Well, we griped about the cold all winter; can we gripe about the heat yet? It’s been a hot summer where I live, or it would be except it isn’t summer yet. The temperatures haven’t been so extreme, but the humidity has been stifling. I’ve been busy with a lot of outdoor projects this month, and on some days work simply is impossible for several hours past noon. I’ve almost been bear-caught on several occasions. Well, now is the time for all of you who endured all that snow and ice to put away those sun-belt real estate brochures and relax outside.

No, the other left
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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179 responses to “No, the other left”
Last panel looks like the man in the moon is smiling down on Arlo. 😉
As for todays cartoon. We seem more likely to have our credit cards go astray. Still recovering from the one that went on a shopping trip in May. Guessing our credit limits are more valuable than our identities.
Bear-caught. Apparently I’m not the only one who likes to drop the occasional unusual and/or obscure word or phrase.
Yesterday we went with some friends on a white water raft trip on the Blackfoot River. They only had one day here and it was 52 degrees for a high with light rain…snow higher up on the peaks. How many words are there for miserable?
We finally gave up and turned the furnace in the house back on a couple of days ago, but natural warmth is supposed to return today, just in time for summer
Anyone who steals my identity for financial purposes is going to be be VERY disappointed.
Debbe 😉 Next time you’re having a tall, cold one, be sure and google “Quantum Entanglement”. That will give you something to think about.
A James Taylor song lyric in the last panel. One of my favorite JT songs.
It’s been hot and humid in Central Ohio this past week. On my walk yesterday at 7:30 am it was 80 degrees with 82% humidity. It reached into the 90’s yesterday. Big storms overnight which caused power outages for over 5,000 in Franklin County. Feels like August in June.
What does bear-caught mean? Is that sun/heat stroke?
There’s going to be a toilet paper shortage on the east coast.
The South Texas joined by the humidity combined to make outdoor activities miserable. Of course that means get out and mow the 7 acre place up by Fredericksburg. A 2 day task complete with chiggers. Texas chiggers seem immune to repellant sprays. Hope it gets sold before I have to mow it too may more times. Then come home and it needs mowed too. If SWMBO would allow it I’d pave the yard and have it painted green.
Bear caught is from Cool Hand Luke and is heat exhaustion, or so I read.
The mosquitoes were absolutely terrible in Northern Michigan. Between the rain and the hot weather, they came out in droves.
My ala mater, Purdue University has a very strong Ag program and developed a patented drainage system for athletic fields years ago. This year’s extremely harsh winter has pushed the Athletic Department to going with Field Turf. While I am sure Purdue’s field will look good come fall, the issue appears that during recruiting, the field looks terrible and the kids get a less than positive impression. I’d like to stay with natural grass.
Dearest Virgin, at the rate things are going, there will soon be shortages of lots of things, lots of places. Oh, and be nice.
Remember on “Cheers” when the regulars were having a discussion about which movie had the most sweat in it? One was arguing for “Cool Hand Luke” and another for “Spartacus”.
Does this blog ever remind anyone of the bar on “Cheers”?
Who gets to be Norm? What about Diane?
Quantum entanglement is really weird. It truly is “spookiness at a distance.” I love how an entangled electron can move at the same time as its partner, even though they are separate! What happens when you start working with entangled qubits? They can be in two places, in multiple states, simultaneously.
Without the entanglement, the qubit alone is fairly interesting. The explanation that makes the most sense to me is comparing to a three-dimension globe. The traditional bit can either be at the north pole or south pole. The qubit then, because of quantum superpostions becomes a value somewhere on the globe between (or at) the poles. The hinky part is that it can be at multiple points simultaneously on the globe.
With entanglement, when one qubit is measured, its entangled partner MUST show the same value. That is supposed to be the driving factor once we figure out how to make a quantum computer. I’m not sure we are very close to that in the physical world, but the physics is getting to be pretty well worked out.
Who would believe that it has been barely 120 years since radio was first used?
For today’s oldie, I’m surprise no one commented on the fact that the birdbath took 9 moves before it found its “perfect” spot.
David, this link supports your comment on the quantum computing not being close. Google and others have invested heavily and have little to show.
JJ: ‘. . . except it isn’t summer yet.’
It’s not astronomical summer yet. That starts at 05-something Sat. morning, 21 June here, but at sometime 22 June west of the ID-line. Pedestrian summer, wherever people live, starts whenever people feel like it’s summer. For Scandinavian composers, remember, 20-21 June is MID-summer Eve [and midwives are busy late next March].
@David in Austin,
Are you Symply sucking up to VM or are you bear caught that you are staying on topic?
Just got back from Maine where ice out on the lake happened in the last week of May, Spring happened i a big rush and the black flys are Fargone everywhere! The old lady got bit just above her left eye near the center of her face on the eyebrow, she is looking cyclopsian at this point and the swelling is very itchy….I am not going to have a happy partner for a while! Tems were in the low 80sF in Western Maine Mountains when I left at 1 PM, by the time I got home to central MA around 5 PM the temp had climbed to 88F…..the house is just cooling off now at 7PM to 75F and it is still 80F out
Summer or not summer, it’s been in the mid 80s here, and the humidity is already so bad I don’t go out if I can help it. And for the record, JJ, ^I^ was not the one complaining about the cold weather. I will say this for humidity though, my gardens are fantastic, and I haven’t done that much this year. It does make for lush, lovely greenery.
As for bird baths, we have one, but it’s not for the birds. It’s for Husband’s bees. If there isn’t a body of available water naturally one has to be provided, and he did so.
Ghost, I remember the show, but I didn’t watch it. Still, I think you have a good point. 😉
I think the point was that it took 9 moves of the birdbath took 9 moves before it found Janis’s “perfect” spot. Which I find perfectly believable.
The comment on the bird bath movement WAS symply my attempt to stay on the official topic. I figured qubits was wandering (wondering?) fairly fargone afield. 😉
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
–Arthur C. Clarke
Bear-caught or do you actually mean bare-caught?
Arlo bare-caught Janis outside once.
More than once, if you count topless. And I would. 😉
Anon.: One of wife’s Putnam Co., NY, H.S. friends fell asleep like Janis
once, before wife came to Cornell in fall ’48. Wife or some other girl discovered her, woke her, and she turned over, went inside, or whatever. Nobody knows who else may have seen her, and wife didn’t tell me if her folks learned of it.
Only places I’ve run into it are Bois de Vincennes and other parks, Paris, English Gardens, Munich, and some beaches in the Aegean islands. Bois de Vincennes, English Gardens, and other designated OW parks are often total, not just topless. Also, some Massai[sp] in Kenya.