The original “Car Talk” sequence from 1991 ran for five days; here are the final two installments. We’ll miss you, Tom! Someone mentioned that there’ve been other “Car Talk” comic strips within A&J. I think I do recall one strip in which it was mentioned, but I can’t remember any specifics. Whatever it was, it wasn’t as much fun as the cartoons we’ve been seeing this week. I’m glad many of you have enjoyed it, and it’s on to something else next week.

No Last Names, Please!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
141 responses to “No Last Names, Please!”
Jackie, I saw a truck in front of me today that made me think of you. The lettering read: Jackie of All Trades, Furniture and Interior Design. Don’t know if you have done furniture or Interior Design for pay, but the Jackie of All Trades struck me as a good description of you.
So how is it Evan and Ghost and Sand are incredibly fluent in French?
Just worked with a lot of interior decorators on model homes and home tours! My youngest is a good amateur decorator. We had a running joke for years when we’d buy something we had no idea what we intended to do with?
“We will just place it decoratively!” That was a takeoff on a decorator we once heard say that.
We did do a lot of “styling” for photo shoots that involved furniture and accessories, as well as for shows. Hard to do flowers without something to hold them up!
Love, Jackie
My license plate, for the first time, has a fee-supported Black Capped Chickadee* on it. Coincides with a new Prius. Fee goes to the MDNR for wildlife habitat and such. Good people they, who get a bad rap from ignorant sorts much like those Trucker and I discussed previously.
*Other choices were mostly big game or waterfowl. I guessed the BCC would be neglected.
Ghost and Jackie, and others interested in the homeless veterans situation, this story just ran on a local website.
Excellent article, Mark. As a WWII war orphan who the VA helped support and educate, I feel we owe those who came back just as much as we owe those who gave their lives. In many cases it seems all about the same. Many do not ever get their lives back, even though they may be among the living.
I often hand out small sums of money to those I see begging. I wish I could do more but it seems too that just by stopping and recognizing them, they connect with someone. To most of us they are treated as invisible men.
Wish Jimmy would run some of the retro strips on Veterans.
Got to get some sleep, my sleep in not easy to come by right now.
I can always load a dishwasher in morning!
Love, Jackie
Jackie: “I can always load a dishwasher in morning!” Amen, and God bless.
We cheat, Jackie.
Tout sonne joli en français, non?
Jackie, connection is a two-way thing.
emb, looked up pictures of the plates you spoke of. I like the Chickadee one too. But as one of Jimmy’s villagers, wouldn’t the Common Loon have been more appropriate? Have a pleasant evening.
I hope that looks right on your screens. I’ve not tried that text before… and while I spoke the language, I didn’t have half a lifetime to devote to learning to read and write it!
I tried to put a transliteration of it up, but, being full of non-European words, it went into moderation. So much for showing off my remaining Japanese skills.
We believe you, Trucker Ron. 😉 It’s so much more impressive this way anyway, because we’re filling it in with our imaginations.
On the topic of veterans, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Starbucks, where I rarely make a point to go but had to stop in with someone tonight after a concert, is currently raising money for veterans’ issues.
Besides putting up some nice signs about service and honor and tributes to our veterans, they will donate a certain amount of money to an initiative called Onward Veterans with every Starbucks gift card people buy. I guess this just goes through Veteran’s Day? Not sure, but like I said, I was pleasantly surprised.
Good morning Villagers….
You know, I linked up to a French to English translation page and I still don’t even know what you three are talking about….sage, shirts, clover, alfalfa??????
And Jackie, you are right, the earth should be covered in growing things.
Thanks Mark, I will check out your link later….no time this a.m., too busy trying to figure out what the heck all this French was about 🙂
Ya’ll have a blessed Caterday
GR 😉
Important List
12. The most powerful force in life. Love
Ma mère était canadienne-française.
Sand, you said your mother was French Canadian?
Where did Ghost become fluent? I keep thinking Ghost is some CIA spook (or equivalent) like the character in Reds who got to be friends with the government benefits clerk.
OK, so I don’t think you look like him but that you are a younger version and I could write a book about you taking care of your mama and going to church and being such a super nice, sweet guy while living a life of absolute unbelievable contrast. Meanwhile, touching base with us through a shared comic strip.
Hey, I just got up, am half asleep still and it beats the heck out of the current plot in 9CL. Still needs work! Mine. I gave up on 9CL ever making sense again.
Love, Jackie
GR6 is now in the same rowboat as Valerie Plame.
Meanwhile, over on The Dark Side, the usual mixed bag, comment-wise.
Meanwhile, over on 9CL, everyone, Allies and Axis, seems to be in line for a chance to kill Martine. Imagine that. Why do I suspect Jackie would cheerfully join that line if she could?
Meanwhile, in my kitchen, it smells wonderful. I put a 4# boneless ham in the slow cooker before I retired last night, and it is currently cooling on the sideboard, soon to be sliced into sandwich meat and thicker ham steaks, then packaged and tucked away in the larder for future use. Next up today…Italian meat sauce, also to be tucked away for future use, one involving pasta.
Jackie, I’d tell you what I do, but we are not allowed to say.
BTW, the cost of 4 pounds of pre-cooked, pre-sliced sandwich meat ham…about $30.00. Cost of the 4 pound ham I cooked and will slice…$10.00. Frugality makes a good sauce for any food.
Loon is leaning over my shoulder whispering “tree top flyer.” Care to deny GR6?
Here’s a heart warmer, from my alumni newsletter. Stuyvesant was not coed then, but I did all right at Cornell U. later, and we married when she was 21 and I 22. I’ve not read the posts above yet.
Peace, emb
Mark: “. . . wouldn’t the Common Loon have been more appropriate?”
Yep, and more commonly chosen. That’s why I chose the BCC. Peace, emb
“Stuyvesant was not coed then . . ..” is ambiguous. Change to “Stuyvesant was not coed in ’44-’47 . . ..” Peace, emb