A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Running Mate

By Jimmy Johnson

Still running! I have to make an early run to the lumberyard this morning, but I wanted to keep things moving here. I’ve toyed with the idea of cloning myself, but I can’t help worry: what if instead of halving my pressures and problems, it doubled them? You know, the inevitable unforeseen consequence that has kept horror stories alive since Mary Shelley.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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148 responses to “Running Mate”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    With that out of the way (snicker!) I’d like to nip the political comments in the bud. And yes, the fuss over the ban is political. If it weren’t, there would have been a fuss over the 2011 ban on Iraqi refugees:


    Be sure to read the 5th paragraph.

  2. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    That might be the only time that Janis has been accused of having “bad form” in the strip’s history!

    BTW, I would MUCH rather talk about her form!

  3. TruckerRon Avatar

    I would also suggest folks read the text of the actual executive order before forming opinions:


  4. TruckerRon Avatar

    What’s wrong with Janis’ form? I’ve always liked it!


    Not in disagreement at all with nothing wrong with Jsmis” form. Wish mine were as good. And my knees. I realay can’t walk very far at all any longer, much less run or jog.

    I don’t know that fixing knees will fix my ability to run and jog but it might improve walking. Now when I am wearing my Nubalance sneakers on padded track at gym I do better.

    But I don’t live in a land of padded tracks.

  6. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    All we can do is keep moving. If you can walk with assistance, it is usually better than being inactive. Shoes can make a big difference in walking, so I always tell people to make an informed decision. The local running store has had runners in the marathon for the last 3 Olympics and I always buy my shoes there. I could go on line and get a cheap pair, but my body would pay the price.


    My foot doctor sent me to two shoe stores that are neither cheap but very knowledgeable. There are more expensive shoes but I settled on NuBalance and Keens mostly in various colors and styles wih their pads replaced with better ones they sell.

    My orthopedist agrees with footwork.

    Of course I would love to wear the three inch scrappy heels that helped damage my feet and knees.

  8. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    And speaking of knees, I go in tomorrow (Wednesday) to get my right knee fixed. Finally. Yes, I know I won’t be running around like I did when I was twenty, or even forty, but it will help. I should be home tomorrow night, or at least Thursday morning, according to the doctor, and then comes physical therapy. rah.

    Jackie, I wish I could still wear my 5-inch strappy heels, but alas, that is not to be.

    Hi, Ghost Sweetie!

  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie: I have a message for you about your surgery, but this site is rejecting it for some unknown reason. I’ll try modifying and re-sending it later.

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Hi, Jean dear! Best of luck with your procedure, and of course we will all be awaiting word on how you did. Please let us know.

    And yes, I remember your 5-inch strappy heels and still have a mental picture of a six-foot-tall redhead wearing them. Be still, my heart. 😉


    Ghost you can always use jackie.monies2324@gmail.com if you can do it from a email account with secret coding yo maintain your anonymity. Just put Ghost at top.

    Supposed to be picking up my car this afternoon. On tub soaking get and dropped one of phones on water. May not have been water resistant.

    Next week is my birthday. Think my employees want to celebrate it here but I am thinking of a road trip in my present. Haven’t picked a place yet. Thinking about heading either south or west.

    Could toss a coin.


    Trapper good luck with your knee are you doing complete knee replacement or cleaning up? I would like to hear more. Where? How? Inquiring minds.

  13. mitch4 Avatar

    Lost in A**2, thanks much for the reply to my question! (Jan. 24) I don’t know how I forgot the term “fountain pen”. The article about sketching with one was very clarifying… and good to see photos with a left hand doing the writing or drawing!


  14. Smigz Avatar

    Trapper Jean, best of luck on the knee surgery! Will your therapy be in-patient or out-patient? You’re in my prayers, sweetie.

  15. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie’s going to the dealership to cut her Mustang out of the corral and ride it home. Yee-haa! Safe trip, Jackie


    Thank you Mark. I am still in town at post office looking for packages. And my hair done.

    Hey, I am a bad influence. My sweet female yard man helper just traded in the old truck her dad bought from me and got a maroon 2001 Mercury Cougar. I’d have bought that.

    She is still shaking her head over that one. I am still buying her cool clothes so I told her wed work on her clothes some more. She likes masculine clothing but so do I. Don’t have right shape but like them. Mostly on men.

  17. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Allow me to mention some terrorists who conspired to overthrow the rulers of this country: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. I was recently in the very rooms in Philadelphia where the terrorists plotted their nefarious acts. Officially I am a Methodist. Suppose the chump decides to get rid of all the Methodists. Who will object? If the President does it it can’t be illegal-Richard Nixon.

  18. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Ghost, that was a good movie.

  19. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    I continue to recommend the webcams at explore.org as an antidote to stress. They hope to reinstall the underwater camera at the Frying Pan Tower this weekend, weather permitting; that’s probably the most serene view. Hummingbirds have hatched in California and an egg was just laid in the Channel Islands eagles’ nest – http://explore.org/live-cams/player/channel-islands-national-park-sauces-bald-eagle

  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    One of the eagles appears to be having sushi for lunch.


    Sitting at beauty shop listening to old country music, waiting my turn.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    For some reason this made me smile. Also, it’s a good indication that Colonel Aldrin is feeling much better than he was when he was at the South Pole recently.
