Well, we griped about the cold all winter; can we gripe about the heat yet? It’s been a hot summer where I live, or it would be except it isn’t summer yet. The temperatures haven’t been so extreme, but the humidity has been stifling. I’ve been busy with a lot of outdoor projects this month, and on some days work simply is impossible for several hours past noon. I’ve almost been bear-caught on several occasions. Well, now is the time for all of you who endured all that snow and ice to put away those sun-belt real estate brochures and relax outside.

No, the other left
By Jimmy Johnson
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179 responses to “No, the other left”
Shortly after our marriage, we had to play the foil for wife’s youngest sister. She and a male friend went boating. Somewhere, their clothes came off and little sister came down with a very red butt. Dinner with the family that evening was impossible. Sisters stuck together that evening. 😉
Anon’s & eMb’s reference is the one wherein just the turn of foot/feet (in panel 3) really drives home the humor. Excellent subtlety by JJ.
Debbe, thanks ever so much for the link to the Web site about eggs. I read it with great attention and liked it a lot; agreed with the writer, who has really studied the whole subject of eggs and food safety. I loved the fancy plumage of the hen named “Charolette” — I’ve had my name misspelled that way and it’s grating — but it’s okay for the chicken, she is cute. The egg spelter? that’s not it, but I’m not going back to look just now … I will tell my daughter Nancy; she will be amused. She has only four hens, but could be useful for larger flocks. Nancy also has four goats and she is making cheese and selling goats milk.
Egg seltzer?
I have heard that in Canada women have the same legal right to go shirtless/blouseless/whateverless in public as do men. Perhaps some reader from The Great White North could enlighten us as to the accuracy of that. Preferably with a personal anecdote 🙂
Here in Utah on Tuesday we got shellacked with rain and snow, depending on the elevation. Some people who didn’t check the forecast were stranded while hiking, one died:
Here’s a picture taken in a canyon above Salt Lake City Tuesday afternoon:
Good morning Villagers…..
GR 😉 You have got to be kidding, on my second cup of coffee, and reread David’s explanation….twice….the only thing I understood was entanglement 🙂 So, I figure you can be Norm, David can be Cliff, the postman, and I’ll play Woody 🙂
Miss Charlotte, you are quite welcome. I hope you don’t mind if I address you as Miss Charlotte, as it takes me back to a dear friend I had when I lived in Corpus Christi. She was a daughter of a judge, and was old enough to be my mother. I had a lot of respect for her and always called her Miss Charlotte.
TR, I will keep a mental picture of that snow with me today….as I walk the aisles the last time of the day and the temp inside is a sweltering 92 degrees.
The hen house has 181 windows that open up to 3 to 5 feet, and 90 fans that are about the size of a small airplane’s propeller, we have to monitor inlet static pressure to make sure the proper amount of air flow is continuous….all fans are running right now except six….need to get them running..soon. (See, GR 😉 I do know a little something 🙂 )
Oh, and I also know Luke had more sweat….(and I am sure Jean would agree with me) sure do miss him. He was once asked if he ever had extra marital affairs and he said why should he settle for hamburger when he had steak at home.
And since it’s Friday….it’s PAYDAY!!!!
ya’ll have a blessed day
Today’s grin:
Rick…here is one of my favorites from APOD
They’ve called it the Eye of God.
It’s one of my favorites, too.
It’s also on the set of “Big Bang Theory.”
I had to look up “bear-caught”, too. (O’course, I’m from Iowa.) It turns out that Urbandictionary has a clear definition: “After doing a large amount of cocaine or meth, the feeling you get if you try to go work in the florida sun. You will get lightheaded, sick, blood pressure and heartrate skyrocket, you can black out and die.” Clear enough!
Debbe, I will indeed agree with you about Luke and sweat! And yes, Paul Newman was a class act.
Three best Newman movies IMHO: The Sting, Color of Money, and Slapshot.
I can relate to the retro above, everything in the yard is subjective. My wife will want things done in an exact way that she’s still formulating in her head as she’s doing it and is never satisfied anyway, and now with her not up to doing as much with her chemo, she’s never satisfied with anything I do in the yard. Although for some reason her bald head is very alluring. …. … … Dennis Ewing – 7 acres in Fredericksburg? I bet that’s pricey. is it listed? we got 5 1/2 acres in Wharton in case of an urban apocalypse, not too expensive, only have water well and a power drop right now; but it’s nothing as fashionable as the hill country
John iRT, you have the scenic Colorado River. 🙂
yes, we are right by it, someone’s brushy private lot is in front of it in the “Bear Bottom” area, we’re in, but it is accessible all aroud the area. and then we live right by the Brazos and they keep talking about improving all kind of access/park/ launch areas on it
Deep in the heart of The Colony, ah John.
Yes, it has been warmish in the Deep South the past week or so, and the humidity high. The late afternoons, just prior to sunset and in the shade, have been fairly nice, at least until the danged gallinippers start making an appearance.
Debbe 😉 Happy Payday, hon. And yep, if you know “inlet static pressure”, you know something. 🙂
Check out the Mod threads…
Dear Debbe, I am happy to be called Miss Charlotte. Thank you for asking, as nobody has ever called me this before! I guess I’m aware of it; must be a Southern custom, maybe midwestern too? That is so sweet, that you are reminded of a dear friend. And I am probably just about the right age to be your mother.
On Facebook I am friends with one of my daughter Pat’s best friends from High School. She has taken to calling me “Aunt Charlotte” on Facebook; and yes, she asked me first if it was okay.
This is the second day that Jackie Monies has not posted anything. I hope she and her family are all right.
Andrew has left to pick up Brooklynne Rose….am excited, as Dubois County fair is going on now, and my little hometown has a Summerfest going on now too. So, we have the evening to play. Want to take her on the Farris Wheel…
Am working this weekend. Boss man asked me how much longer I was going to work 7 days….I told him “till we get it right, and the teens get it right.”
As my fingers keep getting ‘entangled’, I won’t be posting much….
Charlotte…thank you….
David…I do hope I did not offend you with you playing the roll of Cliff…you share so much info…and it’s over my head….
GR 🙂
GR 😉 tag
want to change my hair, my clothes and my face….ain’t gettin no’where
here’s to here that someday we can dance in the dark…………..
Crap…messed that link up….say good night Debbe…………….
oh, it was a xis pack payday 🙂
And I beg to differ about the best Newman movies…Sandcastler, you hit only one of three of my favorites…and it was….The Color of Money…but I liked him “The Verdict”.
I would like to see “The Road to Perdition” again…only seen it once.
Jean….what are your favorites?
Debbe 😉 And you didn’t offend me, even if you did seem to imply I was somehow like an unemployed, obese bar-fly who spends his day drinking beer. 🙂
Actually, Norm may have had the right idea.