The original “Car Talk” sequence from 1991 ran for five days; here are the final two installments. We’ll miss you, Tom! Someone mentioned that there’ve been other “Car Talk” comic strips within A&J. I think I do recall one strip in which it was mentioned, but I can’t remember any specifics. Whatever it was, it wasn’t as much fun as the cartoons we’ve been seeing this week. I’m glad many of you have enjoyed it, and it’s on to something else next week.

No Last Names, Please!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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141 responses to “No Last Names, Please!”
Ghost, back to previous comments about Veterans. My British friends all seem to be Vets themselves. Some have become American citizens, so not sure they will qualify for anything? But many maintain their British citizenships and commute to America and work here on some type of visa or just reside here part-time.
It is the small boat thing, their customers are here, so they come here. Or at least some of them are here.
But I know they have commented to me on our VA mess and how they stop on streets and talk to homeless Vets, give them money or food. This is sad.
Love, Jackie
The other appearance was January 15, 2005 – the Car Talk site links all their appearances in the comics, and the strip from the goComics archive is available. It’s a good one, more Janis as she became than Janis as she was.
I really like the lesson in drawing in these two strips although I still cannot draw. Arlo has essentially the same expression in panel 4 of the 1st strip as he does in panel 3 of the 2nd. The only difference is a small crease running from the top of the nose in #2 that gives him an annoyed look. Amazing. Everything else is exactly the same. Very nice.
re Janis on Car Talk: My Napolini mama told my father at the onset of their marriage, “You can look, but you no touch.” They were together for 52 years.
JJ, sur les chemises à venir, des nouvelles?
Debbe, I thought the album was being released today, but various sites I have looked at are showing 11/10 as the release date. Whatever, as soon as I can lay hands on it I’m buying it. Echoes is my favorite Pink Floyd album, so I am looking forward to this one. As far as it being mostly instrumental, go to Amazon and watch the interview with Gilmour/Mason and they explain a lot about how this came to be.
Jackie/Ghost, yes there are state veteran’s homes and the VA is building assisted living facilities. But as noted, they have limited capacity and are difficult to get into. My dad was a WWII vet, developed dementia and was becoming a danger to himself and possibly others, but my mom was unable to get him into the local VA long-term care, nor could they afford a private nursing home. Fortunately for my mom, he passed rather quickly after being discharged home following the initial treatment for his illness.
Again, mistakenly posted this at the end of yesterday’s page.
emeritus minnesota biologist on 07 Nov 2014 at 11:49 am #
Trucker: “I’ve been confronted by several fools who demand to know why we’re mollycoddling people who have sinned and brought the condemnation of God upon themselves! My theology doesn’t include mental illness as a result of sin.”
As a biol. prof, I ran into this sort of “reasoning” often, against scientific findings of course, but also to avoid responsibility for the common good. Often, as your quote suggests, these folks are ardent “Christians.” Pardon my cynicism, but I expect this sort of thing will increase in the coming decades, perhaps eventually being government sponsored.
For unknown reasons, I am on the mailing list of a small church college whose newsletters contain columns by Ph.D.’s and such denouncing any sort of public safety net for the “undeserving poor.”* Whether or not faculty can achieve tenure there, I don’t know. I understand that at J. Falwell’s college they cannot; if you stray from the “received” viewpoint, goodby.
*[There must be such a category, because the late 20th century’s most popular president expressed concern for the “deserving poor.” I expect the only members some would admit into that pigeonhole are veterans, and they might have to pass an ideological test. I’d fail.]
Peace, emb
The little Italian-American man seemed so happy and was asked how he was able to be married for 47 years. He said “I treat my woman right and make her happy. For our 25th anniversary I take her to Italy!”
“Oh that’s great. What do you plan to do for your 50th?”
“I go back to Italy and pick her up!”
