It’s four months until “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so I thought it might be a good time for this oldie from ten years ago this spring. I’m back at my desk and easing into the routine again. I’m going to look around and see if I can’t find something different to show you in the next few days. I figure I owe it to you. Meanwhile, at least the doors are open! Come on in.

Personal Touché
By Jimmy Johnson
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242 responses to “Personal Touché”
Believe it or not we really do have a bear problem as people encroach more on animal territory. My mother has seen a bear in her yard. One of my soon to be neighbors tells me that the deer are a nuisance although they haven’t bothered any of the landscaping yet. I remember having a tee-shirt with a big mosquito on it and it said “Louisiana state bird”. Does anyone know anything about living in China? My son has been offered a job there. The money sounds fantastic, but I don’t know.
Mark – They got our dastardly crook yesterday. His dad told on him. They picked him up at a local Burger King. 🙂 Word is he is a suspect on several more besides the three this week.
My primary third shift decided not to show last night. As he is not returning calls, it is safe to say he quit. Just got into bed and comfy when I got the call. Thirty plus hours of no sleep later, I got to go to bed. This also meant I had to miss my god daughter’s graduation day In Ohio. Not a good day.
I hate to say it, Lady Mindy, but your life seems to be assuming all the trappings of a reality show. Perhaps you should make some calls to the cable networks.
And if I’d risked my life and/or freedom to unlawfully score some cash, I do believe I’d have sprung for at least Olive Garden rather than Burger King.
I found a young lady that I had a warrant for working at a BK once. My sons were with me and I just called it in and left.
Mindy, good news he got picked up. Bad news about your ex-employee and your missing the family event. It’s hard to find good workers for that sort of job, and the marginal ones get worse on holidays. Latest thing here is fast food outlets keeping a 24 hour drive-thru open. I wonder how they manage that, as a lot of the people I deal with can’t even do a proper job in the daytime.
Hope you get a good rest now.
Jerry I remember Gentle Ben, who was a Bear that rode around the Everglades with Clint Howard (Opie’s little brother) and even Rance Howard, who was his Dad.
Not quite Ghost. No sex scandals, no exes that cause issues, and no baby daddy issues. Now my neighbors … whooo. I also have an employee who won’t work for me (Yeah. I know.) who is the walking embodiment of every Springer show ever. She finds, creates, extends, exacerbates any and all drama. Really don’t mind if someone else deals with her.
What luck! Been trying to decide the best way to source some large rocks for a flower bed border. New neighbors were talking to Prince’s humans (black kitty) about the large rocks in their yard they wanted to get rid of. Turns out Prince’s humans also wanted to get rid of *their* large rocks. I am now the owner of seven new rocks. It’s the simple things really.
Mark – With the all the factories, most fast food places have 24 hour drive up windows. A few even keep 24 hour lobby hours too. The smart establishments keep their best on second and third shifts. The late afternoon crew at the south side Wendy’s is a well-oiled machine. I miss working thirds myself. (Last night not included.)
Lady Mindy, if the high-light of your day was free rocks, your life must indeed be going the way mine has lately. 🙂
But there’s no reason reality shows can’t include everyone with whom you interact. Of course, that only makes sense because there’s no reason involved in reality shows to begin with.
Mindy from Indy, song appropriate to the conversation about Springer:
I worked third shift for about 9 years out of the 12 I was various security companies. Never really liked it that much. After all, if someone is going to make trouble by breaking in and stealing something, nighttime is when they will do it. And daytime sleeping was something I never got very good at doing. One thing I learned and you probably have too, all the strange stuff happens when the moon is full.
was with, not was.
My volunteer orchestra will be performing a concert for children this next Saturday. The last number we will play is “Peter and the Wolf.” I have the honor of being the narrator. I normally play my bass clarinet, but this piece does not call for one. As most of you already know, the instruments represent the characters.
When we finally rehearsed it with the narration and reached the point where I read, “And then he (the wolf) got her (the duck), and with one gulp, swallowed her,” the oboe player, with a distressed voice cried out, “I died?”
I chuckled and responded, “This ain’t Disney, love!”
TR, I happened across a photo of a bass clarinet a few years ago. Those things are humongous. You get a daily workout just carrying it to and from rehearsals!
Perhaps you’re confusing it with a bass saxophone… my bass clarinet, in its case, weighs just 15 pounds.
The biggest clarinet is the contrabass… same goes for the contrabass saxophone:
We pay $40 for a fake hollow rock to hide and protect from the cold pipes which the county says have to be above ground. And don’t get me started on the beaches which BP says have “completely recovered” from the oil spill, which by the way could have been stopped much, much sooner. We now return you to the entertainment portion already in progress.
TruckerRon, that looks like something you would be firing anti-tank missles from!
Good morning Villagers…..
“Lest we forget” It is a somber day that we set aside to honor those who fought and died defending our freedom here and ‘there’. I honor the families they left behind.
Jerry, on Caturdays, I work. I work six days a week to get a forty hour paycheck. Besides, it keeps me busy and out of trouble 🙂
GR 😉 so true about Spring….I’ve always loved that painting. First saw it on a calendar, and when that month past, I tore off the pic and had it framed and put it in my son’s bedroom…to this day, I have no idea where or what happened to it.
Indy Mindy….yup, it’s the little things that can make one smile…if rocks make you smile, so be it…considering you just spent a few hundred dollars on gardening tools. Glad to hear they got your villain….stupid, stupid kids.
Oh, don’t get me started on reality shows….TLC is being pressured to cancel the “19 and Counting” show…and they should. My husband and BIL like watching that, “who in the world came up with this idea” show called…ready….”Naked and Afraid”, where they ‘dump’ a man and a woman in a desolate place for 21 days, have them strip down to nothing, only wearing radio transmitters around their necks. They are allowed to bring one item with them, i.e., a machete, a ‘lighter’, it’s just stupid.
And I got my notice from Social Security regarding my ‘retirement’ money. If I elected to file for my ‘retirement” money now, I would be penalized 25 percent….I’d starve. I would still continue to work though, but I would have to watch my hours. I think I’m going to pass on this…will wait a couple of more years. The Boss once told me if I did draw my SS, he would work with me on ‘reportable’ income. Like I would work off new tires…things like that. I still am going to wait.
Gal and Miss Charlotte 🙂 yoohoo!!
Hang in there Debbe. I didn’t think that I would ever make it, but I did.
Right back atcha, Debbe!
Perseverance, Jerry, perseverance.
Romans 5:3-5
TR, I believe you are right. That is still a formidable woodwind you have there, though.
Went to my high school alumni dinner last night. Our rural school was so small, we have one dinner for all alumni, with a special “shout out” for those celebrating a significant year. The oldest graduate present was from the class of 1935!
Had an enjoyable time. Most of the ones I talked with, I see only once a year. But one fellow I had not seen since we were graduated in 1961.
The best thing about these meetings? We are all in the same “age” boat.
And a special hat tip to you for knowing the proper way to use “graduated.”
Even though I taught English composition and literature for years, I still find myself using it incorrectly most of the time.
JJ’s Sunday offering could be our house. We awoke early this morniing to lighting break danger close and cell phones bleeping warnings. Now calm and overcast.
Debbe, thank you mentioning the true reason for this holiday weekend. I have small flags lining our driveway, one for each fallen or wounded veteran that I served with; still know each name, not always their face.