
This too shall pass.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)
Jim, I like your option. It has value in the realignment of goals. Sort of a ‘put lazy capital to work’ idea where you solve two problems by getting out of the way and letting them cancel each other out. In real life, a definite winner.
I wonder if Gus will tell us why he held on to it so long, before liquidating at retirement. With my memory, he may have, but I’ve forgotten. Maybe he always wanted to get away *with* someone, but didn’t have an opportunity. Maybe our staring couple could.
Jimmy often finds a way I did not see, and warms my heart after. Never predicted young Gene would take on a ‘ready-made’ family. But it has given beautiful stories. I hope the term ready-made doesn’t hurt anyone. It was commonly heard in my twenties.
Morphy one of my prior lives involved paying out millions of dollars of my country’s money to pay for opiads for addicts who were able to stay addicted and do it cost free. Even illegal drugs. You know how I feel on that!
They could refuse drug treatment their entire lives and get their drugs free. They could refuse to accept medical treatment or surgery and stay on 100% disability and pay their entire lives. You know how I felt about that!
They could refuse rehabilitation, retraining, education and never work again their entire lives. You k ow how I would feel about that!
How likely is it that I will become addicted to anything, feeling as I do?
By the way Ghost got me to quit Diet Coke cold turkey just by asking.
Jim, I also geek on the 4th-wall break you propose. Would we see mirror images of two very similar men? Would it be an out of camera voice only? Or a fantastic new self image created for the occasion? The possibilities are fun.
Ooh, sincerest apologies Jackie.
I did not mean to suggest you would want to be addicted.
Addictive substances have taken hold of very good people against their will.
That’s why we classify them as addictive.
No intent on saying you would enjoy it. Again sincerest apologies.
Since I was a WWII orphan, my mom remarried when my father reached dead rather than MIA status. I was one of those ready made families. Common usage back then.
Her husband did not want me so I returned mostly to live with grandparents entire life.
The thread where Gene married Mary Lou, an unwed single mom, to raise Meg as his daughter, has been one of Nimmys best. I love Mr. Johnson for many many things he has done with the A & J strip. This is just one.
Thanks for letting me know, Sideburns. Geeks also rock!
No, Morphy, I was not insulted but just adamant on why I live my life as I do.
Even good people become addicted. But they have addictive personalities and often as,I said spend rest of their lives that way, rather than fight.
My late MIL always became morphine addicted with every illness. She would then go into drug rehab but repeat with every hospital stay. Over and over.
Jackie, this just came up on Spotify and reminded me of you and Ghost. Think you will like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgtH1Op8xQo
She and her husband will be at the River Spirit Casino in September.