It’s fun to look back fondly at the years when so much of the strip’s humor was derived from Janis’s jealousy issues. At the time I remember it started wearing thin after a while. Jimmy once mentioned on this blog that it stemmed from his wife at the time who exhibited similar behavior.
sandcastler™, le sage ne pas uriner dans le trèfle.
I pay an extra fee each year for a “veteran’s tag” for my vehicle, not because I want people who see me on the road know that I am a veteran (although I certainly don’t mind that, and have in fact gotten a lot of much appreciated “thank you for your service” acknowledgements), but because the additional amount goes to help support our modern and very pleasant state veteran homes.
Good news for Auburn fans:
Si seulement le sage mange trèfle, GR6.
GR6, qui se cache dans la luzerne que vous êtes inquiet à ce sujet ?
Ma fois, ca veut dire le trèfle, pas la luzerne.
Yellowstone, now, is on NatGeoWild on DISH……
Oh, wait…”uriner” doesn’t mean “roll”, does it?
Back from Tulsa run with mom to cardiologist. She is fine for 93 or almost any age but he will run tests to make sure, as she hasn’t had any in awhile. He says he is sure what happened was a temporary lack of blood flow to brain, caused by her climbing stairs to condo in Texas. No more stairs.
We had a brunchy lunch about 2 p.m. and I ran by my favorite nursery in the world, Southwood Nursery. Giant courtyard full of beautiful pansies of all shapes, sizes, colors, varieties, tables and tables and tables of them. I restrained myself and only bought two flats, yellows and purples and a few lavender, both viola types, which bloom and last better.
What I love about this nursery is they grow almost all their own stock they sell and they meticulously groom their products. Anything damaged is pulled, any faded blooms are snipped off. it is what all nurseries should be. Heck, any business could copy them for service and quality.
Tomorrow I go cheer myself up with purple and yellow mums, pansies, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths, plus some hostas and liriope for additional greens. Woe to any workmen, dogs or cats that get in the beds! Think I will put down some kind of noxious mulch to keep them out.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, with this thing you obviously have about growing things, I’m about to decide you may be an on-going one-woman carbon dioxide mitigation program. A few more like you, and perhaps we could turn this greenhouse effect thing around. 🙂
GR6 @17:13 Bingo!!!
The world was intended to be covered in growing things. Think about some of our current desert areas, they once were green and verdant, full of figs and gardens of fruits and flowers. History and archeology tells us that. We have learned nothing and just keep on destroying our environment.
That is why I loved Ladybird (not the dog but I loved her too) “Everyone should plawnt a shrub” (I can’t do a Texas accent but I can still hear her!
When I drive and see the Texas wildflowers blanketing the roads and pastures, I know I am seeing Ladybird’s legacy.
There is something I learned too as a competition floral designer, to appreciate ephemeral beauty. And be able to tear it all down in a short time and walk away without tears or pain.
But I get REALLY PO’d when I see tractor mowers tearing through the roadsides of flowers here in Oklahoma!
Love, Jackie
My state started a road-side wild flower project some years ago, which is ongoing. One of the few things that can add beauty to boring stretches of asphalt.
Well, sand, as Balzac once observed, “Comment pouvons-nous dire si l’on pète dans le trèfle?”
I know I have mentioned this before, I actually have two college degrees of sorts. My second was in Agricultural Business Administration with a minor in horticulture (after I couldn’t get into vet school- women weren’t wanted in the 60’s) I do love plants, flowers, vegetables, the whole world is dependent on living plants. Becoming a florist was somewhat accidental because I really love dirt digging and plants, seeds.
That was one thing that drew me here to A and J, Janis’ love of gardening, Arlo helping her in yard, the boats, the beach, the cooking and food, watching the birds, Ludwig the cat. Gene was just incidental, I could take him or leave him but now he is grown I enjoy him and Mary Lou and the shrimp.
Maybe I am Everyman for Jimmy’s art and writing?
Love, Jackie
That’s the appeal of Jimmy’s work and why it works. Even with the occasional talking cat thrown in. 🙂