The original “Car Talk” sequence from 1991 ran for five days; here are the final two installments. We’ll miss you, Tom! Someone mentioned that there’ve been other “Car Talk” comic strips within A&J. I think I do recall one strip in which it was mentioned, but I can’t remember any specifics. Whatever it was, it wasn’t as much fun as the cartoons we’ve been seeing this week. I’m glad many of you have enjoyed it, and it’s on to something else next week.

No Last Names, Please!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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141 responses to “No Last Names, Please!”
Is that a confirmation GR6?
Jimmy Buffett’s version of Tree Top Flyer for the Parrot Head contingent. Have to admit we both love Jimmy’s shows and restaurants.
Come on, Ghost. I told you from the beginning you were our “Mystery Man”, “Tree Top Flier” does fit you I think.
Long, long time ago we had a friend who was doing Cuba runs, smuggling people out. Got caught and ended up in a Cuban prison for awhile, got out. He never seemed to be actually employed but stayed in touch annually with my mom and stepdad.
What do you do with retired people like that? I briefly worked for one in the floral wholesale industry. Floral industry? CIA? Well, lots of drugs and drug smuggling going on in that field, so perhaps? He briefly freaked when I asked him how he’d gotten out? No one was supposed to find out. It is like they are given a new identity.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, that new identity is called being sheep dipped. 😉
emb, that’s ok. Loons we may be, common we are not!
Happy Saturday, everyone.
Ghost, here’s another way to deal with veteran’s problems:–the_vets_refuge-d01da17845.html
It’s a good story and shows what concerned people can do. More power to them.
Mark, thank you for posting that. I read every word. Such an honest look at the problems facing our veterans. I asked myself, how can anyone survive war and not face these?
I totally agree, Jackie.
Thanks, Mark.
My “dirt man” who is so sweet and gentle, a big gnarled teddy bear of a man is a ex-Marine, is a Viet Nam vet who was a prisoner of war. We talk a little now that he trusts me enough to open up, about night terrors and the horrors he cannot put behind him of things he did. He knows I know about that war but that isn’t what he wants to talk about.
He loves my yard and my house, the trees, the quiet, the solitude.
He says it is like a park and it brings him peace. I know he loves to sit out on my deck by the boat shop under the trees and eat lunch.
My home is hardly palatial, although others say the same about the yard. If I ever get it rebuilt and replanted it should be even more tranquil, a big butterfly and bird retreat. That was one of the things I picked up on from Mark’s article, the connection to the outdoors and nature, animals, to bring peace of sorts.
Interestingly, long ago I had a customer, a hospital/half way house/retreat that treated mental health patients through horticulture, plants and growing things. I may not be only one who finds therapy in plants and dirt?
Love, Jackie
Here’s another sweet, kinda romantic story from Studio C:
Tshirt orders to Texas may be delayed. At half time Aggies 35, Auburn 17.
Aggies giged ’em!
gigged? Actually, I don’t recognize the worded spelled either, but no red line so it’s probably in the little red Oxford American.
gig [n.] is there w/ 4 meanings. None of them are verbs. One noun = a spear, another a single engagement to perform [or give a talk]. I do those; if gig is a verb, have I gigged my listeners? Will my pastor gig me tomorrow morning? She usually hugs me, but that’s different. I sometimes do sermons; those are gigs [unpaid].
“gigging” is a spear-hunting method employed mainly on fish, or so I’ve heard. Maybe sandcastler meant “gigged”.
Ex-Prof, the expression is “Gig ‘Em Aggies” which is combined with a rude gesture involving the little finger and the index finger extended and the two middle fingers closed onto the palm of hand.
Ooops, wrong Texas college tradition. The two fingered salute is used at the University of Texas while yelling “Hook “Em Horns”
I believe!
The Aggie “Gig ‘Em Aggies” is the thumb extended upward in a closed fist and did originate from gigging frogs, which is a common way to hunt for frogs, with a frog gig, a pointed spear like thingy.
Love, Jackie
Daughter went to Texas A and M and never went to a single football game. Son in law went to University of Texas and did not go to a game either, so far as I know. He also went to Oklahoma State University and is an avid fan of their team.
Let’s hope eMb (8:05) has never gigged his listeners…literally. I guess an argument could be made for a speaker gigging listeners in a figurative sense, though.
Gigged!!! Didn’t mean to set you all off. I also spend time on, a German music and film site that I am certain is not on the A&J crowds browser bookmarks.
Jackie, good catch on your part about the hand signals. It almost cost you your “Daughters of the Republic of Texas” membership.
Peace my fellow travelers.
Thanks, all: Learn something new every day, though I’d heard of gigging frogs. Didn’t learn anything new / intercollegiate sports, except for more details. Peace, emb
Jackie, went to U of A during Bear’s last two years coaching. Never attended a game either. Don’t watch them now either.
I have attempted to speed read myself back to today but I give up. I did notice a comment from Ruth Anne and I agree. That situation was suspicious. At this point I move that the subject be dropped as we are giving this person some satisfaction by continuing the discussion. Debbe, I appreciate your comment and I am glad that travel by other relatives caused a delay in funeral plans and I was able to attend. Trucker, the situation regarding the poor and homeless has been a problem for at least the last two thousand years and if I had the answer to it then I suppose I would start my own religion. Just what we need! In no particular order of my travels in the beautiful state of Alabama, I will mention here that I greatly enjoyed our visit to Talladega raceway where I was able to take a s-l-o-w lap on the low part of the track, accompanied of course by the proper official. I also enjoyed the museum where I saw the car that I saw Tiny Lund drive to victory in my only Daytona 500 race. More later about Helen Keller, eating lunch in a cave, etc.
Subject? What subject? Person? What person?
Damnatio memoriae?